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Everything posted by Notus

  1. @ Ethic: yeah, I am waiting for Kenny at your scene... I'll have to go out for a few hours now, and if he doesn't post till there I'll keep going. (and you guys will have to deal with a fire-wielding, almost invulnerable giant. XD @ Murdoc: You can skip straight to Ethic's battlefield if you want to, I'm assuming Marcus followed Quincy there. Just wait a bit for me to come back too. @ Zeph: as Rose said. XD @ Eagle: You can post whenever you want mate!
  2. If Bartimus is the friendly one, I can only imagine the others... Still, maybe that'll be good to teach Sigurd to think before talking... That is, if he lives for learning that. XD
  3. Colin nodded affirmatively to Evan's suggestion. "Sounds good to me! I'm just hoping they have a swimming pool or something around, but I can look for it in the way. Hey Kyte, let's go!" With that, the Mudkip went near him and both stepped back in the corridor, waiting for Evan and Eevee there. ((You can have Colin follow Evan if you want Chim.))
  4. Hehe, it would be nice if Colin got to see Phoebe and her water types in action. Maybe he'll bump on her on his walk... XD
  5. ***Marcus facepalms.*** Maaan, this is gonna be funny. XD I was considering posting, but the scene is too good now. Gonna wait for Hukuna.
  6. Annie The room were Annie went in was a complete wreck of stone and food scattered everywhere. And the reason was quite clear by the way: in the middle of the mess, a titan was thrashing everything, seemingly trying to hit something he couldn't see. Lucky for the girl, it didn't notice her entering, nor turned his head towards her. At first. Moments later, Panik's group entered through the door and picked the giant's interest.* *((Note: Making things clear, Annie is on the same room as Rose, Ix and Panik, having entered a little before. Take a look at the last post of this group to check the blade titan's reaction. In the map, it's the top right room.))
  7. @ Zeph: Uhmn, up to now it didn't look like her power could be used like this, but you know better. I know it's only opening a door, but be creative! XD @ Annie: Yeah, I understand that. Just be sure to keep in mind the injurys she's already inflicted upon herself, as those would need to be taken care off. (On a second thought, Enya's doctor on last circle might have gave Annie a check-up on those.) EDIT: Nevermind, just read your last post and that's exactly what I meant XD.
  8. Ixidor, Rose & Panik "So it was true eh Panik?" the blade giant spoke, turning to face them. "Helping the little buggers...What's got into your head, you half-wit?" "Don't be mad bro! These are nice, funny little-ones. Panik dunno why, but Panik don't wanna kill them" the reptilian titan answered. Then he turned his head towards Ix and spoke happily. "This is big bro Killer, he's really smart, but a little to angry y'know." "Ooh now you've done it." Killer said angrily, apparently confirming Panik's statement. "I'm full of you giving me trouble, you dumb beast. Shut the f# up!" The giant started to run towards Panik like a bullet, barely giving time for him to dodge. It looked like they were in trouble.
  9. Ok, first and more important, @Eagle: your character is accepted! He seems to be pretty powerfull, so I trust you take care not to play him in a Sueish way. I'll send a PM later so we can discuss how to throw him into the scene. Now, second thingy: as Rose noted, I haven't seen much use of the costs lately. Part of this, in my point of view, is due to many characters not actually using their powers much, but it would be nice to remember that the cost exists from time to time. Characters using the cost right include (not only them, this is only an example) Rose and Enya. From time to time they simply get out of commission when using too much power. Phantom is another good example, as his cost is different: he simply can't use his power for too long, else he dies. Now on the other hand, let's take Kenny. You are aware if your cost, and that's good, but you could word it better imo. You don't actually need to tell every little headache your character gets, specially if he instantly recovers from that. It's useless to write it except if it really affects how your character fights and/or acts. In short, it's not like every single action you take with your powers triggers the cost, but when it does, it must have a bigger impact on him. Oh and to avoid misunderstandings, I'm not meaning this as a reprimand of any kind, just a heads up for everyone to pay attention in this aspect of the RP. Last of all, updates are coming! Sorry for being so late always to do it, but I'm having a lot of work to do irl. (and I thought after finishing study it would be easier XP... welp, at least it's better than getting my face in math books all day long.)
