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Everything posted by Notus

  1. "Use a Bubblebeam and keep your distance!" The attack from the Horsea lowered the opposing Pokémon's speed, making it easy for her to avoid the absorb. ((Can you link the randomizer on the next post?)) ((nvm, just found it in the OOC))
  2. Oh, I'm gonna post the Calculator's URL here if anyone want's to use it too. http://pokemonshowdown.com/damagecalc/
  3. Celestinine used the bad aim from Doux's accuracy drop to try and avoid the Attack, but wasn't all that lucky and got hit by part of it. Some of the seeds stuck in her tiny body, and started sucking her energy. Damn again. Gotta get this Cottonee down fast! But how to do it? At her level, Celestinine only knew Water type moves, which her foe resisted. If only she had Clear Smog... But, there was still something they could try. "Don't think this is over! Water Pulse!" With the accuracy drop, and if the attack had the Cottonee confused, maybe they could pull through this disadvantage.
  4. (Deleted last post to avoid double-posting) Nice trick Dobby, this way the Seeds are sure to hit. Oh btw, I'm using Smogon's calculator to check the damage, and Octazooka is supposed to do 20-30 % to Cottonee (Assuming no EVs in any of them, Modest nature Horsea and Bold Cottonee.). At the same rate, Fairy Wind does around 30 % to Horsea, so I weakened it by a third as you said and considered the damage 10%. Edit: Ops, it's actually 31-36%, so I'll fix it to 11% considering full damage 33.
  5. Thanks for the feedback Chim! Yeah, Knock Off is always a good move to have, i'll be sure to test it out. As I said in the analysis, a nice point about Gyarados is that he works well in both Mega form and regular one, so I generally can decide about evolving him or not depending on the opponents team. (But still, y u no Dragon type Gamefreak? =/ ). I'll probably change it anyway once they release Mega Swampy anyway, so your's is a nice set to consider when that happens.
  6. Damn. The fairy wind blew the smoke away, so that tactic would not work. However... To Colin's surprise, Celestinine seemed to have a great battle sense. When the smoke went away, she had already moved way closer and to the flank of Doux, in a perfect position for a shot. She also seemed almost untouched by the Fairy Wind, thanks to the smoke cover. "Great! Now Cel, use Octazooka!" The Pokémon responded immediately, shooting a jet of ink in extremely high pressure. Colin knew the attack here was a good chance to throw Doux accuracy down again, as the move had a side effect of making the opposing Pokémon partially blind.
  7. Well, Big is not black but he's mixed - as most Brazilians. And it would be interesting to consider that maybe some characters would probably already know each other - or at least have heard about them - since they work in the same departments.
  8. "Ok then. So you'll start with Cottonee uh?" Colin knew this poke was a real threat, and the best choice to handle it was quite obvious... "Kyte, you hang back here for a sec ok?" He told the Mudkip, who was already preparing to jump on the arena. "So I'll lead with... Celestinine!" The boy continued, kneeling on the ground to let the her go into the field. The Horsea seemed to be surprised to be chosen, but entered the arena soon after. She seemed a little unconfortable facing the grass type, but after Colin smiled gave her a thumbs up, she took fighting stance resolutely. "That's the spirit!" Colin shouted. And now time to stop playing nice guy. The match-up is better for him anyway. "Celestinine, use Smokescreen!" The Horsea took a deep breath and shoot a cloud of smoke from it's mouth, hiding herself within it. "Remember to keep on move so he can't find you!" Colin shouted to her .
  9. Oh, so it was on the OP? Thanks Commander! Well, I'm ready to go.
  10. By the way, what's the policy on egg moves for our Pokémon?
  11. "Ok then, let's do this! You better be prepared for a loss mate!" Colin said, walking to the arena and taking position. "What kind of battle will this be?"
  12. O_o Oh hell, Cotonee vs. Mudkip. I don't see that ending well, but it'll be a nice challenge! Just a warning: If Colin loses, he'll be upset... He's normally easygoing, but not regarding battles. XD By the way: are there any free arenas?
