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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Kyou The communicator rang once, then twice, then again... and again... and then it fell silent with no answer from the other side of the line. An automated message then showed in the screen, saying at work! with a little hammer emoji beside it.
  2. Satomi "You probably won´t believe me if I tell you but -" The doctor thought a bit before completing the sentence. "Well, nothing good ever comes from hiding things. There´s an Angel here. It attacked the settlement, but a robot, of all things, showed up and is trying to fight it. I think... I think it is an Evangelion unit." Alma herself sounded perplexed with what she was saying. That was stuff from story books talking about the End of the World - the attack of the mysterious alien creatures called Angels, the war waged to defend human race with the use of the metallic titans known as Evangelions (or EVAs for short) and the way it ended horribly, but with humanity still breathing even if barely. And apparently this was all repeating itself just outside the ship, whose reinforced hatches and bulkheads now seemed rather fragile. "Your friends are ok, they were with me when it happened. We are all inside the ship now- wait a moment." Alma had noticed Kyou breathing too fast and walked to the side of the girl, kneeling in front of her. "Calm down, everything is ok." She said softly. "Beverly helped you, we are inside of the ship and fighting that thing back. We´re safe, I promise." the doctor held Crash´s hands to try to convey a feeling of safety, as hard as it was in this situation. Then she came back to talking with Satomi. "Let´s try to regroup somewhere else. Where can you meet us? Your friends are scared, it would be good to have you with us." Ahmed The comm beeped for a bit before Ahmed´s father picked up. "Son? Where are you? Did you make it inside of the ship?" the man sounded out of breath and worried.
  3. All Alma stopped and shouted when Beverly broke contact from her, but as soon as she realized what the girl was doing she nodded in approval and resumed the run. The girls, as well as Ahmed, were fast and soon catched up to her and Ranga. Around them was hell. Debris from the Angel´s simple act of emerging from the ground were falling hundreds of meters away. The sound of laughter was replaced by screams and an alarm horn, and all the people outside the ship were either running like them or being crushed. They were lucky not to be in the later group, but would they be able to take cover in time? The doctor looked over her shoulder to keep tabs on the monster´s actions. Now it had fully emerged, looking like a white worm with some king of black bone cage around it like an armour. The Angel was over a hundred meters tall; it´s head, bearing a single red orb resembling an eye that rested above a mouth full of disproportionate teeth, was slowly turning towards the crowd that gathered in the ship´s entrance. She started to panic - they were too far yet if that thing decided to attack - and put all her last efforts into running along Ranga and the kids, as unlikely as their success seemed to be... And then, a crimson blur lept from behind the Noah and crashed with the Angel, smashing it into the ground on the opposite direction. It was one of the giants Kyou and Ahmed saw earlier. It had thrown itself, shoulder first, into the Angel and then proceeded to try and immobilize the opponent on the ground. At the same time, the loudspeakers of the ship came alive with the sound of Admiral Adalard Sauer´s voice. "Attention all settlers outside of the ship, the main hatch and safety bulkheads will be closed as soon as the enemy gets up. Prioritize getting inside of the ship fast!" Alma didn´t spend much more time looking at the scene behind them and just followed the instructions. Luckilly the crimson robot seemed to be doing a good job of keeping it´s foe down, and when the hatch closed the entire group was safely inside the ship. The doctor took some time to catch her breath before speaking again to the children. "Are you alright? Anyone injured?" She asked, right before her communicator started to ring. She looked at the screen and picked it up. "Satomi? Were are you? Are you alright?" She asked, still panting from the effort