  10. "Eh, I could give you one of those cliché nicknames like Mist, Siren, or something like that." Colin answered his roommate. "But 'ya know, I think that has to be something you and Eevee choose by yourselves. Take Kyte here for example." The boy said, pointing towards the Mudkip. "My mother gave him to me when I was two, and I named him on the spot. It doesn't really mean anything, but he liked it and now I can't imagine him with any other name. It's something completely ours." By that time, he already had left the sofa, and placed his books beneath his bed, in order to not confuse them with Evan's. "Hey, I guess I'll take a walk 'till the time to go to the Contest Hall. Wanna come along?"
  11. Ok guys, I am going to bed now but tomorrow I'll take a close look at both the new character and the cost thingy, which has to be revised a little. But, in advance, welcome aboard Eagle!
  12. "Yep, that's a great idea! Vaporeon is great in a fight, one of my mother's friends at the gym had one. It was amazing!" The boy said laughing. Then Evan's Eevee appeared in front of him. "Oh, so there it is! Heyo little one, nice to meet you! I'm Colin Wave, and looks like we're roommates." Colin said, pointing to himself with his thumb. Kyte also noticed the other pokémon and approached happily, yelling his "kyepz!" at a most energic way. "Eh, hope they get along well." Colin continued. "Did you give it a nickname?"
  13. Uhmn Arkh, it seems the sheets link is broken.
  14. Weell, guess that's good enough XD. And thanks for the conference call Murdoc, best idea to handle this.
  15. "Eh, yeah you're probably right." Marcus said to Helze, joining the group beside her. "Now, how would it be best for us to start this? Maybe we should go right to the point and ask where the shards are?"
  16. Morris, Enya & Ellaria "If you're feeling better, that would be great! But... Don't push youself too hard ok?" Ellaria answered to the little girl. "We still gotta find Rose and the others." She felt tired, and just stood there sitting on the floor, breathing heavily, while Enya did her thing.
  17. ((Eeh, Kenny, I meant blazing fast as in real fast soo... no fire actually XD)) Marcus & Quincy A roar was heard by the murderer duo, coming from their left. "Weeeell, seems it will be even funnier than I thought! It's that way!" With that, the rat man started towards the noise at full speed, not even looking to see if Marcus was keeping up.
  18. Ethic & Kenny ... Only, it didn't work. Contrary to what Ethic thought, this giant's skin was as hard as steel, and though the life saber did take a bit of flesh out, it wasn't nearly enough to reach the critical point of it's thick neck. That way he became aware of danger, so when Kenny tried to hit him from above he raised his bone-armored arm and fully blocked the blow, for everyone's surprise. The titan let out a scream (more of growl though) of surprise, and turned to the adventurers looking quite angry. It was not a pretty sight. "OOOOOH YOU GUYS ARE NO FUN AT ALL! YOU MAKE ME ANGRY NOW!" It shouted, throwing a huge and blazing fast punch towards Kenny. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ((Cultural note: As you can see, not your regular titan. This guy is dumb, but extremely resistant, and you guys will have to look for even weaker spots than normal to beat him. The one in the other room with Ix, Rose and Panik is another story, being smarter and more offensive oriented, but less armored.))
  19. Ethic "Ooh, little-old-man has tricks too! That's gonna be fun!" The turtle giant said, clapping his hands (and consequently making a huge noise). Then he heard Ethic's "warning", and turned to look at the direction he pointed. "Oh, oh, one more? Where is it?"
  20. Morris, Enya & Ellaria "It's Ellaria, Mr. Morris." The blind girl answered him. She didn't know how scarred and ferocious Morris looked like, so she wasn't intimidated by him actually, so far he seemed to be a nice guy. She sat down next to Enya, and took her hand. "And you're right, we'd better take some rest... Enya, are you ok?"
  21. "Oh hey, you're from Lilycove? Cool! I went there with my mother once for shopping, it's a nice city. I'm from Sootopolis, so guess we could say we're neighbors." Colin sat on the couch while saying this. His legs were still sore from the run, and he could bet they would be standing for quite some time during the ceremony in the Contest Hall later. " I always liked the Water type, and I want to be the best Water trainer ever! That means I'm aiming for the League too at some point, so you better get there before me, or you wont stand a chance!" the boy said with grin. "You said your brother wanna be a Champion along with you. Did he sign-up here too?"
  22. Looks great, I'm interested.
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