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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Hey-yo, YggdraSilly_777 here! I heard the word critique, and man I like that. XD Soo, 'bout this first story that's been loaded, it is good stuff for sure! I mean, it is really well written, thrilling and carries a strong sense of moral - something that is lacking a lot to the new generation of writters and people in general. Of course, for that same reason it's not much realistic. I mean yeah, good-cop who gets screwed for sparing kids? We all know Valkyrie is made of tougher, colder stuff than that. If that was a true situation the damned bastard would have blown everything up for sure lol. ... What brings me to next topic. Where are these stories coming from? I mean, there's no autor signature anywhere to be seen, not even a fake nameor avy, and I guess we should expect that from a writer wanting to show his work. Also I don't seem to be able to post, so some mod is selecting those stories and putting them there. Am I to understand you guys are trying to make these stories look as if they were real? YggdraSilly_777 signing out and looking forward to the next ones!
  2. Marcus shaked his head in a negative as an answer to Duncan. Some parts of the mage's talk did get his attention, not to mention the mages themselves. He found it specially weird to hear of the "Ten" divines. He never was specially good with numbers, but as far as the young man knew there were only nine gods... Or so he had been told up to now.
  3. I've found an Elekid. =) Also, answer the Unown questions right and you get other mons! I strongly suggest taking the one in "birds". XD
  4. Nice find Murdoc! Here is Jon, from Pokémon Aftermath. (With much Mudkiepz)
  5. I took a look at pokémondb, since I'm not familiar with Glaceon, and from there I see plenty people running either Water Pulse or HP Ground, to make walling it harder.
  6. When going for Fate/Stay Night, be sure to watch Fate/Zero too. It's a prequel, so if you see it first it's even better in terms of chronology, but honestly it was so damn good that Stay Night seemed a little meh in comparison. Also, i watched Mai-HIME already it's pretty fun! Right now I'm watching Baccano!, and so far it is simply great! Very funny, and yet thrilling. Thanks to Sheep for the suggestion.
  7. They walked fast on the corridor, and for some time nothing happened. That place was surelly bigger than it looked. "So Sarcus, what exactly are we looking for?" Jon spoke up, anxious to finish the mission and leave this godamned place safely.
  8. Ethic When Ethic turned back towards the giant, all he could see was a wall of grey, which later he realized that was the monster's leg. Unfortunately for the adventurer, that piece of info was only acquired when the Titan grabbed and lifted him from the floor. "Don't worry little-living-man, the chief eats anything and never throws back." It said smiling innocently.Then it continued in a happy tone, turning towards the cratter on the floor "Let's kill-kill that other little-almost-dead-man first, and then it's your turn!"
  9. "Well, first of all it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Duncan." Marcus started. He was surprised that he could actually feel the old man's magic energy in a place so filled with it. This friend of Björn's was surelly something. "We came from Brinestar, and we bear bad news. The whole town was destroyed and it's inhabitatants slughtered by a monster that answers as "The Gentleman" and it's army. As far as we know we are the only survivours. When we saw it, it wore a weird suit of armour, looking half like an angel and half like a demon. Would you happen to know anything that could help us to find and destroy it?"
  10. Ethic The giant looked at the direction that Ethic pointed. "Oh there's more of you! Thank you little man!" it said happily. Then, with a wide movement from it's arm, it threw the table leg like a missile towards the Keeper. ========================================================== Marcus A bullet hit the floor an inch ahead of Marcus, as Quincy pulled the Preacher's trigger. "No-no. I don't know who you've been killing, but you can't expect everyone to let you get close with a knife you know?" the rat said with a smile. Then he continued, as if the shot was nothing to worry about. "Well, as for me, I'm looking for some specific preys... Some strong, smart preys. They say they don't like to kill, but do it anyway, and that pisses me off. You, you look like you're a hunter just as me, so wouldn't you like to hunt them down too?"
  11. ^DON'T give this kind of idea to Ame.
  12. I'd believe the Leader Line-Up info, considering the game itself is based in the Online League. Also, either I'm wrong or Bennet's true ace is Volcarona, we just didn't fight it yet.
  13. Wow. Great work Aqcuie, this is actually remembering me a lot of Ghost in the Shell (which is awesome). How should we go about using the characters you provided, and how much can we impact the world itself?
  14. Ellaria, Morris & Enya The titan's arm hit the floor were they stood a moment ago with a huge impact, leaving a big hole in the stone. It made an annoyed expression as the group divided in two. "What, you gonna run? That's no fun." Ellaria had lost her balance with the impact wave from the giant's strike, and fell to the ground face first. She quickly got up and resumed running, with blood dripping from her nose, but by then the titan had already started to move. It walked over towards her and placed a hand on the floor to block her path. Ellaria froze when she felt it's presence. "Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, little one..." Well that's it then? Thoughts start to race through her mind. She felt so powerless, helpless as always. I'll die like this? That's unfair... I don't wan't to... She started to panic as the titan reached for her with his other hand. ...I just wish I'd disappear! She started to run in a random direction, tears joining the blood dripping from her chin, refusing to go without trying an escape, as futile as it was... The giant's hand stopped. It looked in confusion to the place the girl was a moment ago, but now his little prey had simply vanished. This had never happened with other little ones, and it annoyed him a lot. "What? Were are you now little girl? Show yourself, I don't like to play hide and seek." said the giant, standing and looking around the room for her. ======================================================= Ethic The titan looked at Ethic amused. "Oh, so you are! I never ate a living before. Are you tasty?" he asked, taking a step closer. "Oh, but no... Chief said he wanted to have you for dinner... So I can't eat you." The huge creature looked honestly confused.
  15. Marcus was excited while they walked towards this famous Raven's Spiral. The city did feel a bit opressive, but that didn't changed his mood at all. The cold could not touch him due to his little fire trick, and the ash was not a problem at all for someone born and raised in the desert. Above all, he was thrilled by the floating memories of last night's dream and the prospect of seeing one of those so rumoured about Illithids. ...Prospect that was soon frustated. The weird helm that the Blue Robe figure wore made it hard to distinguish any really different stuff. However, when he "spoke" there was no mistaking the Mind Flayer. It was weird, to hear him talk without actually hearing it, but it just served to make the Fire Templar even more curious. "Oh, hello." Marcus said after Sigurd. "Please forgive Breeze Head there, his tongue is as sharp as his sword and just that hard to keep sheated." he continued, jesting. "We're a company of warriors coming from Passthrough, and we hoped to ask for some knowledge about some recent... unusual events."
  16. Annie, Ix, Panik, Kenny Annie raced through the corridor like a bullet, scaring some Starving Souls to death (or as much as that was possible considering they were already dead.) After a matter of moments she reached the intersection where Kenny was with Ix and the giant Panik. ((Up to you if you stop or speed past them.)) ============================================================== Ellaria, Enya & Morris Oh hell. Ellaria thought, her mind racing with the iminent danger. As confident as Morris sounded, this giant seemed to be smarter than the last one, and without Enya they were probably underpowered to beat it. Escaping would already be good enough. She leaned closer to the man and whispered to him. "I don't think this is a good idea, but listen. I heard a door opening when he entered the room..." she pointed discretely towards the direction the sound came from. "... but it didn't close. Let's try to get there with Enya, if we can reach the shadows maybe he don't notice us." Then the brute titan spoke up. "Oh, so you won't tell me anything nice? Fine then, enough small talk, I'll just kill you now." He moved ahead quickly, bringing his arm down like a huge sword in the attempt to hit the trio. Ellaria felt the movement as soon as it began through the ground vibration, and could just scream "Run!" as she herself followed the advice and jumped out of the way. ============================================================= Ethic The table room was closed when Ethic passed through there again, and the fighting sounds coming from there had stopped. However, he hadn't walked past it too much when he heard the creak of the door getting opened behind him, followed by a cavernous voice. "Oh, another little one. You look different, are you alive?" The owner of the voice, as Ethic discovered once he looked, was some sort of turtle-like, armored giant. It was looking straight at him with an expression of pure curiosity in it's face... and one of the table legs - as big as a tree and soaked with blood - in it's right hand.
  17. Wow Ame, those new TMNs sprites are great! XD

