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Everything posted by Notus

  1. "Thanks, I'm looking forward to know your partner too!" Colin ansered to the compliment to Kyte. "And don't even mention that room thingy, it's all the same for me." He threw his bag at the empty bed displicently and went back to the living room to check the stuff. They got a PC, piles of books and... two Pokédex! He reached for the blue one, and then remembered Evan was there. "Eh, do you mind if I take this one? I kinda like blue a lot... " Then, looking at the books, he noticed both had the same label on it. "So you're in the trainer program too? Nice! I can't wait to have a real battle!" He kept talking, energetic as always. Oh, and were are you from by the way?"
  2. Quincy & Marcus "Yep, as long as you keep that blade away from meh. I'd hate to kill you this soon, you seem like a nice-suspicious-looking-person." The rat answered Marcus with a happy voice, not even looking back. When they arrived at the main corridor, Quincy stopped. He looked to both sides, smelled the air and listened a bit. "Well, found them. So, who you wanna kill first, suspicious-looking friend?" =========================================== Ix, Rose & Panik "Uhmn, you don't look powerless little one. You're little but brave. See, I'm big-big and I couldn't help it too." Panik said raising his shoulders. "Anyway, let's just find the other little ones and get some yummy food for the red girl when she wake up! That will make her happy!" Saying that, Panik opened the door in the end of the corridor. What they saw was a wreck of a broken room, with piles of stones and food scattered everywhere, and in the middle of it, the blade giant. "... Oh. Hy bro." Panik said when it glared at them with angry eyes. =========================================== Morris, Enya & Ellaria The little group was walking for some time now, and probably out of sound range for the giant. Ellari had been quiet for that time, despite getting hold of Enya's hand. She was tired, but kinda happy at the same time. Finnaly she discovered what she could do, what was her power. The way the giant couldn't see her, and looking back, the way the same thing happened in the stairs of the second circle, only left one possibility. I can turn invisible! She thought excited. Of course, it was ironic that she got a power that only her wouldn't notice, but how cool was that! Finnaly she felt she could help her friends, and that feeling was great! A little ahead, the corridor ended in other closed door. Of course Ellaria didn't know that, so when she noticed Morris stopping, she was a bit confused. "What's the problem guys? Something on the way?"
  3. Typh, if you take a look at the chronologic details, you'll see it's impossible for the char to have lived on Earth. There's probably no Earth born people alive in Esperanza at the current point.
  4. Oh well, that's what I take for not watching the movies. Now you made me curious!
  5. Marcus almost - no, not almost, he really fell off his chair this time. Getting up quickly, the Templar looked from the Ogre to the man in the middle of the room. Holy fires of Pyron, this can't get weirder. Then he heard Helze call the newcomer "Lord of Life", and realized it wasn't a simple man he was facing now. "Wow wow wow, whait a minute there." he said aloud, unable to suppress his surprise. "You mean that goat of yesterday is actually Bartimis?! And Oarloff here is able to call him like that?!" He paused a moment, not actually waiting for an answer, and then burst into laughter. "Pyron be good, this is great!" Then, realizing he could be overdoing it, he tried to calm down a bit. "Eh, I don't mean any disrespect. It's just that... Well, you gotta admit this whole situation is a little absurd."
  6. @ Brfoger6 : Just curious about one point... What is that LaRousse city? There's none like this in Hoenn.
  7. "Ok... thanks." Colin said to Tyron. Then the boy turned, found his map, took a deep breath to calm down and started towards the dormitory building. As he walked, though, his mind was still racing ahead. Finnaly he was here: the place where he would learn the tricks of the trade of a top trainer; the place where he would start his road to be the very best, like no one never was. And by the amount of people arriving, it seemed he and his partner would not lack training fodder in that department. Speaking of which... As soon as he got in a less movimented part of the main building, he reached for the Dive Ball in his pocket and pressed it's button, releasing the Mudkip inside it. "Hey Kyte, here we are! Ready to kick some ass around mate?" The little mud fish answered with an happy "Kyep!" and started looking around the place in awe while the duo walked. No surprise there, after all Sootopolis had simply no space for big buildings and fields like those. Do they have a pool here? The boy wandered a little worried. As cool as this place looked like, if he spent more than a week without swimming he'd probably go crazy. They got in the Dorm building by the forest, and looked at the door numbers until they found their room. Colin opened it, and started getting his bag out of his shoulders before getting a good look at the... Room?! More like a nice apartment! Damn, that place as big as the ground floor of his house in Sootopolis. Kyte had already gone ahead towards the beds and was "kyeping" at something there. When Colin headed over there he noticed his room mate had already arrived. "Heyo! Looks like we're placed together mate." he said, stretching his arm for a hand shake. "I'm Colin, but people use to call me Wave. The little guy is my buddie Kyte. Nice to meet you!"
  8. Marcus "Eh-hey! Great then!" Quincy said, leaping down from the hook where he stood. The Preacher still in hand, he kept talking while he walked past Marcus, heading towards the main corridor again. "I thought you could give me some advice actually. I just arrived you see. Have you seen an kinda... Ethnic guy, and a blonde girl that looks like she's bored all the time?"
  9. Uuf. Man, I thought I would have more free time now, but apparently I was wrong.

  10. Colin was still out of air - not to mention feeling stupid - from the run and fall, when he looked to the other young man he had crashed into. Luckily he didn't seem to be hurt, having pulled some ninja movement and getting already up. However, before he could catch enough air to apologize, the guy making the registrations spoke up... And, logically, destroyed his own computer right after. Unfortunately the other boy had walked away in the meantime, so he'd have to search for him later. "Eeeh, thanks I guess." the white haired boy answered, staring at the remnants of the PC. "My name is Colin Wave, from Sootopolis. Uhmn, where should I go from here mr..." Colin leaned his head sideways a bit, trying to read the man's name tag. "... Tyron is it?"
