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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Kenny, Ethic, Edward & Marcus A mighty roar was heard when the turtle like titan approached running like a cannon ball... straight into the wire set by Kenny. Fast as it was coming, there was no way to stop before it, and soon he crashed there chest-high, losing balance and, finally, falling squarely over it's shell with a huge noise. As soon as it realized what was happening, it curled into a ball, trying to shield himself with his bone plates. ================================================= Annie, Ix, Rose, Panik Killer roared in pain as the flames licked it's skin. Steam raised from his whole body, and it seemed that Ifrit's tactic was working. That, however, brought in a new element to the fight: the steam was gathering inside the room, creating a deep fog that made it hard to see what was going on. Panik was now lying on the floor. He had been hit by Ifrit when Killer swung the djin around the room, and was a little dizzy from the impact, but he did notice something little right beside him: Annie. It seemed like he almost fell over her, but luckily she was not hurt. "Eh, you'sss another little one? Isss you fighting bro Killer too?" the lizard giant asked.
  2. Ok, now I got it. Give me some time and the update will be on. (just got called to wash the dishes from lunch XP)
  3. Ok, I think I already rested enough for one day XD. So, before we keep going, I want to clear up something: Ethic & Kenny, the plan that you said was screwed up by Maxwell is the wire thingy against the Turtle giant, or something else? Is the wire still in position?
  4. ^He was using this for making a funny example Kenny. XD By the way, great post Jory. I always was in doubt in that matter, but now you made it clear. (I voted that up XD)
  5. My most recent /d in PO: "Notus was immobilized by love."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosesong


      That was a good die though

    3. Notus


      Yeah,thinking well there are worse ways to. *thinks of Under the Hill*.

    4. Rosesong


      Ooooooh, yeah...