  13. "Hey, do you have a spar partner yet?" "Nope, I was waiting someone with the guts to challenge us!" Colin answered to Claude with a confident smile. "Consider your challenge accepted! By the way, are there any free arenas?" The boy continued, looking around the battle grounds for a free place.
  14. Group around Quincy The rat-man stopped mid way towards Morris when he heard Mr. Taylor's challenge. Probably a dumb thing to do, but he couldn't simply turn down something as fun as that! "Eh, that's a nice idea gramps! But how do I know you varmints won't gang up on me as soon as I give you one of my toys?" He asked in his usual seemingly relaxed way.
  15. "Oh well, I guess you're right*...Oh, and actually I am aiming at that. I'm looking forward to your classes." Colin answered to the professor, while Kyte and Celestinine finally arrived and climbed him up. He would love to keep talking about Water Pokémon, as there were many things he wanted to ask Phoebe, but he figured it was not the best time to do it. Unfortunately, it looked like she was decided on not letting Evan and Alvin go free... "Hey mate" The boy said in a low tone, turning back to Evan. "I dunno what made you so mad with Alvin, but if you wanna talk... Well, you know were to find me." He put a hand on Evan's (other) shoulder. "Good luck with the detention, it looks like it can't be helped." I just hope she won't decide to make that Jellicent drown them or anything... *((About the detention))
  16. Oh well, I think you can figure something out anyway Murdoc. XD Also, challenging Quincy to a duel... Nice move!
  17. Marcus The giant kept all closed, with just one huge eye open following Marcus. There were various points were the murderer could see it's skin, but it was so hard that attacking it would probably be useless. ((Tip: Have you read Ender's Game? As in there, when you can't beat a giant, there's only one way to go...)) ======================================================== ((Waiting on Morris & Annie for the other updates))
  18. The Scald took Colin by surprise. He surely didn't see that coming. The detention, not so much. He rushed towards Evan to offer him a hand but Danielle got there first* , so he just stood there with a concerned look. "For the love of Kyogre, it was not for a lack of warning!.. Are you two all right?" He directed the question to both of them because, honestly, Alvin had his fair share of violence as well. Lucky for them she's not a fire trainer or something... Then he went ahead and tried to talk to Phoebe. "Sorry professor Phoebe, they kind of started with the wrong foot you see... I'm sure all they need is a little time to cool off their heads and everything will be resolved... And by the way, that Jellicent is sooo cool! " Colin simply couldn't hold that last comment, and obviously regretted making it just a moment after, but now he had more urgent matters to take care of: trying to save those guy's asses, and hoping his own wouldn't be in the line of fire after that intermission. *((One more to Ymora's Ninja Squad! XD ))
  19. Humn, guess I'll challenge Lana then. James already challenged Claude right? Just give me some time, I have to go out for a while.
  20. Colin was peacefully leaning against a tree near one of the arenas, watching Kyte playing with Celestinine. Just as he thought, the two of them seemed to be pretty comfortable with each other. Kyte in special had always been the sociable with other pokés - that is, when he was not sleeping of course. The peace was broken when Evan passed by towards the arena, with Alvin in tow. Literally. "Eeh, mate, that might hurt him a little you know?" he noticed the small crowd coming after them, and figured they were there to watch the battle. Well, that was actually a good idea, while he looked for someone to challenge. "Oh, good luck by the way! But seriously, let the boy breath, the teachers are all watching."