  4. Beverly, Kyou, Ranga & Ahmed Alma smiled looking at the children and shook her head, letting go of the tense situation that just had happened. "Well, now that this is settled, why don´t we all go to the settlement? You should go find your families there too, right? Besides, it´s a whole new world we are yet to see and at least I am itching to take a look at it and breath some fresh air!" After getting the children´s attention, Alma walked with them out of the ship. The sky was blue, just like back on Earth, and the water of the lake wasn´t red or LCL orange - something that was new to the doctor and the children alike, having seen that clear blue hue only in old, pre-Third Impact pictures. The settlement, a rather large area around the immense ship´s entrance, was bustling with activity. The white barracks that composed the provisional camp were all over the place, and the sound of machinery working and people talking, laughing and shouting orders around provided a really lively background. The doctor checked her communicator and started guiding the kids through the camp. She ocasionally complimented people passing by with her ever present smile, always being answered in kind - if she was really that popular, or it was only that everyone was happy to find a new home, the kids didn´t know. "It´s right over there!" She said after some time walking, looking back at them and pointing towards a group of barracks a some five hundred feet away from them. While she was looking back, a girl around their age crossed the path ahead of them and stopped, looking straight at the children. She wore a simple white dress, had clear blue hair the colour of the sky, and stared at them with vivid red eyes and a neutral expression. The girl shook her head slowly in a negative sign, and pointed back towards the ark. Then the ground exploded under her. It all happened in a split second, while Alma was looking back at them to show their destination. In the blink of an eye, machines were flying along huge chunks of earth, tents and people. Their supposed new home was gone for good, there was no doubt, and the reason seemed to be the enormous pillar emmerging from the earth right before them. The one that seemed to be made of white flesh and black, rib like structures. The one that seemed something out of a really bad dream - or a history book. "...A-Angel..." Dr. Neummann stuttered, looking at the thing with terror in her eyes. She then turned back towards the kids, grabbed Ranga and Beverly by their hands and started to run. "BACK TO THE SHIP! NOW!" The doctor shouted as they ran. Satomi "Oh, we are staying in the settlement as well, just near the Noah so I can get here for work more quickly. I dislike special treatment, you know." Daisuke answered. Then he thought a bit and added "Though I´ll probably be here for most of the ti-" A strondous noise, like an explosion, interrupted him. It actually shook the ark, even though the ship was of colossal proportions, and an alarm siren went off shortly after. Whatever that was, it was serious. "Stay here, Satomi. Don´t allow anyone in except me. I´ll see what is going on." Daisuke said before running out of the office with worry written all over his face.
  5. Kyou, Beverly, Ahmed and Ranga "...Oh." Alma's expression clearly softened when she saw it was just other children. "Well, anyway it is pretty rude to stay hidden and listening like this. You should apologize to your friends, not to me." Then she added in a more friendly tone. "At least now I know there is a secret passage in my office. Guess the building crew will hear a bit of me soon." Satomi "Sure, it is your space." Dr. Hashimoto answered. Personal space was sacred for him, specially at work. Then he sat down and considered her second question while adjusting his glasses - the same habit his daughter had. "We landed near a lake so that we could have a good water supply close by. The area has been cleaned for the construction work, which is underway using our best machinery. In one or two days we should have something similar to a small village with a school, medical center and a market. Right now we're using tents as a provisional solution, and we've built a fence around the perimeter to keep out possible dangerous animals. There's a forest beyond that, and some mountains even farther that are probably the source of the lake's water. It's actually a very promising place. "
  6. Satomi Dr. Hashimoto opened the door and entered, with Saitomi close behind. The office was very spacious, but it didn't seem like it as clustered as it was with computer screens, drives, archives and the like. Opposed to Alma's clean and comfortable work room, this one was the pure definition of spartan and messy. "It'll be a while until they manage to assemble a proper school here, so I reserved a place for you to study." He pointed towards the only decently organized corner of the room, in which a light green table with books and study material were neatly arranged. "You can make your own schedule, since this period will be a bit of a free study. Also, if you go outside, don't get out of the settlement area, understood?"
  7. Beverly, Kyou, Ranga, Ahmed Dr. Neummann stared dumbfounded at the scene for a bit before actually reacting. It looked like she didn´t even know the hatch was there in the first place-and the torrent of multi-lingual improprieties didn´t help in making the situation less confusing. Out of instinct, she protectively held Ranga´s hand and frowned in a serious expression for the first time in the day. "Whoever is there, show yourselves. And you better have a very good explanation for eavesdropping at the Head of NERV´s Medical Division."
