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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Quincy & Mr. Taylor Quincy drawed The Preacher and shot in a lightning fast motion, at the same time jumping sideways. The old man was really quicker than he thought... But still to slo... Argh! Not so slow. Blood sported from the side of Quincy's head as the rat's ear was blown off by Mr. Taylor's bullet. It was a close call, but with it's superhuman refllexes Quincy was still faster than the old shooter. ((Quincy will hit the mark unless you pull something real fast.)) ======================================================== Annie, Rose, Ix & Panik Killer couldn't do anything against the blazing fast speed of Annie, and her weapon hit the mark. The giant fell to one knee, breathing heavily, and tried to grab the spear and pull it off, only to find it went all the way inside his lung. Then it looked up, and in a rage tried to grab the girl in his hand.
  2. "Oops, you guys are right, sorry." Colin said with a "my bad" kind of smile. He sat down with Kyte on his lap and Cel climbing up to his head, and concentrated on watching the Lapras in action.
  3. Thanks for everything Jelly, I think I speak for everyone when I say you'll be missed on Volc. And yeah, I agree with you on the matter of the tier - and opponent btw - repetition being quite annoying and the challenges needing to get better. Hopefully this can worked on, else I see Nations getting overshadowed by other tournaments in a close future. Also, I just saw Vex dropped out too. Lots of thanks to you mate, you've been a big help and a great teammate. ((On a side note, this week's challenge is actually good it seems. Though LC yet again...))
  4. ((Yep, I´m always amused by how fast this moves)) Colin cheered for Evan when the battle was over. It seemed his roommate would be a nice challenge in a battle as well... He made a mental note about asking for one later. The boy started to turn to comment something about the fight with Claude, but in doing so something picked his attention. "Wooooow! Is that really a Lapras?!" In the blink of an eye, the boy had headed over towards Jacob and was looking at Chialchi from all angles. "Man, look at this shell! I guess it´s really tough, and it seems like it was made to Surf on! And those fins, they look so strong! And look at the neck, and..." Oblivious to the sheer amount of nerdiness he was spreading, the boy continued his appreciation Jacob´s Lapras.
  5. "Eh, guess you're right. Let's go then!" Colin answered Claude, happy enough for having won. He thanked Professor Redwood for the feedback (he surely would ask Devin to show him that Kingdra later.) and followed Claude to another arena.
  6. Colin could finally breath calmly again now that the battle was over and Kyte and Cel were properly healed. That was a close call, but hey, he had the type advantage. He thought happily. "Great job you two!" The boy told his Pokémon. "I knew you'd pull through!" Then he turned to Claude and gave him a thumbs up. "Hey, you battle very well for a coordinator, congrats! But if I just had Clear Smog or Aurora Beam on Celestinine, things would have been quite different."
  7. Ellaria Enya & Morris "This guy´s been trying to kill us since the first Circle." Ellaria answered to Morris, her voice visibly shaken. She was worried about Mr.Taylor. For more experienced that the kind old man was, she was afraid he might lack the speed to beat Quincy. "I don´t know why he does this though... I think he just finds it fun." Morris looked down towards the duelists, despise in his eyes. "Tsk, this kind of person doesn´t deserve to live. If the old man doesn´t do it, I´ll kill this damned rat with pleasure." His voice was calm, but there was venom behind it. This is just the kind of bugger that goes rob banks shooting like crazy. The man thought, his anger building up inside him.
  8. ... What the hell? Kyte was taken aback from the attack, but miraculously managed to stand. As the Karrablast turned to attack Claude, Colin rushed, picked the Mudkip and went towards the coordinator. "You all right mate? That must have hurt."
  9. Good suggestion Cow, I´ll take a look in the Kingdra sets you mentioned and try it out.
  10. Very well then. I´m sorry to hear that but I think being angry over small stuff does not give you the right to be disrespectful with people around you, not here, and not anywhere in real life. Therefore, player SithBaker is out of the RP. I´ll take care of killing off the character Morris soon.