  18. Eh, that's different. I'll try to be there!
  19. Notus


    Route 3, aka the rocky path after Ametrine Mountain. Not much sure about the right time to find it, but should be afternoon or night I guess.
  20. There are trainers in the Grand Hall that you can rebattle. Also, Pay-Day Persian is your friend there.
  21. *Ep13.2 download at 99% -> Firefox crashes.* Oh really.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vinny


      My car's still on the toilet though D:

    3. Notus


      Did you try to flush it? XD

    4. Vinny


      No, but i did turn the router on and off

  22. And may the battle fire burn bright in our hearts. Good luck in the post Renzo, we'll keep fighting to our best whoever the leader is. Also a warning for any new members and a heads up for old ones: If you are interested in fighting in next week's roster, please contact the leader (now Renzo, as you can see), post here or get into the Volcanic Nation Channel in the Reborn Server to state your interest. Don't feel intimidated by the challenge, we always have training and team building sessions, so yeah we can and will help you improve and be in top shape for your fight! It's very important for the nation to have an active player base and we are counting on you for that!
  23. Oh. Well, that explains it XD. Glad it wasn't anything more serious. Now to the re-download.
  24. Plot twist:Skitty, Kamina or Emvee. XD
  25. Yup, that's right. It has a 10% encounter rate, but only during the afternoon so check your clock when looking for it.
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