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Everything posted by Notus

  1. YEEEEEEEEESSS! Passed the godamned test after three freaking years! I'm in the Merchant Navy! =D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Notus


      Valeu! Thanks guys, you can't imagine just how happy I am now XD

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      *throws a boxful of confetti* Congratulations broooo

    4. Sheep


      Haha! Cogratulations!

  2. Wooo nice, I'm in! I'll find you later in the server once I think of the details.
  3. Wow Chim. I really didn't think of getting in another RP, but this is looking amazing! Also I'm laking in the Pokémon department, so here it goes. Student Sign-Up Name: Colin Wave Age: 15 Birthday: February 2 Program: Trainer Starter: Mudkip Hometown: Sootopolis Background: (Text wall incoming!) Colin grew up by the sea in Sootopolis City, Hoenn. His mother was a trainer in the local Gym, and his father made a living of hunting pearls and other underwater treasures in the deep trenches around the island. Both would frequently bring him along to their respective jobs, and that made him love the sea and Pokémon. That, combined to the fact of living in the same city as Wallace and Juan and conviving daily with both, made that since a young age he dreamed of becoming an expert Water Pokémon trainer. He is going to Ymora exactly for reaching that goal, and learning all he can about pro-battling in the Academy. Colin is a bit stubborn and hot-headed when it comes to reaching his goals. He also tends to think that he's better than others, since he already knows a bit about Pokémon battles from the Sootopolis Gym, and that gets him into trouble from time to time. He tries to act cool about being away from home for the first time, but the truth is that he misses his family a lot. His Mudkip was a gift from his mother when he was 2 and he goes everywhere with it since then, treasuring it more than anything. Appearance:
  4. *Fastest respawn of the west* Heyo Absol, behind you. *Azumarill used Play Rough!* Well, everybody will respawn in no time I guess.
  5. (Nuuuuu, Sheep went to the dark side!) Venusaur
  6. Up to Hill-I mean, Zeph, but she did say there was place for a Queen. XD EDIT: GUYS WE HAVE A NINJA HILL!!! Ok that works too (though having the person with the banana as Queen is a little weird...)
  7. Swampert has coverage to take down all the options. #SwampertRules
  8. YEAH! Stratos, you're the man! XD Great job everyone!
  9. http://blogdebenoit.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/fatezero-sora-wa-tataku-kaze-wa-utau-guitare-classique/ I found this a while ago. It's a French guy who's made some nice classic guitar arrangements for anime music, and also some of other genres (Bohemian Rapsody for example =O). The nice thing is that he posts the sheets / tabs in his blog! This one is from Fate/Zero.
  10. Yes I did, though I enjoyed HIME more. XD (quote button, y u no work...)
  11. Ok then. *Shoots a missile over to PWB. Rest in pieces.* That should be "to death" enough.
  12. Hey Zeph, may I be king too? (Asking nicely is the key XD)
  13. Guys, just finished Baccano! and simply had to post here. That anime is veeeery good, it jumped straight to my top 10 list for sure. Great characters, great story, different narrative style and... Isaac and Miria. Highly recommended!
  14. Welcome to the madhouse Judy! It seems all the important things have already been said, so you're ready to go and explore what Reborn has to offer,and that's a lot of stuff. One thing I should say is for you to not be afraid of asking help or simply talking to anyone here. One of the best things about this community is how open (and completely crazy ofc) everyone is to new people, so I guess you'll feel at home in no time. What is good, 'cause once you enter Reborn you can never leave (should have read the small letters in the contract!)! Anywailmers, have fun and enjoy your stay!
  15. This place is way too silent, so let's get some hype.
  16. Notus

    Mamoswine OP?

    ^Yeah you're right. Either way, I'm guessing my next playthrough will be quite interesting with all this changes.
  17. "That would probably be the best idea Flux. And if needed Kyte can give Ogre a hand right buddy?" the boy directed this last part at the Swampert, who nodded energically in response. "Either way we'd better get inside quick, it will be easier to defend ourselves there if reinforcements arrive."
  18. Notus

    Mamoswine OP?

    You won't say that after fighting Serra. Took me 10 tries and a lot of nightmares to beat her in ep.9. ... Actually I lost to her in the online league too. Yeah everybody, respect the Ice type.
  19. Just battled Mibuchicha, and she is the winner! Next up for me is Azery right? EDIT: Just battled Azery, got lucky with the team and won. However for some reason I can't find my logs. I switched PCs recently and probably screwed up somewhere, so it would be good to confirm this win with Az.
  20. What the... Well anyway I find it a good idea.

