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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Oh yes, my new Timid Gardevoir is got HP Fighting. Lady luck is smiling today!

  2. Take a look at this thread, it might help. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9837
  3. Wow, nicely done. Mine was more or less the same thing as Sheep. First turn I had Clorophyll Venu put Typhlosion to sleep, and used a Rock Gem Crustle to wreak her. Than when Venu went down, I used Blissey to set Rain Dance. After Crustle was knocked out I brought Gyarados in, set-up a Dragon Dance and swept her team with Aqua Tail, using Blissey's turn to heal Gyarados.
  4. Plot twist for ep14: Doors underwater! XD
  5. For replacing Hitmonlee... really dunno, my fighting types are Lucario and Scrafty, and both Luke is not in the game anymore. Scrafty is greeeat! There's also Chestnaught, which is a great poké, but it has a different aproach than Hitmonlee (+Bulk, -Speed). In place of Slash I'd probably use Roost in your Charizard.
  6. Just to make it easier for tracking the positions of everybody. This is the known part of the Third Circle, paint stile and all out of proportion, but there it goes.
  7. This should go in Team Showcase probably. This session is for Pokémon Online teams. Just wait a bit and a mod will move it up. Also, gonna take a look and try to help. Emolga Not much used to this guy, so dunno. Golem A pretty good mon, worth training. Maybe Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Stone-Edge and Explosion Primeape Same as Emolga. Arcanine You have two pretty similar fire moves. I'd suggest changing Heat Wave for either Flare Blitz, for mixed capabilities, or Extreme Speed for priority. Also take a look at it's stats, if it's Attack is much higher than it's Sp.Attack possibly Flare Blitz and Extreme speed could work better than the two special fire moves. Greninja 4th move: By level up I guess Spikes (play with the AI using Protean) or Math Block to help a team mate set-up Klinklang Can't get much better with the current TMs, and I don't know what is happening to your Zap Cannon, but probably switch it for Discharge. Jinx & Alakazam Looking good considering the lack of TMs. Well, hope that helped. Good luck!
  8. Quick reading is a problem sometimes. XD
  9. ^ What they said. It's actually very hard to run through Reborn with just 6 pokémon ready for battle, so be ready to train something else. Also, Roost for Charizard's 4th move, Bulk-Up or Leech Seed for Chestnaught, Flash Cannon in the 3rd slot for Empoleon and Wish for Sylveon. Ah, also I'd use Hyper Voice instead of Moonblast on it cuz Pixilate.
  10. Ok, I'll go slowly here and it may take a few updates. Team 1 Charizard: Yours has pretty little coverage, which unfortunately is rater hard to solve without TMs, but you could check his Hidden Power type in Agate to see if that could help. Also, Inferno's accuracy is pretty shaky and I think you'd be better off having Roost to heal when needed (I think it is already an obtainable TM, but gotta check this out.) Gardevoir: Looks good with the modifications you pointed out. Gyarados: Get someone to learn Surf as soon as possible and put something else on that place, maibe Bite or Thrash. Also, instead of Adamant I think it woud be a good idea to get a Jolly nature, as Moxie already boosts it's attack more than enough and speed is always lacking. Hitmonlee: Honestly, I not much experience with this guy. But maybe Wide Guard in place of either HJK or CC, since both are pretty similar. Also, maybe a strategy with Unburden, Endure and a Berry, plus the stab Reversal, could be interesting. Metagross: Seeing as you have Hammer Arm and priority in it (Bullet Punch), maybe Adamant would be better? Otherwise, looks great. 6th Poké: From those you listed I'd say Swampert. It sinergizes nicely with Charizard and Gyarados, resisting rock and being imune to electric, and... well it's Swampert, what's better than that? XD
  11. Don't worry Zeph, it's not like were making this at a professional level. I myself ain't very good at all, but the idea here is to play for fun anyway. If you prefer to do vocals, it would be great too! Looks great, I added the link to the first post. Thanks Pocky! ... for the lolz? XD Aand after struggling to find a good way of recording - and failing on that for now - I decided to upload something to get this started: Stairway to Heaven. It's a nice song that everybody knows and has room for a lot of instruments, so i thought it would be good for a start. The song is a little different from the original, as I used to play it alone and sing along, and also because I'm not that good XD. The record is bad (had to use my pc mic), but it should be good enough for preleminary works and I can substitute it once I find a good mic. http://www.mediafire.com/listen/jqlo88l61s811a6/Stairway_To_Heaven_1.mp3
  12. Yep it is Ash Ketchum Radomus really.
  13. Probably a high level Haxorus, judging by the (probable) hint in the TV program.
  14. ^... for some reason I always read your name as NERVs (Evangellion reference).
