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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Colin arrived a little after Evan in the group, Cel hanging from his shirt and Kyte in tow, running and jumping as always.He looked around for the people in there: Dani, the guy he´d bumped on and a girl with a face flushed red as a strawberry (during the class period he ended up learning their names were Mareek and Lana). He didn´t talk much with the last two yet, as they seemed to be of the introverted type... But hey, any time is good to start, isn´t it? "Heyo guys! What´s up? Hyped ´bout the excursion?"
  2. Enya, Ellaria, Mr. Taylor, Phantom, Kenny, Ed Mr. Taylor, too slow for dodging the right head, was about to be eaten... But was saved, ironically, for Kenny. As the aura weaver flew higher, the left head of Cerberus tried to reach him once again in a vicious strike, but ended up pulling the rest of the hound´s body with it. With the awkward movement, Edward passed at full speed right in front of the head he was aiming for, missing the mark completely. "Hey, come on! I told you millions of times not to go jumping like that." said the right head, which was answered by a irritated growl from it´s left counterpart, still trying to bite Kenny. Rolling it´s eyes in a sign of annoyance, left changed targets to the guy with the sword (Phantom) while trying a hit with it´s huge serpentine tail towards Edward. While that happened, the center head looked from left to right trying to find the prey that flew away from it. Fortunately, it seemed that at least one of them was coming right back... The head blocked Enya´s path towards Ellaria, opened it´s huge mouth and started towards the child with a quick motion of it´s neck. Ellaria listened to the sound of falling rocks and prepared for the impact, but a moment and some static noise later it sounded like they were bouncing away from her. She didn´t really got what happened, but she knew it was Enya´s doing. And she knew she had to get out of here. In the blink of an eye, the girl was not there anymore. Or so it seemed. Invisible, Ellaria ran off to the room´s walls and there started looking for a way out. She found it finally, feeling the wall stop in what seemed another corridor*, and was about to run through it when doubt got into her. Would she really abandon her friends once more? Wasn´t all of this about redemption, as Minos stated?On the other hand, she didn´t even know for sure what they were facing, and she would probably die trying to help. Without knowing what to do, the blind girl just stood there, hidden from the other´s eyes. *((She´s in the corridor Cerberus has opened)) *** Marcus It hit. A normal person would never be able to throw a knife with such strenght and precision, but Marcus´s skill combined with the super-human strenght he acquired pulled it of. The giant suddenly stopped moving, it´s arms and legs hitting the ground heavily. Now the only sound to be heard on the corridor was the loud battle going on in the room next to it... *** Rose, Ix, Annie, Panik Severely hurt, Killer decided to summon the las the last of his strenght and go for an all or nothing charge against the little group composed by Ix, Rose, and Annie. He prepared to dash forward and get them off guard as they tried to regroup... Only to get his foot held up by Panik, who was still on the floor behind him, and fall face first in the ground. The lizardly titan didn´t need to talk anything for them to know that this was their chance.
  3. Me too, when I find some damn time XP. Really I´m starting to get afraid I have overloaded myself.
  4. Great idea with this thread Zipo! Also thanks to all mods for keeping this place as amazing as it is in all aspects. Now, if you think it would fit, I´d like to provide a more detailed description for my friends Hukuna and Sheep, two great guys who do their work extremely well. Of course, I hope they approve of it too. XD Hukuna- The Role Playing Sensei. Hukuna is always ready to tell a good story and has an impressive imagination for this, thus being the head of our RP Forum. The title Sensei, given by the forum´s members, comes from the fact that he is always ready to welcome and introduce new people to the wonders of the role playing world, as well as helping everyone improve their writing. Sheep- You´ve got a doubt about the game? Sheep is always the first to be there trying to help. New to the forums? He is always there in the welcoming committee, ensuring you know all the basics you need to start having fun around here. Our official double-post deleter is a great guy who threats everyone with respect and empathy. Also a skilled battler that will make you give your best if you want to beat him.
  5. Ooh, that explains it. Thanks Sheep! @ Zeph: Yup XD. Tremble in fear of the Water, RoG members!
  6. Marcus scratched the back of his head, his smile fading immediately. "Oh wow. I´m very sorry Helzelbeth... But it´s as Oarloff said, if there´s a chance we might as well go there and try to find your father and the Shard." He looked to Sigurd after that. "Sorry mate, but I´m with her. What you guys think about it? Should we go for the Shattered Hills?"
  7. Ok, she´s got some things to do by day, so I´ll enter on her account and edit it for her. Oh, also apologies Murdoc, I might have induced that error... Thanks for clarifying that, it won´t happen again. Edited. How´s it looking now?
  8. Gyarados takes a nice damage from rocks, and I sometimes have to switch in and out various times to make use of Intimidate, so having the Spin is good at this point. I personally don´t like T.Spikes much because they´re easy to get rid of, but I can give it a try and see how it works. Also, I´m testing the sugestions of Chim and Cow, once I have more practice with them I´ll give new feedback. Ah, and for some reason PO is not letting me have Aqua Jet + Knock Off in Azumarill, so I´m testing with Superpower.