  21. "The cure for everything is Salt Water: sweat, tears, or the Sea" ~~~ The Big Blue ~~~ Water Monotype Team Introduction Hello everyone! I'm Notus, and I always had a passion for water types. This is a team I have been working in for some time, and it finally started to get me some good results, even using it in regular OU. However, I'm still quite new to competitive battling, and I think that to further improve the team I need as much constructive feedback as I can gather. So, here it is, my second RMT! Description This team is designed to apply offensive pressure on the opponent, and uses some deadly sweepers, hard hitters and rain to acomplish that. It's the first time I make a rain team, and yes there was the weather nerf, but even then it is holding it's ground pretty well against most foes. One thing I really like in it is how a match is never over until the very end: a misprediction on one of the team's sweepers can – and will - turn the tide of the battle completely. The Crew ~~In Depht~~ Kyte, the Swampert @ Leftovers Trait: Torrent Nature: Adamant EVs: 252 Attack / 252 HP / 4 Defense -Stealth Rock -Waterfall -Earthquake -Ice Punch Swampert is my favourite pokémon for a reason. This bulky guy can tank a hit and answer in kind, and is a Pokémon I can rely in. He is my primary line of defense against electric attacks, thanks to the additional ground typing making him immune to them. In addition to that, Kyte sets the always usefull Rocks for the team and is one of my possible leads. Assassin, the Greninja @ Life Orb Trait: Protean Nature: Timid EVs: 252 Sp.Att / 252 Speed / 4 HP -U-turn -Ice Beam -Extrasensory -Surf He's fast, powerfull, and can camouflage like a true ninja. Before you know what is coming your way, this Assassin will murder all your dreams of victory... Assassin is my secondary lead and general hard hitter. U-Turn is for scouting when I'm unsure of what the opponent will lead with, and let me switch into an appropriate counter. Surf because, well, rain team, Ice Beam completing the neutral coverage and finally Extrasensory to deal with Mega Venusaur - which was a big issue to the previous versions of the team. With this coverage and Protean, this guy is a great anti-lead Of course, Greninja is frail and the Life Orb recoil doesn't help that, so I have to play conservatively, but apart from that this guy is one of the stars of the team. Celestinine, the Kingdra @ Damp Rock Trait: Swift Swim Nature: Modest EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp.Att / 4 Defense -Surf -Draco Meteor -Ice Beam -Rain Dance So with a Water Monotype I figured some rain would come handy, but I don't like Politoed that much and wanted something bulky and at the same time capable of creating offensive pressure. The answer was Celestinine here. Due to her dragon typing and bulk she can take a whole lot of attacks, set Rain Dance and proceed to hit really hard and fast. Damp Rock is for keeping the rain up as long as possible, Surf is my Water spamming move, Draco Meteor is very powerfull to hit stuff that resists water and Ice Beam completes the coverage hitting grass types super effectively. Although she's been working well, I'm still a little in doubt about Surf vs. Hydro Pump. The power gap is a big one, but I'm not much a fan of low accuracy moves. Barrier, the Tentacruel @ Damp Rock Trait: Liquid Ooze Nature: Bold EVs: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 4 Sp.Defense -Rapid Spin -Rain Dance -Scald -Acid Spray Back in the days of Pokémon Blue, I used to hate Tentacool and Tentacruel... Oh, how mistaken I was. Barrier is a very important part of the team, having multiple uses. First and foremost, he is a pretty reliable spinner, but also my secondary rain setter. Scald in the rain hurts nicely, not to mention the burn chance, and paired with Acid Spray to lower the foe's Special Defense it turns it may force some switches. The ability Liquid Ooze is there to troll Leech Seed and Giga Drain users, and pairing that with Scald burns is my best shot against Ferrothorn (though not perfect) and helps with Mega Venu if Assassin is out or has a hard time switching in. Unfortunately the lack of both Rain Dish and Black Sludge makes walling pretty much impossible, but up to now it seems to be paying off. Adrienn, the Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry Trait: Huge Power Nature: Adamant EVs: 252 Attack / 196 HP / 60 Speed -Belly Drum -Aqua Jet -Waterfall -Play Rough Dat Belly Drum. Adrienn here is one of the best sweepers I have ever used, and one mistep from the opponent against her may mean the end of the match – or at least a big hole in their team. In the rain Aqua Jet gets even more deadly and few things can survive it after a boost. It is a one time use poké though, and I generally need to take a lot of care about when I set her up. Leviathan, the Gyarados @ Gyaradosite Trait: Intimidate Nature: Jolly EVs: 252 Speed / 252 Attack / 4 HP -Dragon Dance -Waterfall -Earthquake -Ice Fang The Mega Beast. Leviathan works pretty well with or without mega evolving, has the utility of Intimidate and as such sets-up pretty easily. With rain up, you don't wanna take that Waterfall, and Rotom-W and Mega Venu get owned by Mold Breaker if needed. In most cases, after he busts a hole in the opponent's team Adrienn gets in and cleans everything that is left, or the other way around. Anyway, those two together put a big pressure in the physical side of most teams, and often enough to break them. Conclusion So that's it guys, I hope you liked the team! It's been giving me a lot of fun, and a made me learn a lot more about my favourite type. As I said before I'm looking to make this team the best possible, so any tips, rates and opinions are greatly appreciated. Also if you want to see it in action you can call me by PM or in the server for a battle, or use it as much as you like. Threat List Ferrothorn – Probably the biggest issue this team has. If played very well, Barrier can handle it, but that's hella hard. If I see this guy on Team Preview I know I'm in for a struggle. Mega Venussaur – Nicely handled by Barrier, Assassin, and Leviathan after mega evolving. Still troublesome in good hands though. Mega Charizard Y – A.k.a were is my rain?! Those Solar Beams hurt a lot, and my best line of defense against this guy is having Rocks up the whole time, and revenge killing after some damage. I generally try to set something up as soon as possible when I see it around. Rotom-W – Three words to describe this guy: annoying as hell. Leviathan can KO with Earthquake, and Celestinine hurts it a lot with Draco Meteor but those Will-O-Wisps and Volt-Switches are a terror for half of the team to switch in. In short I can play around it, but it is dangerous. Importable Sprites: http://www.pokestadium.com/pokemon/sprites/ Images*: https://pokewalls.wordpress.com/ *Except Greninja
  22. "Wo-Hey! Looks like it is time!" Colin said excited after Redwood finished his speech. Then he turned to the rest of the group. "C'mon guys, last on the table is a Slowpoke!" The boy sprinted forward straight towards the Water type table, obviously. When he looked at it, his eyes glistened: there were so many amazing Pokémon to choose from! He saw Squirtle, Totodile, Piplup, Oshawott, Froakie... His resolve was a bit shaken by having so many options. But then he remembered his dreams for a Water team, and considered what would be the best to start it. Yeah, it was hard, but the choice had been made. He reached for a pokéball labeled "Horsea/Female", grabbed it and pressed it's button. A flash of red was seen, and a moment later the Sea-Horse Pokémon appeared in front of him, staring at her new trainer with big blue eyes. "Heyo little one" Colin greeted the Pokémon, going down on one knee to be closer to it. "I'm Colin Wave, and I'd like to be your new friend! What do you think uh?" He extended his index finger towards the Horsea slowly while saying that. The Pokémon took some distance from him at first, but then looked back at his new trainer's smile... And wrapped her tail around the boy's finger, letting him raise her from the floor. "Well thank you! I promise I'll do my best to make you strong and, most of all, make us have loads of fun!" With his free hand, he reached for the Dive-Ball in his belt. "C'mon Kyte, time to wake up. We've got a new partner buddy!" As soon as the Mudkip got out of the ball, he climbed to his usual position on Colin's shoulder and started an lively dialogue with the new Pokémon. Horsea was a little shy at first, but as Colin walked towards the battle grounds he started hearing more and more "sea"s from the Sea-Horse. Hehe, even her cry is appropriate. He had to think in a name for her... And the first thing that came into his mind was a picture of a waterfall that he had seen in a tourism advertisement once, the colour of which was exactly the same light blue as the Horsea's. "I know! What about I call you Celestinine?" The Pokémon stood still for a bit, thinking, but then nooded happily with closed eyes and a smile. By then he had arrived at the battle grounds near Phoebe, and decided to wait for a challenger.
  23. ^Humn, wasn't Psycho-Pass getting a season 2?
  24. And, yet another new guy drops over in the conversation. Colin was impressed. He knew some pretty popular people (Juan wasn't able to ever walk around Sootopolis without a crowd gathering around him - mostly women), but Danielle was really a magnet for people. "Heyo Slade. Colin Wave here, nice to meet you. My partner is in his pokéball, he's pretty lazy by the morning." Everyone else seemed to be immersed in thought though. It was easy to know why, after all they would get a new friend in a few moments. He had his mind more or less made since the Professor's speech last night, so he didn't worry about that too much. Kyte would probably not complain too: he always loved to play with other Pokémon.
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