  8. Satomi "...Is something bothering you, Father?" Dr. Hashimoto sighed in response, seeming really tired for a moment. "...It´s nothing, Satomi. I just don´t like people prying in our personal lives when they´re not called, that´s all." An unconfortable silence followed while they walked down the metallic corridors of the ship. Finally, Daisuke broke it again. "Don´t go to these sessions with Dr. Neummann, alright? We don´t need any ousiders looking into our lives. We´re ok as it is now." He used a really incisive tone on the first setence, which contrasted starkly with the not-so-sure one of the last affirmation. By that time, they had arrived in a metal door with his own name written on it, as well as the symbol of NERV - a red half-leaf with the words "God is in His Heaven. All´s Right with the World" inscribed in a semi circle below it. "This is my office. Do you want to come in, or you prefere to go find your friends in the settlement?" he asked Satomi. Beverly, Ranga, Kyou & Ahmed "Huh, what was that noise?" "Noise? I didn´t hear anything, my dear." Alma stopped for a second, listening, before deciding it was nothing and walking towards the girls. "Well then, let´s go find them!" She said in a cheerful tone, offering her hand to Ranga.
  9. Satomi "What did Alma want with you?" Satomi´s father asked in an irritated tone. He never had been the most affectionate person in the world towards her, but something was visibly bothering him. Beverly & Ranga "Oh, wait just a bit Beverly." Alma replied to the girl before taking another good look at the list in her hands. After a brief moment she seemed to find what she was looking for, got her communicator and typed something. Ranga´s and Beverly´s communicators beeped. "Here, this family is the one that scored highest when I interviewed the possible foster parents. Nice couple, and raised a son that ended up in our science team with honors! I sent their number and a map to get to their designed residential area for you comms. Do you want me to take you there?" She asked both girls. Alma didn´t seem to notice the faint noise made by Kyou, but Beverly and Ranga might have heard it - on the other hand, Crash would likely hear what the doctor told them.
  10. Dr. Neummann´s Office Alma opened a smile at Ranga´s timid reply. "Oh my dear, the study is secondary. I just want to help you, that´s the main point." She then went over to her table and started searching through the papers in one of it´s drawers. "Well then, let´s take a look in the list of volunteer families here, I´m sure we can find someone great for yo-" Before the doctor finished speaking though, the office´s door was all but slammed open and a thin, tall man in a white lab coat with the symbol of NERV in red, entered the room. "...Doctor Hashimoto, great to see you! I was just talking with Satomi about-" "Sorry Dr.Neummann, I´m afraid whatever it was will have to wait for another opportunity." The Science Director interrupted rather abruptly. He then turned towards his daughter and signaled for her to follow him with his hand. "Let´s go Satomi, I´ve been looking for you for a while now." And with that, as quickly as he entered, Dr. Daisuke Hashimoto was out of the room. "Well that´s... a pity." Alma said, visibly a bit surprised by the sudden interruption. She then turned to the girls and smiled again, "You´re still welcome for the sessions if you want to!" Kyou and Ahmed The panel opened with a faint creak, soon muffled by the whirring sound of machinery running in the background. Kyou and Ahmed found themselves in some kind of huge hangar, probably over a hundred meters high, and filled of all sorts of high tech equipment they´d never seen before. Not that they would even waste a second watching those, as there were more noticeable things in the huge room. Right beside them, rested an imense boot. Attached to said boot, there was a leg the size of an apartment building. And from that point onwards, the towering sillouete of a humanoid robot occupying almost the whole height of the hangar. There were six of those.
  11. Dr. Neummann´s Office "Besides where do you get off saying someone isn't happy with out a family?" "Personal experience. I lost mine as well when I was around your age." Alma replied. "You may be doing fine, but the care and love a family can provide you really make a difference..." The doctor leaned back on her chair, assuming a more formal posture. "I can´t force you to accept that, of course, but it´s either this or the command will take custody over you until you´ve reached adulthood. I´m sure they´ll take good care of you, but they´re military after all so... Not the best in the loving part. If you decide to give it a try with a foster family and don´t like it, you can drop the program anytime. It´s all your choice, Beverly."