  9. ((Holy Bird Jesus, 4 pages in a day? =O)) "Well, I have a list of pokémon I want to have on my team. Let´s see what we can find there but since it is a place of dragons I think... Don´t laugh, and don´t tell the others ok? I´ve been thinking on a Magikarp." Colin answered Evan. Of course, he knew his roommate was smart enough to know what this meant: Gyarados, the dragon who isn´t a dragon, the beast that would give him the power his team lacked until his other pokémon evolved.
  10. Welcome Sephiroth, Majig and Faze Kataro! With this we hit the lucky mark of 13 members!
  11. So much love for one another... Sparky x Faust XD
  12. Heyo guys, sis is sleeping so I gotta clear things out. I was with her when she was making the char, and from what she's told me it's not an anger issue that she has, but more of a happy-sad thing. I think the word "moody" would probably fit better than bipolar. I'll pass this to her, but she'll probably only be able to edit it tomorrow.
  13. "What the...? How's that Helze?" Marcus asked, surprised. Though, after all that had happened, he wasn't much sure if anything could really surprise him. "You say your father knows were it is? How do you know that?"
  14. ((Oh, yeah, I forgot about the levels. Let's say no for the time being, I'm gonna evolve him during the expedition)) "Well mate, this is gonna be a blast! I can't wait to check out Devin's pokes." Colin said, finishing to pack up. "I'm only worried there won't be many Water types in the Hills... Hopefully we can find a lake somewhere."
  15. Heyo guys! First of all, sorry for the absence yesterday, I was completely wrapped with competition stuff (I'm in PRCL, Nations and PZA now XP). Now, to the feedback! What do you think of the RP so far? Did you enjoy it? Chim, it was great! My only regret is not having more time to stay up to date with it, because it's honestly one of the best RPs in the Forums imo. What about my writing? Where can I improve? It's really good, you write very well and is able to keep up with the RP's pace. That's the most important. Which NPCs feel real? Which need improvement? Students are all pretty real, but the teachers need a little more time to develop. Who is your favorite NPC and why? Jeez, that's a hard one. I think Evan, mostly because the mystery caused by that scene in the detention... Though Alvin is great too, after all every Pokémon story needs a Fern right? What do you think will happen plot-wise (first year)? Evan's gonna turn in a spy of some sort &/or RoG invades the school and we are forced to fight for our lives XD. What do you think of me as a host? Man, you're doing reeeeeally good, I must admit that better than me in UtH. You put a lot of time in this, creates good scenes, a great world, and can keep up the pace. There's not much more we could ask of a host. Is there anything you want to see as an event in this RP? Gimme my Mega Swampy. XD Is there anything else I can improve upon? Mate, in all seriousness, just keep up the good job. Congrats!
  16. Colin was very excited about the excursion, but still divided due to Evan's question in the dinner some weeks ago. Should he get a dragon, even though a non water one? He was compelled to say no, but the doubt still roamed in his head. "Well, one thing at a time... First of all let's see Devin's Kingdra, right Cel?" the Horsea, who was now looking much stronger, stopped helping him with the packing for a moment to cry a happy "sea!". Kyte was running around the room, as always. For more training and exercises they did, he was always full of energy.
  17. We can always have practice matches. I'm sure you'd be able to point all that I let slip when making a team, and vice versa. Besides, the new kids need tutoring mate XD. But most of all, it would be for the honor of battling alongside you, friend.
  18. Nuuuu, please mate, playing with you would be the best! Well, if you change your mind, you know were to come.
  19. Huk, you don't have an idea of what you lost on the server tonight XD. Also, here Sparky. *Hands Sparky a burn heal and some Band-Aid for his broken heart*
  20. nick, If you can edit your first post to include all the content and then delete the second it would be great. We try to discourage double-posting here. On another note, cool pics! I have seen the second already, and it sure looks great!
  21. Great, I just realized I already have the only Dragon/Water I could get. Any chance of finding a Dragon Scale in the excursion btw?
  22. (I´ll name my Tentacruel after the Wasteland only because of that XD) Celestinine was still a little shy and didn´t go for the food at first, but when she saw Kyte slowly making his way to Evan´s hand she jumped like a bullet towards it. "Lucky? Mate, I call that strategy, and a very good one by the way. I never knew you were this good." Colin patted Kyte´s head, delaying the hungry mudkip a little so Cel could get some food. "You listened Kyte, we better watch out for Evan, Faith and Eevee if we want to keep an undefeated record! Right buddy?" Kyte gave him a decide "Kiep!" making the boy laugh. "Anyway, what do you think about the excursion Redwood said we´ll have? Are you looking forward to catch something?"
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