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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Spend all my Rupees in Zero Cores for the team . ... What, I'm happy to have something in which to spend my money for a change. Does that count as an economic problem?
  2. All hail Vermilion! -----Vermilion: The city of the world's greatest badasses. ----- We have strong, bulky sailors who roam through the endless sea, electrifying war veterans, and ruthless lumberjacks who will HM01 you without a second thought. Forget the fairies and the fabulous! We do it the hard way! The Vermilion way. -nickcrash- Members - A.K.A The Badass Crew Current Types
  3. Well well, I can't deny that. But you know, the deadliest eruptions are those that happen when no one is expecting...
  4. Great initiative everyone. That sums up all that is needed to have a pleasant RPing experience. I think I don't have anything to add, so kudos guys!
  5. Thanks for everything Sir Flash, we'll miss you too. Sooo, Kyo and Roo, we are in sort of a need for members in Volc now. If things keep like this we'll have almost only one possible roster. Is there anything that could be done to fix that?
  6. All Volcanic Nation Members still interested in the competition, please report in the Nation's thread. We need to get back up.

  7. Renzo is out, we're discussing who'll sub for him.
  8. ... Holy hell. Well Renzo and Tao, thanks for everything guys. You've been great leaders for the nation, and a big help for all of us members. I for one will really miss playing with you guys in this, but I can understand how you feel. That said, I think I need some time to try and put some order to the house. I need to know all members still interested in the challenge, and I need to ask Roo and Kyo for time to prepare a new roster. Anyone with any sort of experience in LC will be a big help, so please state it here if you know your ways in that tier. We also need to discuss bans for this week's challenge, so everyone that can do it, please take a look at the LC tier list on Smogon and try to identify their biggest threats. I know things are looking ugly, but we're not going down without a fight!
  9. Quincy & Mr.Taylor Quincy still tried to dodge the shots from Mr.Taylor, but the wound in his ear, summed with how unexpected the old man's reaction was, made it impossible. All shots landed, and the rat-man fell to the ground still shooting in a pool of blood.
  10. Colin rushed in at Jacob's signal. "Hey, everything ok?" the boy asked, worried. Luckily, Danielle just seemed to be shaken, not hurt, but he still couldn't understand what happened, and seeing the girl like this after knowing her funny, cheery personality was really weird. Then something clicked and he realized she was trying to protect her Larvesta. So she was this worried with her Pokémon? "You guys wait here, I'll go call the nurse." The boy said, and rushed towards Nurse Joy and her Pokémon.
  11. Nooow I understand Ame's new Avi. PZA=Pokémon Danganronpa!. XD

    1. Amethyst


      Hardly. Not enough killing for that!

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      don;t even know what that is...well kinda, but only like super off-hand knowledge so not really. Either way...I smell lots of backstabbing in the near future.

  12. Uhmn, I better not... irl and all... Aaah screw it. This is looking too good to pass up.
  13. Ooh, ok. Just thought the description fitted him well. Anyways, how will we proceed now? Brainstorm to decide the next place to go and solve those riddles?
  14. "Hatter, the Mad Assassin with Style, and a lot of hats." Change Assassin for Gym Leader and you've got Radomus from Reborn. XD You probably didn't get to that part yet, so no spoilers.
  15. And I just correcting a comment, no issues at all. The main thing is that it was a good initiative.
  16. @ Fush: Yup, that too XP. Honestly, they could have made something good out of the story, but they had to throw that in...
  17. "Carol, liberate yourself from the illusion. Put aside the illusion that there is a beginning and an ending to a tale. There is no beginning nor ending to any given tale. The only thing that exists is the way people relate, interact and affect each other, and how that expands throughout the world. There will never be an ending to a tale, Carol." -The Vice-President; Baccano! Ep.16 (Finale?)
  18. Two words that sum up all that I hate: Gainax endings (there's even a page in TVtropes for that). If you watched the original TV series for Neon Genesis Evangelion you know what I mean. XP If you don't, it refers to when the show is going great, and suddenly... Wtf bomb. The story either gets completely crazy or is completely dropped, and you sit there trying to understand what the hell just happened. On the matter of changing in theme songs, it sometimes works well, sometimes not. Good ones were (example) Fate/Zero and Psycho-Pass. The worse I ever saw was Death Note's... Also I've been a lot irritated by illogical power boosts in critical situations (and that tends to happen in a lot of shows). The Irregular in Magic High-School has been giving a bit of this to me lately, due to the ridiculous OPness of the main character.
  19. Wow Sparky, nice idea. This might be a good thing to do on all nations. Edit -> Oops, giving due credit: Sec's idea. Anyway, nice to see more people using that.
  20. I expected no less from our resident Indiana Jones. XD Great job Super! Also, Flux said it all, that would be interesting...
  21. Ok, last post was mine so we need someone else to bring it back to pg. 1. We still have the intercom to call the headquarters right?
  22. Soo, just posting to keep this from getting forgotten. Murdoc, Flux, Alina, what do you think about finishing the chapter?
  23. "Thank you Lord Bartimus, I'm sure your tips will prove to be very helpful." Marcus said, once the room got silent again. Then he crossed his arms and turned to his companions. "All right then, now we know what to do. Dunno about you guys, but I for one say we should go do it as soon as possible. We've seen and fought many things in that time we spent together, and now it's time to move some levels up!" At that he made a gesture of punching the palm of his own hand. "What do you say? Ready to kick some Gentleman's ass?"
  24. Ok Eagle, thanks for the explanation! And just to explain the reasoning I'm following in the duel: Quincy is pretty much superior to Mr. Taylor physically, and he is a expert marksman too, so in a fair duel it would be a easy win. However, I'm considering Mr. Taylor's time control, and that's why I left some room for reaction.
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