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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Okay, then Annie went towards Ix and Panik, seeing as she probably wouldn't try to go back to the pantry.
  2. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9720
  3. Well, I guess Primal Kyogre would be the best counter to Primal Groudon and vice-versa than.
  4. ^ Might be hard, but it's an extremely interesting idea... It would be like writing chronicles about a place and it's evolution more less in a Narnia style.
  5. Ook, judging for the posts above I guess this was expected, but the Escape Rope bug in Ametrine is still there too.
  6. Well... crit happens? Also, not sure if this is known but Final Gambit doesn't seem to be working properly either. Took it from a full health wild Staravia and it did only 1HP damage. EDIT: It was known XD. Thanks Vinny!
  7. Confirming that. My Lv.72 Bronzong just ignored me in a fight against a Kangaskhan. EDIT: Hate to break it guys, but the Power Items don't work either.
  8. Cain and Terra interacting was absurdly hilarious, and most of Cain's scenes as well (with Hardy and Aya in ep13, that Meteor grunt in the base of Pyrous mountain...) Still, I think what marked me most in the game were the character deaths. Specially Corey's, because that was the first and I didn't see it coming at all. I didn't believe it until I reached the Lapis Ward, and than all I could think was "Holy... what the hell is this game?", between shocked and thrilled. Guess that's when I really fell in love with Reborn. XD
  9. Thanks a lot Ame! Dowloading now, gonna test the stuff to see if it's all right. XD EDIT: Holy hell Vinny, you ninja level is over 9000.
  10. Ok, here we go. Starters Gen1: Squirtle Gen 2: Totodile (Feraligatr is just too cool to ignore) Gen 3: MUDKIPz for life!!! Gen 4: Turtwig (tried a change of pace there) Gen 5 & 6: never played - As you can see above, my favourite type is Water. I'll always pick the water starter, unless I'm willing to test something different. -My trainer life can be divided in pre-Reborn and post-Reborn. Before I used to get two-three pokés and a HM slave and power through the game relying on levels. My best playthrough like this was my first Emerald one, with Swampert and Breloom destroying everything without a single loss. Later i added Altaria to the team for the Battle Frontier, but it was too much at the time and I couldn't beat a single Brain. -Post Reborn: Full team Water Monotype in Emerald. A thing of beauty. Undefeated through the story, beating Wallace on the last pokémon with the same monotype as him, beat the Frontier with only one loss (Damn that Shedinja) and explored a lot more than in my last playthrough. Yep, Reborn does that to people. XD -As you can see I always focused on beating the league and finishing the story as fast as possible, but after Reborn things changed quite a lot and now I enjoy exploring everything. -Swampert rules. -You NPC faint my Swampert and YOU'RE IN FOR A BEATING. -Also no shortcuts to the leader. Gym trainers are great training! -No patience nor knowledge for breeding, but lately in Reborn I've been paying attention to EV training, natures and move sets. -I alway feel involved with the game characters. Jeez, some are so good that they feel real. -Favourite rival(main games): May. I prefer the friendly rivals than the grasshole type. -Favourite rival over all: Cain. Just too much fun having this guy around.
  11. Ellaria, Enya & Morris Ellaria let her breath out, glad to be still alive. Her legs were trembling out of control, but she held up, picked Enya up and gave the little girl for Morris to carry. "Please mr. Morris, I won't be able to carry her too long." the girl asked. After that, a booming voice echoed in the room. "So, you are the little ones that have been making so much trouble here... How funny, you don't seem that dangerous." The newcomer stepped out of the shadows. It was a Titan, that was easy to know by the sound, but what Ellaria couldn't see was how different it was from the others. This one was shorter than normal by good two meters, but as if to compensate the lack of height, it was a hulk of a giant. It was extremely muscular and had bone plates on it's chest, arms and legs, the latter two shaped almost like blades. It stared at the little group with a cruel smirk, as if foreseeing the fun of smashing them to pieces. "What, did the cat eat your little tongues? Any last words, little ones?" ===================================================== Marcus &... Quincy! Marcus found himself in a dark place, and the sudden change of clarity made it hard to see anything for a second. When his view got used to it, however he saw a not very pretty picture around him. He was in the hellish pantry. All over the walls, bodies hanged from hooks, gutted, as if they were meant to be eaten later by something. To one side there was a bare stone wall, a dead end, and in the corridor leading out of there was the corpse of the giant killed by Ethic. All of a sudden he heard a voice from behind him. "Oh hey, is that blood in your knife? Did you kill someone? How cool!" At first it seemed like no one was there, but looking better (and a little up) one could see the distorted for of Quincy the Rat resting over one of the hooks. He held his revolver in one hand, and a piece of meat (better not to think were it came from) on the other. He gestured at Marcus with a playful smirk on his face. "Oh, this place is sooo great! Much prey to hunt and kill, big things, small things... So, what's that you killed there, mr.-suspicious-looking-guy?" ======================================================== ((Edit: Other players are free to move for now.))
  12. @ Kenny: Panik and Ix are not in your field of vision, so I think some more explanation as to how you found them would make the post better as it was a little sudden. Maybe you sensed their Auras or something like that?
  13. Weeell, let's say they've met a new guy. And maybe you are the next... [whistles innocently] EDIT: ... but not yet, I have some stuff to do and need to get out. X/ I'll post tomorrow morning, if not later tonight.
  14. Wuuuut I go out for the afternoon and things get this good? XD Oh well, things are gonna get very interesting now I guess.
  15. I don't have a method to choosing nicknames, and most are kinda crappy, but here go some of them. Swampert - Kyte (Can't remember why, but this was my first Swampert's name back in Sapphire.) Venusaur - Green (originality at it's best...) Absol - Senketsu (meaning fresh blood - Since I watched Kill la Kill I've been looking for a poké for this name. XD) Ludicolo - Taco Noivern - Vahgar (GoT reference. Looking for Meraxes and Balerion.) Toxicroak - Corey Mamoswine - Manny (Ice Age anyone?) Empoleon - Guardian aand, the very last member to join the team: Gardevoir - Ruka ( Because... well.)
  16. This. My new grinding song from the jukebox.