      Those aren't pleasant

  6. @ Stratos: As Vinny likes to say... ThE PraNKsTer is Too StrOnk XD
  7. "... Oh well. Looks like someone has serious problems with anger management." Colin commented drily once Alvin got away. Then he turned to Evan again, placing a hand on his roommate's shoulder. "Hey mate, just let the guy go. It's not worth wasting time and energy with this kind of people. Besides, if you want to relieve some stress you can beat the crap out of him in the arena!" Colin then looked around to see the corridor now empty (except for their group, of course.). "Hey guys, now that this thingy is over, shouldn't we go get our new pokés in the gym?"
  8. "Hey, sorry mate I didn't know you were sensible about that... Oh no, right, you're not gay... I mean, not that it is a bad thing but... Oh forget it." Colin was busy facepalming due to his failed attempt of apologizing to Alvin when a new guy showed up, introducing himself as Claude. "Oh hey. Nice to meet you, I'm Colin Wave...." He started answering, shaking Claude's hand. However, that was when everything went crazy in a blink: The raging bug-boy shouting, Danni's laughter stopping, and finally the sound of Alvin being pressed against the wall by Evan. "Wow, wow there." The water trainer stepped forth, trying to aid James. "No need to get that angry guys, we're not trying to bully anyone. Jeez, just take the joke a little better man!" Then, turning to Evan he kept speaking. "And mate, I think you should put him down, the teachers probably won't like that too much. It's just a misunderstanding, not worth to risk a detention or something like that, right?"
  9. Well well, Danni is getting pretty popular on the first day. (And get Colin in that competition as well XD) Aand Colin is probably gonna go straight to Alvin's enemies list too after that. @ Chim: Nice team man, we need to test them against each other in PO some time!
  10. Colin was a little startled after he hit the bug type trainer, though the crash was not strong enough to make himself lose balance. "Oh hey, sorry mate. I really shoud look were I'm going more often..." He said with an embarrassed smile. Damn, again? How more distracted can I get? He hoped the other boy wasn't hurt. ...Although, for some reason he didn't get, it was actually Evan who was making those faces of psychological pain in the... well, you know. A little distracted by the incident, he only registered Danniele's speech. "Oh, yeah it wasn't a big deal of a test for me neither... Wait, what? Is that guy gay?" he asked suddenly, getting only half the sentence and pointing towards Alvin with his tumb with an innocent and curious look at his face.
  11. Team I'm thinking about: (Same as my PO mono.) -Kyte -Greninja -Kingdra -Tentacruel -Azumarill (dat Belly Drum XD) -Gyarados Not sure about my reserves, and neither Megas. But probably once Mega swampy is released I'm gonna go for it.
  12. Colin finished his test a little after Evan had left. He probably had done a good score: All water type related questions were surely right, and most of the battle related questions too. He wasn't much sure about the behavior related questions about Pokémon of other types, however. Some were easy enough to solve by logic, but why in hell should he know where to find a freaking Spinda?! He raised and walked towards the gym. Kyte was on his pokéball this morning, as the mudkip didn't like at all to wake up early. As for Colin himself, he was too excited about everything to be sleepy. Thoughts about all that happened since his arrival flashed through his mind and... Just as he was wandering about the girl with the Murkrow from last night (who he had lost sight of in the babecue), she passed by him. "Hey, Danni!" he called, picking up to her pace. "What's up? Sorry for loosing you yesterday, I was hella tired. How was your test?" Colin asked, keeping a quick walk towards the gym... and in the process, bumping straight into Alvin, who had suddenly stopped in the middle of the corridor. ((Yup, you can say Colin is a real wrecking ball XD))
  13. Nicely handled Darklight. I'm off to sleep, so I'll assume Colin lost track of Dani and went to do the same XD
  14. Eh, a red faced demon...? Couldn't he just give them the guy's name? Marcus thought, sighing internally. Oh well, it would seem they were having their riddle-solving time soon enough. Either way, this game was cool enough to pick his interest, and as such it was his time to answer. "Not at all! I can't speak for everyone here, but I saw what that thing has done in Brinestar. Human, Demi-Human, God, whatever it is, only to think of the massacre of a race like he is planning to do makes me sick. For me, the sooner we slay that guy the better." He answered.
  15. Colin quickly raised at the end of Redwood's speech. Hell, he knew this was no ordinary school, but the whole battle point system, the idea of getting a new Pokémon on the next day (and a Horsea, as he had just thought!), an excursion in just six weeks, tournaments... That was even better than he expected! ... But, as excited as he was, his rumbling stomach reminded him that he barely didn't eat during the whole day. Putting Kyte over his shoulder, he turned to Evan. "Man, that was a cool speech and all but I'm hungry! Let's go grab a bite!" Around that time a girl appeared through the Hall's door. Colin didn't even realize there were latecomers this... well, late, and wandered were they might have been all this time. She started questioning Evan about the speech and, obviously, he decided to get in the conversation as well. "Eeeh, yeah, you did miss quite a lot of stuff." He said, stepping nearer the duo. "But hey, no worries, we can go to the barbecue and explain those to you in the way!" The suggestion was followed by an approving "kip" from Kyte. ((Same as Darklight, if you guys want to you can just assume they went, had dinner and got back to their dorms for the class.))
  16. Kkkk it's ok, that happens. XD He first talked to Phoebe, I was waiting a response to make only one post with his reaction to Mareek and close the dialogue with her, but no problem. Also... I want a Kingdra badly now... XD
  17. Colin got pretty much ignored by Phoebe there... /cry Welp, no problem, it would be just empty dialogue anyway XD. I'm assuming evan is still near him?
  18. Colin listened to the speech from his place near the entrance of the Contest Hall. The idea of entering tournaments was what got him more excited, since he didn't have much interest in dragons... Or so he thought, until Juan's Kingdra came to his mind. Well, dunno if Horsea will be available there anyway, might as well just wait and see. The boy thought to himself while he kept listening to the Q&A session.
  19. Annie, Rose, Ix & Panik Killer at first gasped for air due to the surprise attack. Steam raised from his neck while the fiery whip slowly cut it's way deeper in the giant's flesh, and also from his chest where Rose's blast had hit him. The might of both strikes had made him go into one knee, but despite that he still managed a grin. And when a murderous-psycho the size of an apartment building grins, that's generally not a good sign. "There's no "good ones" here Panik, you should know that you half-wit... And speaking of half-wits, you should be smarter than to use the same trick twice..." He said in a raspy tone, reaching back to the whip again, and once more pulling Ifrit forth. This time, however, he threw the djin around in an arc, trying to sweep the room using the monster and it's weapon. ======================================================== Enya, Ellaria, Morris, Mr. Taylor & Phantom "Oh, so it's you guys!" Ellaria said, relieved to be in friendly company. But, right after that, she started hearing some... suspicious noises coming from their left. A moment later, Enya seemed to notice that too. Jeez, can't we stay out of trouble for some time? "Enya is right, we must get going. But we can't go back towards that other room... Is there any other way out of here?" ((Remember she can't see the remaining door.))
  20. My opinion is the same, but I'd like to hear the others too. If no one objects, then I guess it's fine.
  21. Yup, double posting in a short time, but I'd like to have your attention on this guys. So as you all probably noticed, I've had a lot of stuff to deal with irl, and haven't been able to keep up properly with the RP. After thinking a lot, I decided to call on help, and as such we have a new Co-Host in Under the Hill: Rosesong! To try and keep a nice flow, I'm giving her the same powers as host that I have. She has full authority to create scenes, control NPCs, and ensure the game rules are being properly followed. Of course I expect players to treat her with the proper respect to that position. So, that's the news. Thanks a lot to Rose for accepting to help me in that, hopefully you'll find it as fun as I do!
  22. no Zeph, you're with them at position 3. The giant is on 2 against Rose's group. Also, I have some news for you guys, so stay tunned! Brb!
  23. *quote button doesn't work.* *Notus ragequits* Eh, well. In the last map update, they would be on number 3, the room with two doors. You just blasted one, so there's another closed one left. Also, if someone could quote post #1012 for me to get the map it would be great! XD
  24. Oops, sorry Zeph, you guys are with Mr. Taylor & Phantom, you just got out of Killer's room. I wrote it wrong in the IC post.
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