  15. Mr.Taylor & Phantom The corridor ahead was clear of food... and seemingly of any traps too, just as Mr. Taylor thought. That gave the two adventurers a neat amount of time to walk unperturbed. Eventually, the corridor opened in a big circular room with two simple (though enormous) wooden doors poiting in oposite directions. One of them was closed, but from the duo could hear voices. "Now you two, let me put the situation clearly. Your subordintes are being slaughtered by these newcomers. Due to this, the inmates are getting all the food they ever wished for and there's no one to eat them. And on top of this, that good for nothing half-wit Panik seems to be giving them aid." "But.. It all happened too fast and..." A ear splitting roar echoed after that last remark. "Quiet fool! There's been living people trying to get through here for much time. You lot were too lazy to see the danger they represent, and allowed this to happen. Now go there and kill them for God's sake. Tonight I'm having a meal, it might be them... Or it might be you." "R-Right sir!" After that, the duo heard two sets of steps, one getting away... and the other nearer. A moment later, the huge form of a Titan entered the room and walked towards the corridor they were in, closing the door behind it. This one was pretty different than the other giants they'd found, though. It had a less human form, having a structure on it's back that resembled a turtle's shell. Bone plates could be seen on it's arms, hands and other parts of it's body, and it's face was twisted and repulsive, with a skin that looked like old leather. It seemed not to notice them at first. ================================================================ Ellaria, Enya & Morris The screams soon stopped, and Ellaria was more at ease. Having filled her bag with as much food as she could get (she was careful to add variety to that too, thinking they deserved a good meal after all this trouble), she nooded satisfied. She did hear Enya attacking the food like a wild animal, but could hardly blame the kid. Her own stomach was sounding like one, and she was having a hard time keeping from eating for now. "Ok guys, what do you say? Shouldn't we start going back?" she asked, more to take Enya's attention from the food then anything. "We still have to figure out how to get past that door anyway." =============================================================== Marcus As the murderer continued his slaughter, more and more of the Starving Souls became aware of his presence. Despite having the numerical superiority, they had already eaten enough to turn their sense of self-preservation on again, and therefore started to flee for the rat holes in the walls, leaving Marcus alone with a pile of bodies in the corridor.
  16. ... If you got one, then i think you're a hella lucky guy, mister.
  17. The best thing I can think of is to keep a poké with teleport. No need to have it in the main team, but it helps a lot if you have to do a round trip like that.
  18. -Beldum & Mudkip (Byxbysion Wasteland; You'll need to ride a Tauros to get Beldum.) -Chespin(7th Street; needs the Oddish Weed from South Aventurine Woods ) - Cyndaquill, Ditto & a bunch of others (7th Street pokémon vendor) -Piplup (7th Street) - Chikorita (Azurine Island) -Tyrogue (Nature Center) -Happiny (Day-Care Couple) There's a lot of other quests, but those are what come first into mind for me. EDIT: Oh, and of course: -Gastly (Wasteland) -Ralts (Railnet... mostly. A bit long, so be sure to check the On the Hunt sub-forum for directions.)
  19. While the others talked, Jon quickly reached for his medicine pocket and treated Kyte with some potions. "Ok, you heard Sarcus. Let's get going mate." He told the Swampert with a relieved smile. Kyte nooded and start to walk along with the others, positioning himself near... Raito, and bowing a little in a clear sign of thanks. Jon sighed. Unlike him, Kyte was always so quick to trust others... He would wait until they were back on the base, safe and sound, before thinking about it.
  20. Uhmn, yeah I think it's ready. EV Training Guide fully updated to episode 13! And check this out, we now have Power Items, so it's way easier. =D

  21. Oh jeez, sorry! I completely forgot to check for the battle, and didn't get any PM either... Well, gonna try to fight this week.
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