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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Marcus was shivering with anger, despite trying to look controlled all the time. He knew Odin was right, but still... Until them they had a clearly evil and inhuman enemy, but now it was like all the injustice of the world had hit him at once. He couldn´t just sdo nothing about that. "Abraham... I´m really sorry, and I promise once we take care of the Gentleman we´ll come back for these Rivenholt bastards and make them pay dearly for this. Until then... Well, the only thing I think we can offer is for you to come with us."
  2. Well, I hope you consider Vermilion. It would be a real pleasure to fight alongside you guys.
  3. Heyo Klay, I think the cores are already over in the shop, but welcome back to the forums!
  4. Thanks Zeph, it´s great to be back! And now adding some content to the post: Just a heads up, Eagle, try not using auto-hits against bosses or other PCs. In your last post, the right way to do it would be to say you were trying to take Cerberus ear off and wait for an response before assuming it worked. It was no problem at all this time, because I figured it would work anyway, but in the future take a little bit of care when doing this ok?
  5. The Battle of the Third Circle Cerberus got really distracted by the water, allowing Mr.Taylor and Edward to hit the mark with their respective attacks. Both the right and left heads howled in pain, as the middle one looked from one side to the other with a frightened look. However, that had a side effect. If up to now Cerberus´s movements were quite a bit out of sync, the rage that came up to the two side heads was enough to fix that. Now both looked down at the adventurers the same way - angry - as the monster used all it´s body to strike, spinning around to try and sweep it´s enemies with it´s huge tail. ...Ellaria happened to be in the way. She was very close to Enya at this point, following the little girl´s voice as she shouted at the monster as if it was a regular little dog. She heard the air whistling as the tail came towards them, and realized she had to get the kid out of the way... or get out herself. Shouting the kid´s name aloud, Ellaria jumped and pushed Enya out of the tail´s range (hopefully-she couldn´t really see how long it was), getting knocked herself in the process and stopping only when she hit the wall. She was still alive, but judging by the cracking noises coming from her small body one could say she was surely not ok. =================================================== Rose, Ix, Annie & Panik As all three adventurers attacked at the same time, the fight finally came to an end... A really messy one, considering Ixidor´s missile. Actually, this last hit from the painter almost got Annie, who was over Killer´s neck at the time, but luckily the girl´s super-human reflexes saved her. Panik stood up slowly looking at the red mass of flesh and blood that once was his brother, a hint of sadness on his face. However, when he finally spoke, it was another mater that was brought up - trying to change the subject, maybe? "Uhmn, what happened to the other little onessss? Maybe bro ate them?" ((Beautiful dance there, Stratos and Murdoc. really great fighting scene! ))
  6. Back home! Now starting the catching up session... XD

    1. Chim


      Wb I'll give you a quick update about P.A. Colin fell in the pond with Kingdra and Mareek pulled him out and is trying to start a conversation

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      update for Graterras...not much I was waiting for you to get back. We are at the wrap-up point pretty much, there is one more major even t then the chapter ends.

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      Hi! ... I... did burn the house down while you were gone. Sorry.

  7. Big nodded at Kyahnna´s statement towards Sarah. This lady looked like a good professional, and tat she would go out of her way to help a teammate was a great sign. "Yeah, that´s right. I´ve seen people rushing a little to fast in a mission before and... It generally doesn´t end well. But hey, if that´s your reason for coming you don´t have to worry. Everything will happen in the right time, it always does!" He said that with a huge smile and a thumbs up.
  8. Well, so that´s it. Pokénations season 1 ended, a tad bit earlier than expected. To all members of Volcanic, past and present, thanks for your efforts. It was a pleasure battling alongside you all, and I for one learned a lot from you and had my fair share of fun. Of course, some things were not as good as we all expected, but even then being on the team with you guys was surely worth it. Once again thanks! New members that unfortunately had not the chance to battle: I really wanted to see you guys in the competition, I battled some of you and talked to others, and I´m sure you would bring new strenght to the fire of Volcanic Nation. Well, I hope you are around next year for season 2 and have your chance to shine bright! In the meantime, take a look at PZA and PRCL, have fun and battle a lot! So, see you guys around! Volcanic Nation, dismiss!
  9. Welp, posting that again: I just discovered I´ll have to make an emergency trip to another city for a medical check-up for the Navy, so I´ll be out from tomorrow afternoon until Thursday or Friday, and probably with no net. Rose is assuming as main host in this time (thanks a ton ). Have a good game guys, and don´t let Hell freeze while I´m out ok? XD
  10. I just discovered I´ll have to make an emergency trip to another city for a medical check-up for the Navy, so I´ll be out from tomorrow afternoon until Thursday or Friday. =/ See you guys after that, don´t burn the house down eh?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosesong


      Stay safe and have a good journey :)

    3. Flux


      Hope it all goes well!