  12. Dr. Neummann´s Office "I don't know why you´re asking us our names. You should have them or we wouldn't be here. " Alma smiled softly at Beverly. "You´re such a smart girl, miss Beverly! Yes indeed, I do have them. But that´s no reason to forget common courtesy now, is it? Also I do assure you the ark is perfectly sterelized, but if you say you´ve found a rat I can order a complete check on the ship... Though that would be an unfortunate delay in our activities." The woman paused a bit before continuing. "So, as for the reason I called you three here. It´s about a project of mine... Besides being the Medicine Director, I´m also a psychologist and in charge of the general mental health of the colony. That´s a role that I asked for myself, because I believe the greatest threats to mankind lie right here in our heads, always close. Our demons, fears and lack of confidence. I want to see our species come back from the hell brought by the Third Impact strong and, more importantly, wise and happy." She got hold of the chair and pulled it closer to the couch, sitting and looking at the girls from the same level. "I asked for you because you all lack one important piece of what makes a human being feel complete and happy: family. Beverly and Ranga lost both parents and you, Satomi lost your mother; all of you know the emptiness that something like that leaves within us. I want to help in anyway I can, more specifically: I´d like to find foster families to you, and offer some psychological support myself. Satomi wouldn´t need the former, but you´re welcome for the latter anyway. What do you think?"
  13. "Hey kids, I´m sorry to interrupt but it´s your turn." The line had moved, unnoticed to them, and now the kids were the first ones in the office´s door. They were hurriedly sent in to make a battery of exams, from the basics (blood samples, reflexes, memory tests) to some much more complex ones involving x-ray scans and other strange machines they didn´t know. It took quite some time, and thankfully there seemed to be no shortage of medical personnel aboard the ark. After finishing everything, each of them received a piece of paper proving they passed the exams, their regular clothes and some of their personal items in a bag, and a communicator (much like a cellphone of old) for them to contact their parents - who should by now be outside the ark , settling down in one of the provisional homes that were set in the surroundings by the construction crew after the landing, they were informed. After those procedure, the kids were free to go. But not all of them. Beverly, Satomi and Ranga were separated from the others at some point, directed to another office and politely asked to wait a bit. The room was much more confortable, with a big couch facing a work desk and virtual paintings of Earth landscapes from before the Impacts decorating the walls like windows. They weren´t told what they were waiting for, but it wasn´t for long. The door opened again and a tall, dark haired woman wearing a doctor´s coat entered. "Oh, hello." she said with a calm smile while leaning on the table to face the girls "Sorry to keep you waiting. I´m Dr. Alma Neummann, Head of NERV´s Medical Department. Pleased to meet you!" she had a really jovial tone to her voice, which combined with her gentle blue eyes gave off a sense of security. "I know due to the circumstances you might be worried but I assure you that there´s nothing wrong with your health, so you can relax. May I ask your names?"
  14. Part 1 - Shattered Dreams "So, this is the promised land then?" "It´ll have to be." "Well... it looks really good, that´s for sure." The sunlight bathed the metal covered bridge of the Ark where the two people were standing. Beyond the glass of the huge window before them, a new Sun blessed a green world with the light of life. It was a bigger planet than Earth, they could now see, and with much more land than their original home. It´s predominant colour was that of forests and fields, though there were more than enough spots of blue for them not to worry about water. The yellow and reddish of deserts and the white of ice caps were also present, making for an environment as varied as they could hope. Admiral Adalard Sauer allowed himself a smile on his usually stern face. It was true that they still had a lot of work to do, but a finding such as this was a relief after all that time searching. "Truly a blessing of God in the emptiness of space..." The big man completed in contemplation. "There is no God." Answered the girl´s voice from before in an irritated tone, her familiar sillouette still hidden in the shadows. "And we´re better off this way, trust me." Adalard sighed and looked down for a bit. "Right, you know more about that than me anyway. I´m just happy the search is over." His eyes took back their usual severe gaze as he walked to the command panel of the spaceship. He pressed some buttons on the complicated interface and then took a microphone connected to the ark´s speaker sistem. "Attention all personnel of Ark-01 Noah, prepare for landing procedures and posterior Cryosleep release of the settlers on the surface of planet..." He stopped for a bit, thinking maybe Kepler 452b wasn´t such a good name for their new home. "...Canaan." He finally completed. A giggle sounded behind him. "Damn, you don´t look like it but you´re a hopeless romantic, Adalard. You should be a poet or a writer." "Oh well. A man can dream sometimes, right Asuka?" ------------------------------------------------------------ Awakening from Cryosleep was almost like waking up from a really long nap - just colder. After the individual cryo chambers opened, a trained member of Noah´s medical staff checked the basic life signs of it´s occupant. After that they were divided into age groups and sent in line for a more complete medical analysis. A multitude of people, soldiers, doctors, scientists and workers were walking around and talking excitedly. Seemed like they had suceeded in finding a new habitable home. In that ship bustling with activity, in a line like many others at the doors of a doctor´s office, five children ended up meeting - a meeting that would, more than anything else, determine the fate of the whole exodus. ((Just as the post says, fate brings you together at the doctor´s door. Time for some presentations and some reencounters!)) Opening
  15. Satomi and Ranga accepted! Due to player requests and having reached a good player count I´m closing sign-ups and starting the IC thread tonight!