  21. Ethic "Oh, it's not Chef little one, it's Chief." The turtle giant said. "He does not cook you see, he just eats!" He then stopped talking for a bit, considering Ethic's question. "Yeah, I like it very very much! Little ones are much fun when they are trying to run, and most times we can even eat them! They're very tasty you know." By then they had arrived at the crater. "Well other little one, are you dead yet?"
  22. Stratos and Hukuna, both your texts are great! I went in writing rampage an posted something up too, but honestly I'm too tired to have a clear view of the quality. XD Still, I think there's one thing in common in all of them: we're all preparing the path for some more critical events in this world, and I'm very interested in seeing were this will end up going.
  23. Advice from a Ghost "Hello, Brynhildr. It's been a long time." said the ghost to the little kid in front of him. Actually it had been only a couple of months since they last met, but Brynhildr agreed with the tall man. She had processed many times more information in that time frame than most humans do during their whole lifes, and as such her perception of time was on an entirelly different level from theirs. However, through all that "time" she still could remember that particular situation clearly without even having to run a search. They had given her orders to search for a specific hacker in the Yggdrasil, something that would generally be a routine to the AI. However, this time it was different for two key reasons: 1- Regina told her to stop everything else and pour her full processing power in the search. 2- Despite that, she wasn't being sucessful. They had been given few information to work with, ok. She only knew the supect used construct hacking, and had tried to invade the Affluent's database, so she started to search from there. Floating through the data channels smoothly and quick, she reached the external wall to look for any trails left by the invader. The protection around that place was formidable. It wasn't even a proper wall, but rather a metalic sphere of monstrous proportions surrounding the data base. Most hackers would probably not even consider going against such a thing, specially knowing this was only the first layer of the best defense that money could buy in all Vyker. Still, a through inspection revealed a weaker spot on the barrier, a place that seemed to be hollow. The suspect probably had opened a hole there somehow, and the Affluent were trying to hide it until it got fixed. Behind it, in the metalic surface was a piece of paper with a V sign written on it. ...And there it ended. There was no trace of anything abnormal aside from that, as if the hole had simply appeared there, and for more she looked around she couldn't find any clue of where he might have gone. Days passed ( in human frame, meaning weeks for her ) and Brynhildr, frustrated, started to search other places. Regina had given her green light for searching in all Yggdrasil freely, and was trying to convince the "sneaky smugs of the Affluents" to give them more info to work with. While that, the AI quietly seached forums, chat rooms and watever else she could. Finnaly her efforts came into fruition. She found old posts in a dubious reputation political forum that had the same V as signature. She followed this clue and was able to pinpoint his accesses to that forum, all of wich came from the same adress more research revealed the name Gerd Specter as the owner of the apartment, a retired professional of net defense, who have even worked for the Valkyrie at some point. A team was dispatched, with Reginas's orders to arrest the suspect for questioning, and Brynhildr assumed the surveilance sistem of the old apartment building for backing them up, but left Gerd's terminal untouched in order to not alarm him. They rammed down the door. Gerd, a strong man in his sixties, with a white beard and long white hair, was lying back in his chair, eyes closed with cables plugged on the back of his head, typical equipment for Construct hacking. It seemed he was still online. The Valkyrie men started to move toward him to make the arrest when Skuld Regina's voice sounded in their tactical helmets. "Change of orders... bzzt... eliminate target immediately." Brynhildr saw and heard everything through the processors in helmets, but didn't have time to warn the soldiers of the sound hacking that just happened. They aimed and shot, and before she could do anything the wall and terminal were painted of blood red. At the time it was a great shock to the AI, as it was the very first time she actually saw someone getting killed. There was a huge commotion inside Valkyrie as well, as Regina got mad trying to find who hacked her voice transmition and interfered with the operation, but up to the moment there had been no progress in the old man's case. And even so, there he was now. The same white hair, white beard and strong frame, standing tall in front of - and actually inside - Brynhildr. " Gerd Specter. " she said, letting him know she remembered him. Here she assumed the look of a blonde little girl, by human standards around the age of six. "How are you still alive? What do you want, revenge?" And more important, how have you hacked into me? she tought, still unable to believe it. "Oh no child, I know it was not your fault." the old man said with a grin. "You have just been used, as many people have, by the heads of the system." He started a sitting movement, and out of nowhere a chair appeared for him. "You know, construct hacking is an interesting thing. If you're killed inside Yggdrasil, you'll die in the real world as well. However, as you can see, it seems the inverse does not apply. It's not to be said that nothing changes though. Time is different inside here, and as much as I learned new tricks faster than ever - even becoming able to get in here - I also recently realized that I age way faster. What brings us to you second question again." He leaned forward to look straight into Brynhildr's face. "I'm dying. I actually have only a little time before being erased, and I wanted to tell you of some important things I have learned. Unfortunately, your resistance was greater and longer than I expected, so I'm only giving you a little piece of advice for you to think on." "Never blindly follow orders for those in the power. Always try to see the reason behind them, and if it is for good or evil. People may say you are a war machine, but that's not what the Valkyrie is supposed to be, and neither what you look like. You are above all a guardian of the people, and the system is not the people." Brynhildr didn't know what to make of all that. What did he mean? She didn't feel any parallel hacking happening, and his voice... It just felt honest. Whas it possible he really had come only to give her this... warning? The old man looked down at his clock. "Well, guess it's time. I hope someday you understand what I meant. Stay well Brynhildr, it was a pleasure to meet you." And just like that, Gerd Specter's ghost vanished without a trace. The next morning, she thought hard about what happened, worried, trying to make sense of this. All she could think was that Gerd discovered something within the Affluent, that he knew something was about to happen, and that he wanted her to do something about it. Then the list of the day's tasks from Regina arrived. She read through it carefully, and couldn't hold an smile at the usual note of That's it girl, have fun! in it's bottom. Yes for now that was all she could do. But when the time came, she would remember the Ghost's advice. ((wrote this hella late, hope it's good))
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