  11. Marcus rubbed his temple and laid back in the chair when the mages finished telling them the story of the Plate and the Nine Shards. Holy hell, it was a lot to take in just one go. "So, in short, we have to travel through all Graterras and gather these Shards in order to prevent the end of the world or something alike." The Templar made a little pause, as if considering the idea. Then he opened a smile. "Yep, looks nice. I'm in! As you said, there is a Shard in each nation of Graterras right? Any clues on where to find the Shadowed Island's one?"
  12. Yeah Strat, just thought I'd make both meet early on. XD And Hukuna, good to see you here! Are you feeling better mate?
  13. Dear mother of god, a few hours in and this has 2 pages already?! This must be some kind of record!
  14. Oh damn, late in the first day. Colin arrived in the front gate running, and almost out of air already. Kyogre had not helped the sea condition in Hoenn this last week, and difficult as Sootopolis port was, the boat that was to take him to Slateport for taking the Ymora Ferry had been late. He had to make the rest of the land trip to the academy in record time to even get there now. Well, problem was, he got there tired. And tired people running have the unhealthy habit of not looking ahead as much as they should... And that's how he hit the line. More specifically, the back of the guy just ahead of him in that line, a boy with earplugs on that had no chance to hear him coming.
  15. Would this work on the server? If so, I think only those that don't have a Mega.
  16. ((sorry for taking so long guys, irl is crazy with the navy admittance stuff)) Ethic & Kenny "Uhmn, you sure you won't flee?" The titan asked Ethic. Then it raised it's shouders and decided. "Oh, if you do I just get you again." He then put Ethic on the floor and talked to the Keeper. "Hey little man, you're not nice, but the other little man says you taste good. So, just die already ok?" With that said, the titan closed it's fist and brought it down faster than one would believe for something that big, aiming for the Keeper on the floor. ======================================== Morris, Enya & Ellaria All of a sudden Morris felt someone touching his arm, and Ellaria appeared out of nowhere beside him, gasping for air. The blade giant was still trashing in the room behind them, trying to find the girl, and after taking a moment to recompose herself from the run, she brought a finger in front of her lips and whispered quietly. "Ok, let's go and try to find a way back to the others while he's busy." =========================================== Rose, Ix, Panik. Panik raised Rose's body, along with Ix, in the palm of his hand, looking to them with curious eyes. "Hey little boy, why you crying? The little girl will come back soon you know?" As he had never been introduced to true death, and the killing of Starving Souls was a routine to him up to this point, he really didn't understand why Ix was so upset. That's when the giant heard something loud coming from the other end of the corridor, and remembered they were going after the other little ones. He picked the painter's bike and resumed walking towards the sound while waiting for an answer. ========================================== Annie After checking both endings of the corridor, Annie stopped to make a mental map. For her left side there was a dead ending, though one with a nice empty hole in the wall for hiding. The other had a closed door (maybe she could get through by the key hole or something) and behind it the sound of something big and angry breaking stuff. And, there was still the way Ethic had gone to, beyond the table room.
  17. @ Kenny: Uhmn, ok Kenny but in the future please ask before getting into a scene that has nothing to do with your character, specially a personal one like ethic with his Keepers. Believe me, Ethic and the Titan are already OP against the Hermit. You and Ethic can discuss wheter you keep that post or delete/change into something else. @ Rose: Yeah, you guys have been a bit too stopped, and since Hukuna is sick I'll play Panik for a while until he gets back. Today was busy and I didn't manage to post, but hopefully I'll move you guys tomorrow. @Morris & Enya: Likewise, gonna post something tomorrow. Zeph, you can make Enya wake up whenever you feel it's right btw. Not like this giant in particular is going down easily. XD @ Annie: Annie still had to decide what she wanted to do, and can do it until the next time I post. After that I'll assume she ran past them. @ Mr. Taylor and Phantom: You can try to think of a way to open the doors, but if you don't figure something out don't worry, the giant will be going back in no time. @Murdoc: still gotta answer Quincy. The posts from the Rose group (nice name btw XD) and Ethic's are on hold until Kenny and Stratos figure out how to proceed, all others are okay to go for now.
  18. This one looks great, but I won't be able to get online tonight. =( Enjoy the tour guys!
  19. *Respawns* ... Holy hell, I completely lost it now. . . Oh missile. *Teleports for behind Absol* *Absol goes boom* *Wind blade cuts Kenny in half. And the mountain, making the castle fall on the sea* Ok, are there any cookies left?
  20. Name: Mauro "Big" Gomes Age: 24 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Hispanic Class: Tank Support Skill: Attention Graber Personality: Loud and funny. Life is a huge playground for Big, and even in critical situations he is able to keep calm and eventually pull a joke or two. Backstory: Big was always extremely curious about everything, and joined the ERC in order to scout expeditions and take a look at the wide world. He was very happy about his life, and was great at his job due to his physical prowess. When the Eden epidemy broke out he was worried, of course, but optimistic as always... Untill one day he came back from an expedition and found that his little sister was took into quarantine, under suspect of having contracted the virus. He volunteered to go beyond Eden as soon as the expedition was launched, and hopes to find the cure quickly and save his sister. Appearance: Mauro has been nicknamed "Big" for a reason. He's 1.90 meter tall, broad of shoulder and muscular like few people. His hair and thick beard are pitch black, his eyes and skin brown, and he always wears a smile on his face.
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