  16. Discord is up on the OP, people! Here´s the link for convenience.
  17. Oh, sure thing Murdoc, I´ll set it up soon and include it in the OP. Thanks for the offer, but I really need to start discovering how to make those things in Discord
  18. Hehehe, being Shinji level would require a masters degree of annoyance. Anyway, just edited the OP to include the character sheet model, so you guys can start working on yours! Later on I´ll add the NPCs and other stuff that I feel it´s important to keep track of. I plan on starting the game by next Thursday if it´s okay with you all.
  19. @Twinwolf, I intend to make it a free-form RP, since I´m more confortable with that format and also think that it provides a better reading experience afterwards. Sooo that´s enough interest for me to start moving things. Expect the OOC to be up by tomorrow night at most, and thanks for joining in!
  20. Good to see you guys are interested! We´re only one person short of the minimum ammount of players I planned to work with.
  21. Banner Theme Setting Sooo I thought I wouldn´t get around to hosting anything again for a while, but while doing some procrastination on class I was hit by an old idea of mine: an Evangelion based RP. So I started thinking a bit, the story started to unfold in my head and now I find myself presenting the idea to you guys. Neon Exodus Evangelion is set more than 150 years after the events of Neon Genesis Evangelion and The End of Evangelion. I´ll not take the Rebuild version of the story into account, seeing as it is not over yet, but some elements introduced on it may appear. Even though not in the same circumstances as the original story, we will be seeing EVAs, Angels, epic fights and deep rooted secrets and plotting behind the scenes - hopefully, everything that made Evangelion the sucess it was. Players will take place of the space pioneers aboard one of the arcs, after a new inhabitable planet has been discovered by it´s systems. As you land and start exploring your new home, the story will unveil with old and new foes trying to stand in your way. Although knowledge of the original story is certainly helpful, I´ll try to make it so people that haven´t watched the anime can hop in and play without worry. Though if that´s your case you should be prepared for spoilers! It´s important to notice that, since it´s such a controversial story and - specially by the ending - many of the details aren´t very well explained, the RP will follow my undestandment of what happened in the original series (heavily backed up by EVA Geeks, a sort of Evangelion Wiki). MECHANICS AND RULES This will be a free-form RP - meaning no numbers, dice roling etc. We will focus solely in the writing aspect, and battle outcomes will be ultimately decided by the host, should any doubts arise in this point. As for rules, first and foremost comes respect for other players and the host (we´re here to have fun, right?). I will also ask for restraint with the use of swearing, sexual content and gore/violence (a bit more freedom than usual with the last one since, well, this is Evangelion). Avoid taking those over the top ok? Bunnying (playing other peoples charaters without consent) is out of the question, as is playing your character based on your OOC knowledge. They should react based on what they know, not what their player know´s, about what is going on. Avoid making your character too Mary-Sueish for the sake of fun and character development. Have fun! World Information (May contain Neon Genesis Evangelion spoilers for those who didn´t watch the show) Discord Server Character Sheet Accepted Characters Kyou Verethragna - King Murdoc Ahmed Albadhinjan IIII - Cronos5010 Beverly Connors - rustytengo Satomi Hashimoto - Twinwolf Ranga Durian - Bfroger6 Key NPCs (Revealed) Asuka Langley Soryu (EVA Pilot) Shinji Ikari (?) Rei Ayanami(?) Admiral Adalard Sauer (Ark Commander) Dr. Daisuke Hashimoto (Head of EVA Research) Dr. Alma Neummann (Head of Medical Department)
  22. Totally in. I´ll edit this post with my character later. Would not miss a Hukuna RP for anything! EDIT: Aaand there she is. Basically a blonde glass cannon. EDIT 2: Corrected sheet It´s the first time I´m playing an RP with this kind of mechanics, so please tell me if I went to over the top, or too modest, with those.
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