  11. ((previous post from Claude)) "Eh, thanks mate. That Endure was great too, you´re a good battler. But now you´ll see why me and Kyte are unbeatable!" Colin´s ego took the praise from Claude super effectivelly it seemed. Kyte was pretty hurt from the attacks, but the Karrablast also was on his last chunk of energy. That, plus the reckless, straight attack at Kyte, were the elements that would bring them victory. Colin waited till the foe was near and shouted his command. "Now buddy, jump and Water Gun his face!" The Mudkip responded immediately, sending a jet of high pressure water straight at Lancelot. With the jump that Colin asked, it also had the effect of propelling the mud-fish Pokémon backwards, away from the Karrablast´s attack.
  12. Quincy & Mr.Taylor "Now, now my friend. How can I be sure that you haven't given me a faulty pistol?" Quincy, made a surprised face, giving the impression that he was offended by the question. "What gramps, you think I would even have a bad weapon? I take good care of my toys!" the rat man said. Then he smiled and put himself in fight stance, hands at ready to draw the Preacher. "Enough whining, Let´s start the fun! Have the kid varmint make the count for us." ============================================================ Annie, Rose, Ix, Panik Killer grinned when Annie recklessly started towards him. He was exactly expecting to be attacked. When the girl approached his leg, the titan spun on the same direction over the other leg. While it did allow him to only take a superficial blow, the true reason behind the move was to keep spinning and finish the little kicking her to death against the wall. The giant was euphoric just imagining the blood splatting everywhere as he crushed her little body... Only that it didn´t work that way. Suddenly, Panik grabbed him from behind, immobilizing him for a second. " No bro! Me won´t let you splat the little onesss!" He said, the fire from Killer´s burning skin lighting the decided look in his reptilian face. Killer roared, grabbed the back of Panik´s neck and pulled the other giant over his back with all strenght, sending him flying to the floor. However, he had lost his chance of killing Annie and was pretty much open now.
  13. I think Annie said it all. Again, this sort of thing does happen in any RP. Measures about this have been taken already, this week by the way, as I called on Rose to help in Co-Hosting. I´m taking time from my real life, which is quite busy, to have something fun up for all of you, and I try to be on cue as much as I can, but please understand I can´t be on all time. Also, it´s a virtue to any roleplayer to adapt to the situations thrown at him. and it´s not like the one and only thing Morris can do is duel Quincy. If you´re unsatisfied about the RP´s pace, then I apologize and assure you that we´ll try our best to make it better. But, the issue is not that. I realize you didn´t change your tone, so this is a last warning. It would be a real shame to lose a great character like Morris, so I suggest you change your approach when making a complaint. Also, this is not just about me: I´ve seen some acid comments against other players earlier on, so I don´t think I´m over reacting at all.
  14. Renzo, I can sub in if you want (I´ve been on the server only 2-3 days this week and it seems like your net times don´t match mine much, sorry =/ ) Either way, I can make it. (Oh, and in the future shoot me a forum PM if you need me, it´s easier for me to see them )
  15. Hella late because my paste function in the forums is being a... problem. But here it is, log for my battle with Mibu for week 3 In addition, tried to battle Blast yesterday night on the server but had no answer from him. =/
  16. (This might be a long status) Let me tell you a story: One day I was going home by car with my sis. We should be around 6 or 7 years old. Anyway, I was annoying her with something, and she just stood there sitting quietly... Untill suddenly she turns to me and says: "Hey bro. Do you really wanna wake up tomorrow needing to breath through a machine?"

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sheep


      Whoa... This is... just wow.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      < is the evil sibling, I am just way more passive aggressive XD.

  17. Big would possibly know one or another ERC member, since he´s quite the sociable guy and went out in various different expeditions.