    1. Felicity



    2. Vinny


      ...dammit, i can't vote comments on the status bar...(x2)

      That's good music, and i'll take it now.

      Valeu Notus o/

    3. Notus


      De nada cara!

      Yep, really great addition to the Nightclub, kudos Ame!

  17. Wow. Amazing as alway Gutten_Tag. That Azumarill is just the same as used in competitive play, the AI won't stand a chance. XD
  18. Ellaria, Enya & Morris Ellaria started to worry when she got no answer from her companions. Was this a bad idea? Or is the food just this good? She started to wander. Maybe I should take just a bite too befor going... However, as the girl reached for the food, she heard the creak of a door being opened, followed by the wet sound of something entering the pool of lava that was the floor now. She immediately stood on her guard. A moment later, she heard more movements coming towards them. What the... The next thing was a loud splash, and the roaring sound of a wave. "ENYA! TAKE THAT LAVA OUT OF HERE NOW!" she screamed with all her strenght, suddenly terrified. She mentally prayed that the kid was listening now, as they probably had only a few seconds of life before being burned to a crisp. ======================================================= Mr. Taylor & Phantom Phantom's trick worked to perfection, and the monster walked into the corridor without noticing them. This, however, left them alone in the room with two closed doors and nowhere to go... Except they figured a way to get past those. ======================================================= Ethic, Annie & Kenny The whole place was kinda silent for a little while. Some Starving Souls raced past towards the table room, completely ignoring the group, and that left them with some time to think. Moments later, though, hell seemed to break loose again. Screams started again, coming from the place they had just left, and various Souls rushed past in terror, in the oposite direction they were going before. ======================================================= Panik, Rose, Ixidor & Marcus As Marcus was about to hit the corner, he heard heavy steps coming towards him. A moment later Panik arrived at the intersection, carrying Rose in his shoulder and with Ixidor following closely by bike. None seemed to notice him at first, as they deliberated about were to go next in their search for the rest of the group.
  19. Well, it is not needed to beat the game, and most people don't do it. Still, EV training is always helpful if you have the patience for it. As of now we don't have an in-game online feature, so no batling other players. I don't know if Ame plans to make it a thing, but if so it will probably be after the game is completed. A nice way to EV train your pokés from the beggining is the EV Training Guide. I'll grab the link and be right back. EDIT: There you go. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7866&page=1
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