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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Marcus The knife bounced harmlessly in the giant´s skin, and for very few Marcus wasn´t hit again. Now the beast started to struggle to get back on it´s feet, with not much success... At first. It was still dangerous for the killer though, as arms and legs shaking wildly could hit him any time. ================================================================== Enya, Ellaria, Ed, Mr. Taylor, Phantom, Kenny. Cerberus didn´t even flinch when the walls got up. With loud noise, the Hellhound crashed against them head on, causing them to crumble to the ground*. Keeping forward, the left head tried a bite at Kenny, while the right one shot towards Mr. Taylor and Phantom. The middle one was undecided, looking from Ellaria to Enya and Edward, but after some consideration it chose the later two and stroke viciously. *((Take care with falling rocks people XD))
  2. "Eh, a Scholar Knight? You mean the Ilithid?" Marcus was surprised, since he didn´t notice Helze slipping out of the room. "Well, guess all the help is welcome!" Aand then, the tip hit him. A red faced demon... Well, wasn´t that handy? In the end Sigurd was right about bringing ol´ sack of bones with them. It might not be a good idea to go mentioning him in front of the wizards though... "Either way, one thing we know for sure: The shard of the Mouth of Abyss is not the best place to start, so we should sail to one of the other islands... Which means, going to a port and getting ready for a long trip. We can figure out where we want to go in the way."
  3. The mudkip broke free from his trainer and jumped towards the lure set by Evan, trying to catch it. Colin laughed loud at that. "Well, guess that workout left him even hungrier than usual. And ouch mate, you mean you had to take half of them by the stairs?! Holy hell, you must be hella tired." The boy was about to take some fries himself, when he felt a little pull on his shirt. Looking down, he saw the reason for that was Evan´s Cleffa. "Oh hey little one! Nice to meet you!" The boy said, carefully picking the pink pokémon and putting her in over the table with Kyte. "Oh, by the way, congrats on the battle with Alvin, both of you! You totally rocked that!" When he finished saying that, Celestinine appeared from behind his head, where she had been hanging on his shirt. She looked at Evan and Cleffa in a shy manner and let out a "sea!", wanting to be presented as well. "Oh, and this is Celestinine, our new buddy!"
  4. Hehehe, great post Rose, congrats! And Murdoc, you were sooooo close to killing the giant... Now you´re in for a trouble.
  5. First blood in the Alliances already shed. Vermillion versus Cerulean in a battle for member Rosesong! Aand welcome Rose! Also, welcome all new members: kawaiistunfisk, Lord Nexus and KingKlay7!
  6. Ryan look up to Pokémon Online. That´s our chat room, as well as the prefered battle sim to use. You can make a test of it by clicking the button Reborn Chat, but for competition purposes it´ll be better if you download the full version. Also, take a look at the rule book, many of your questions are answered there. Also thanks for the vote, but I have no experience at all in auctions XD. I can try, and sure I can help organize things, but I can´t promise results there working alone.
  7. Heyo Siosa! Welcome to Volcanic Nation, home to Hell-Fire, Lightining & Smog. I hope you have fun with the competition and give 110% to get our nation to the top! If you´re interested in joining the battlers roster for a week, please either ask here or send me a PM. I would like to see you in the server sometime too, so we can have a battle to check your abilities and potential. This week has already a closed roster, but starting next week you can start battling! Also, just saw your post Stratos. Thanks a lot for the support mate, I´ll try my best to get us back in the tracks. Now come on everybody, Volcanic is not dead! Let´s shake this thing up!
  8. Roo, I just stated that I´m not complaining about the rule, I´m complaining about not having being told about it in any clear way. As for the roster, I think you actually did fine in picking it, and thanks for that, really. I probably wouldn´t have done better. Again, not complaining about the rule, just asking for a little more care in communication with players in the future. You know very well that the issue was not laziness though, and actually a really big crash in our nation due to reasons I don´t think I need to mention here. Now to respect the match ups thread I´ll stop posting about this and ask everybody to do the same and post only match results, as it is supposed to be. Roo, if you have anything to add that is not publicly important, please feel free to send me a PM here or in the server. Best of luck to all battlers, I really hope we have a great week!
