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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Same place as he was killed. Oh, turtle guy would still be around there, but wouldn't be paying much attention to Marcus at first.
  2. Rose, Ix, Annie & Panik Killer got up again, looking at his foes with his right eye while covering his face with a hand. Steam raised from the wounds inflicted by Ifrit and Annie, signaling that he was already recovering. "Tsk, so you really are different than the other little ones. Whatever, it's not a really big deal." It took it's hand out, showing that his face was already brand new, and took a fighting stance with both fists raised near head level, waiting for the oponnents to make the next move. ((Oops, you're right Rose XD))
  3. Eagle, please don't auto-hit the titans, both of them are to be treated as PCs. Also guys, sorry a lot for the hella long time I'm taking to answer... I'll try to solve this problem soon. Updates on Annie, Rose & Ix coming!
  4. "Uhmn... Lord Bartimis, would you give us any advice as to where we should start our quest? There's gotta be some shards that are easier to get then others, and guess having some of them when we reach the harder ones would be good."
  5. Eh, I'm really trying to think of a smart question... You know what, Marcus wouldn't think too long himself, so I'll throw one anyway XD
  6. Well, at least there is not much to catch up on. XD Take your time and tell us what you think, anyway I'd like to hear the other's opinions.
  7. Weell posts deleted and problem (probably) solved. Now, it's time to go back for our reencounters, fleeing gunslinger rats, angry giants and suicide-bomber penguins, just as always. XD
  8. Woah, a Water expert teacher, and sister to the Ymora's Water leader?! Colin thought, happy. That was too much luck to be true. He knew that he would meet some real pros at the academy, and learn a lot, but having the possibility of specific instruction on Water types was just perfect! "Really?! That's great! I came here to be a Water expert too you know? Oh, and by the way, I'm Colin, Colin Wave." Kyte then let go a annoyed "kiep", probably wanting a little attention to himself. "Oh and this little guy here is Kyte. Nice to meet you!" Then his eyes fell upon the other boy that had arrived. "Oh hey, you're the guy from before! Sorry to have bumped into you mate, I was really tired..." he started, a bit embarrassed.
  9. Yep, you're right. I have an idea, but it would require some help from Hukuna, and I want to know if you guys agree. Basically, acolytes show up, we start to defend the position, then someone calls the headquarters and we get teleported away. Short and (hopefully) effective.
  10. I'm gonna do that right now, because it is clearly trolling. On the meantime just keep cool guys, it's not worth to waste energy over this. He had his fair warning.
  11. Dooooon't let it diiiiiee!!! XD Now serious guys, we're almost finished there! Any ideas as to how we can wrap up the covert ops mission to proceed with the main RP?
  12. Weeeeell, seems this is getting pretty popular, much new players but... Yeah, signing up first would be good XD No need to stress over that guys, just ignore those posts and I'll get them deleted sooner or later, while also trying to explain the rules for Doj.
  13. Colin walked fast to try and pick up to Phoebe's pace. "Hey miss!" The boy said to call her attention. "That Blastoise is amazing, it looks super strong! I bet even Juan would be impressed!" By that time, he was already beside the teacher, his eyes still glowing with excitement from seeing this new Pokémon. "Who are you? Do you have other water Pokémon?"
  14. "Whait a bit there!" Colin said to the Blastoise, turning to Evan again afterwards. "Eh, should we follow it? It's the path to the Arena anyway. ((Again, you can have him auto follow if you feel like it))
  15. Quincy Well, now things had went crazy: a lot of newcomers, Ethnic dead (that Marcus guy surely didn't waste time), and a lot of thingys exploding. "Nah, that's not fun. 'tis a battle, not a hunt..." the rat said, looking gloomy. He easily leapt up to avoid the flame shot from the Sphinx, and then proceeded to run out of the scene, hoping the big turtle guy would work as a nice diversion for him. Turtle Giant Just as Quincy hoped, the giant started towards the Sphinx, and right through the flames, at full throttle "STOP MAKING MORE THINGYS TO KILL!" he shouted, visibly angry at the multiple opponents now. The fire didn't hurt the giant at all, and when the next thing the Sphinx saw was a huge fist making contact with its face. Red blood splattered on the wall, and the titan proceeded to kick the monster's body out of the way. =============================================================== Enya, Ellaria & Morris "Did it work? Thanks Enya!" Ellaria said after she heard the explosion. Maybe it was good that she couldn't see things like that, or she would probably have a hard time trying to understand what the heck just happened. Getting up, she grabbed the girl's hand again and followed towards the place where the explosion had come from, assuming that Morris would follow. ============================================================== Mr. Taylor & Phantom Suddenly the duo heard a big explosion, which shook the whole room. When they next looked, there was a new hole in the place of the northern door, and through it passed Ellaria, Enya and Morris. ((Enya - professional door opener to the rescue XD))
  16. When Evan arrived, Colin was circling around the Blastoise, extremely excited. "Nah, apparently one guy set fire to his own room, but it's all right now." he said displicently, more focused on examining the big turtle Pokémon. "Maan, this is awesome! Look at this guy's bulk! And it has two freaking cannons on it's back!" Then the boy stopped a bit and turned back to Evan, suddenly curious about something other than the Pokémon. "Hey, do you know who was that blonde lady?