  18. @ Sith Baker: Ok, I think we have a misunderstanding here. First of all, I said I was waiting for you, not that I would wait. There is a difference there. Second, if you make your math right, since the first post were Morris was mentioned as being Quincy's target, it was almost 2 and a half days, not 6 hours. The post I made already calling attention to the fact I was needing to wait for you was made at 11 PM of yesterday, whereas the next post with Quincy reacting to another character's action, which is not by any chance a way of ignoring your's by the way, was made at 9 AM today. Again, not 6 hours. Sith, there's no need to be upset about that, and less yet the need to publicly reprimand the host for an issue that didn't happen. I considered what Quincy would do in the situation proposed, and acted in-character. If you want to, you can use that post as Rose suggested and actually make some advance in the story. However, if you do have an issue, please address it in a proper way, or I'll be forced to interpret that as breaking the "Respect the Host" rule and take the appropriate measures. ============================================================== @ Eagleby & Rose: ... Actually at first I thought the same as Eagle. I guess the best option here is to call on Zeph and ask. So uh... Hey Zeph? What are those walls like again?
  19. Well, just passing by right now, but two questions: 1- Why Dark Pulse over Crunch On Ttar? Crunch is boosted by DD too, so it probably would be a best option for a STAB Dark move. 2- Wouldn´t it be better to have Ice Beam on Lapras instead of Frost Breath? If I´m not mistaken, crits got nerfed to... X1.6 or something this gen, so it might not be as powerfull as you think. Later I´ll come back and take a better look at the team. Edit: -Psyshock is actually super effective on Gengar, but unless you hit it on the switch it will probably KO Gardevoir first (didn´t run damage calc, so I might be wrong.) -Aside from Ttar, Blissey and Chansey would stop your team cold, since you lack physical attackers. Having Iron Head or Sacred Sword on Aegislash over Flash cannon would help that, as well as Psyshock on Gardevoir.
  20. ((Back to the battle...)) Hehe, perfect, just perfect! Colin thought, grinning "It´s just us two now buddy, there´s no way he can win! Bulk it up and give it back!" The Peck storm landed, but Kyte bulked the damage even after the Leer. He took one hit, then another... It didn´t seem like the Karrablast was interested in stopping the attack, and likewise, Kyte didn´t seem like he was reacting except by enduring the blows. But that was exactly the point. Colin waited for the moment when Lancelot was coming to another hit, and then commanded: "That´s it boy! NOW! Unleash the Bide!" When everything seemed lost, Kyte opened his eyes, a fierce glow of energy on them, and threw himself at his foe with all the power of the hits he took, doubled. It was a risky tactic, Colin knew, but he trusted completely on his first partner and knew the Mudkip wouldn´t let him down.
  21. The boosted Fairy Wind sent Cel flying in a curve towards Colin, and when she fell near him she was already knocked out. "Cel!" The boy shouted, catching the Pokémon on his arms on a protective gesture. He then looked at Claude with a decided gaze. "You're not winning this mate. Quick Kyte, finish Doux with your strongest Tackle!" The Mudkip jumped forward from Colin's shoulder and added a little something to the command: turning his body mid air, it shoot a Water Gun in the opposite direction he intended to go, getting propelled towards Doux at high speed. It was all stacked in this last attack. If Kyte managed to hit the Cottonee first and KO, they would have one more chance against Claude's last mon. If not, the game was over. ((I'm dropping the damage calcs btw))
  22. Aand btw, I need to go out for some hours, so can e finish this later Dobby?
  23. @ Dobby: Well, yeah, considering that the battles are already using crazy combos etc. I think that could be done. I was using it mostly because everyone else did.
  24. Celestinine was hit squarely by the Fairy Wind, causing way more damage than Colin would like... The Horsea was now breathing heavily from the effort. "We've got to stop it now! Water Pulse again, and follow that with Brine right after!" Things were looking really ugly, so the only thing he could think of was to try and finish Doux before it could do even more damage. That spinning would probably help the Water Pulse make it dizzy, or at least give Cel the time she needed for the Brine to hit with less than half the opponents HP and deal a heavier damage.
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