  9. Marcus The giant was too surprised to close his eye at the right timing. The knife went right into it, along with Marcus´s arm. It looked like the eyeball was more tender than the killer first imagined... The creature let out a scream and brought it´s hand to it´s face, trying to grab the little man. ================================================================ Ixidor, Rose, Annie, Panik Ix´s shot hit, and the arpoon went right through Killer´s shoulder. It failed to hold him in the wall, but judging by his slow movements it surely hurt. ...But it was not over. With roar and the noise of meat being ripped, the titan pulled the projectile out of it´s body and threw it back towards the painter. =============================================================== ((Mr. Taylor, Ellaria, Enya, Ed, Morris, & Phantom wait a bit, we have something special coming for you XD. Character interaction is ok though.))
  10. ((Sorry for the delay guys, got a lot of Nations stuff to solve XP)) Colin ended the workout tired, as his pokémon, but they did a good job at it. Living in the beach was a sure way to keep one fit, and he was confident that he proved that to Tyron. After that, he went for a quick shower and rested a bit in his room, messing with the pokédex and checking the profiles of all the new Pokémon he saw during the day. Some of those would grow to be real threats, but luckily he had a Swampert and Kingdra in the making. When he arrived for dinner it seemed like most students were already there. He saw Evan alone at a table, looking rather gloomy, and decided to head over there to cheer the boy up. He got some extra food for him before going there though. "Heyo mate! ´Bet you´re hungry, so I brought some stuff up." He said, sitting in front of him and placing a dish of french fries between them. Kyte´s eyes widened at this vision, and he immediately jumped over the table and tried to eat them, only to be held back by his trainer. "Hey, you got your part too! But don´t go jumping on them, leave something for me and Evan buddy!"
  11. We should also schedule a meeting in the server to battle each other and get to know everyone´s styles and strenghts. I´ll have a group PM up for the alliance too, it´s a good way to leave messages when someone is offline. And most important: We gotta decide our mascot! I vote for shiny Gyarados - It´s a badass mon, it is a Water type, and it is vermillion red!
  12. Wut? Damn, I thought you were on the first post! Sorry!
  13. That´s the spirit XD. Also, post edited, tell me if I missed someone.
  14. I only complained now because I only got to know it now. Again, this rule lacked a proper announcement/clarification. If it is supposed to be this way it´s fine by me, I won´t discuss if the rule is good or not. I´m just calling attention to a mistake in the communication between hosts and players so that it doesn´t happen again.
  15. Welcome to the madness, fellow Vermillionnaire!
  16. Wow, good to see all the new faces! (and now we´ve got two eevelutions, there is no way to lose!) @Ryan: You´re totally right, having only one person have all cores is asking for being destroyed. After all, this game has an emphasys in back-stabbing... Not that I would do it without a good reason.
  17. Welcome KingRyan! I agree with the external channel, but I still gotta make a Skype account. I´ll let you know when it´s done. Also, always keep an eye at the Server and your PMs here. Also also, I just started the thread, having a leader or not is a decision of everyone. But yeah I got dem Rupees. XD
  18. Volcanic Nation Strategy Session for week 10 in the server right now.=D Come on guys, I´m waiting you.

  19. "Hey all! Welcome to PokéNations - Week Six! A major change of how things run. This time and for the next 4 weeks after this one, both nations can pick 3 Pokémon to ban from the opponent's selection. Additionally, each matchup will have a seperate tier instead of all 3 matchups playing the same tier." To my understanding, it is clearly stated that the bans are for the opponent only. It´s weird to have us lacking four of our best mons in LC, specially when this ban list was not made by us due to the sheer ammount of people getting out of the competition. I browsed the forum and the only I saw about this was a quick mention/complaint by Reevelution in week 8. Actually, from this (and every) week´s Roster thread: "Nation leaders, please reply with your rosters and which 3 Pokémon you will be banning from your opponent's use!" Just a heads up: when you make up a rule, please give fair warning in a clear way.
  20. Woo, nice! I'm getting that description on the first post.
  21. /shoot EDIT: by the way, I'll stop spamming your thread guys, sorry XD
  22. Ocean smells? U no true pirate lass. XD
  23. humn, you do realize Celurean itself is not by the sea? XD Port city of Kanto is Vermilion guys.
  24. NUUUUU! Hukuna, I wanted you in Vermilion!
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