  17. Edward & Kenny Despite Edward's anxiety, there was no trace of titans around them (except for the bones if the one Ethic slew earlier). That, however, didn't mean they were alone in the pantry. Suddenly a chunk of meat - which upon closer inspection revealed to be an arm - fell from above right beside the scout boy. When the duo looked up again, paying more attention to the sillouetes in the hooks, they realized some of them were actually moving. It was too dark in the room to have a clear view of those, but someone like Kenny, who had been in this Circle for some time, would obviously recognize them as the Starving Souls - feasting on their own dead fellows. ============================================= Annie, Ix, Rose & Panik Killer felt the impact of the girl landing near his neck, and despite being caught by surprise, it's reaction was immediate. Using the momentum of his own running, the Titan lept and went for a roll over, aiming to crush Annie against the floor and at the same time keeping speed towards Ifrit.
  18. Ok guys, so Zankyou no Terror (Terror in Ressonance) has just ended and... Wow. It was short, but a work of art! Anyone else has watched it? If so what do you think about the series? And for those who didn't, I strongly recommend you give it a try! (Oh, spoiler buttons please. This one needs the suspense a lot XD)
  19. Oh well, guess we'll probably not have have the fun of watching while the guy's room gets Hydro Pumped by a Blastoise (and Water Gunned by a Mudkip XD)... still, I'm guessing Colin just found his favourite teacher!
  20. OK, going out for the night. @ Flux, you guys could try climbing and sneaking through the key hole or something like that, or wait a bit. Door-opening help is likely to arrive sholtly. XD
  21. Colin's eyes went wide open at the appearance of the Blastoise. "Whaaaaaat?! Was that a really a Blastoise?! Man that's so cool! I've never seen one before, just read 'bout them!" Then what the blonde trainer said struck him. "Oah, wait, a fire? Heck, this is a bit too much for the first day... But I think we should help her!" Colin then turned to Evan. "Hey mate, I'm going ahead to see if Kyte can help a little with water, can you find a fire alarm and set it on? I'll be back soon, no worries!" And with that, the young water trainer got his Mudkip in his arms and raced after Phoebe, hoping to catch up soon.
  22. Ethic ... Aand it happened exactly like Ethic predicted. The Titan did loose his balance, but unlike one would expect, it was agile enough to use the momentum and roll back over his shell, getting on his feet again (though a little on the limit for not getting stuck.). It then got up again and stared towards the Hermit with a puzzled look. "Whut? You crazy, little-old-man?" Someone watching the scene from an outsider's point of view would probably have wandered who, between the giant and the Keeper, was actually the dumb one. "OKEY SO I'LL KILL YOU FIRST!" The titan screamed, changing course and charging at the Hermit like a mad bull. ======================================= Quincy & Marcus As the titan lost it's balance, Quincy turned and answered to Marcus. "Okies, sounds good. The old bugger looks kinda annoying anyway." While he was saying that, the titan started falling... almost over the rat man. Instead of dodging it, Quincy jumped towards the giant's neck and hang in there, by the end of the shell. Result: when it got back on it's feet, it had a gunslinger rat taking a free ride in it. Quincy held fast when the giant rushed to the Hermit - a fun, fun ride! - and when it got near enough, he leapt again with super-human agility to pass over the old man. Still mid flight, he unlocked, aimed and fired the Preacher, sending a lightining bolt towards the Keeper's back. ====================================== Edward & Kenny ((Uhmn, actually, just go ahead, I've already described the pantry twice, it would be kinda redundant doing it again XD))
  23. Ethic & Kenny (man that was fast) The titan tried again to reach for Kenny, only to see him portalling out and hit the empty air. "NAAAHRG! DON'T RUN BEFORE I KILL YOU!!!" he yelled, mad of anger. Then, without anything else to distract him, he turned to Ethic. "NOW YOU! DON'T YOU RUN TOO LITTLE-TRAITOR!" The sentence was followed by a full strength kick in the young man's direction. ================================================== Quincy & Marcus "Te-hee, seems our work won't be that hard." Quincy said when they reached the battlefield. "Looks like Ethnic picked a fight with one o'them big guys." Then he turned to Marcus and asked while loading the Preacher. "Shall we give it some help?" ================================================== Ix, Panik, Rose & Annie Killer flinched for a second when Ix's beast appeared out of nowhere. "What the..." the giant started saying, only to be greeted by a wall of fire balls. Immediately it started blocking and deflecting them, using the bone blades of his arms and legs with great dexterity. Panik, in the meantime, laid Rose in a corner far from the fighting along with Ix. "You little-oness sstay here. Killer iss scary when he's angry, but Panik'll make him calm down." The giant said, preparing to join the fight. The barrage of fire was almost entirely avoided by Killer. In the few spots that the shots hit, leaving ugly holes and a nauseating smell, smoke raised and flesh was already beginning to recover. The titan then kicked a piece of rock that was lying on the floor, aiming at the demon Ifrit, and charged just after the rock itself, blades ready.
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