      (But seriously, why can't we burn the house down?)

    4. Arkhi


      Take care!

  11. Plot twist... I just discovered I´ll have to make an emergency trip to another city for a medical check-up for the Navy, so I´ll be out from tomorrow afternoon until Thursday or Friday, probably with no net. Huk, please feel free to bunny Marcus as needed... And really sorry guys, this has come out of the blue and I can´t miss it.
  12. Well guys, bad news. I just discovered I´ll have to make an emergency trip to another city for a medical check-up for the Navy, so I´ll probably be out from tomorrow afternoon until Thursday or Friday. Chim, I let it up to you to decide if you want to bunny Colin or say he´s got sick and leave him in the academy or anything. I´m really sorry guys, but I can´t miss this one.
  13. Even considering the light scolding they got from Bane, Big actually thought he liked the style of this Commanding Officer. Putting communication first was something he was not much used from his previous commanders, but he most certainly could use a little talk now. He listened to the presentations quietly, looking carefully at his new teammates behavior. The last girl was sure too nervous (and asking for a new scolding from Bane) so he figured he could help out. "Eh hey, no rush miss Answell. Too much hurry is an enemy of perfection, that´s a thingy I´ve learned on the field." The Tank said with his usual smile marking this as an friendly warning. Then he stepped forward, looked at everyone and waved a hand to greet them. "Heyo. I´m Mauro Gomes, professional meat-shield, and the guy you´ll want to be behind when something is trying to kill you. Most people call me Big, but it´s up to you guys." He then looked straight at Sarah again, and for the first time his grin almost disappeared. "By the way, my reason for coming here is that my little sis is got the virus. Even if I look like it, please don´t think I´m taking this lightly, because sure as hell I´m not. We will find the cure and there is nothing in this planet that will stop that, but we gotta do our best and be cool if we wanna do it." With that, the huge man stepped back on the line, curious to hear the rest of the introductions.
  14. Win against Ruin´s Rosesong (Ruinsong). Also, link to Ethic´s full log. http://pastebin.com/e08tNzQc
  15. Great job Zeph XD. I just don't get Kenny's post... What weak spot? You're in the room with Cerberus, I think you got confused with the other one were Annie is fighting Killer.
  16. Big gave a small grin inside his Exo-Suit helmet. He always did that when the door opened before any mission, no matter how dangerous it was, the exhilaration of seeing new things and places filling his soul. Making the sign of the cross with his index fingers before his chest (another old habit), the man stood up and stretched his arms upwards, glad to be out of that hella unconfortable bench. Big had a dominating presence, to say the least. Almost two meters tall, and strong as a bull, it was easy to see how he earned the nickname. Sum that with the Exo-Suit's size and the heavy weaponry he carried, and it would be enough to intimidate any regular people... Except for that ever present smile. Three people had already gone outside, so he figured he could damn well be the next. "Well guys, so the party begins!" The Tank said with a purely happy tone in the Commlink. "Dunno about you, but I'm ready and hella sore from these damn small benches, so I'm going to stretch my legs already. See you out there!" Finishing that, he walked calmly off into the wild.
  17. Ethic, I got the full log, but due to some PC issues I'm having trouble in posting it. I'll take a look at what I can do.
  18. "Great Beast of Earth uh? Sounds like fun." Marcus said, trying to lighten the mood. "C´mon Sigurd, the Ilithid is right: we at least got a bit of info in this one, and it´ll be easier to get Aelia´s once we got another shard. And besides, look at this situation and ask your conscience." he stressed the last word, trying to get Sigurd to understand he was referring to the Crimson King.
  19. "Hehe, I know you are, little one!" Colin answered the hyped Cleffa. "Fairies love to play with dragons don´t they?" The boy joked a bit about the type match-ups. He had been working very hard on the battle classes, and had spent most of the week either reading and checking the pokédex, battling other first years (although some were close calls, his record was still 0 defeats.) or doing specific training with his Pokémon. Actually, he was a bit worried that Kyte had not yet evolved after all their hard work, and sometimes wandered if he had made something wrong... But up to now he was happy to keep his optimistic point of view and wait for things to happen naturally. As everybody, he had noticed Dani´s weird behavior around certain pokémon, and thus decided to take the fairies out of the subject for a while. "What about you Dani? Avis and Corona are looking great! You´ thinking of a new buddy to them already?"
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