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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Yup, that's a classic! Should it be our first project? I'm still in the process of finding a good mic for the guitar, or a way to plug it straight in the pc, so it may take a while.
  2. Wooh, nice! Now we only need a clarinet to play this one. XD Also, I forgot one thing we'll need: MP3 online hosts. I never used one, so you guys have any suggestions?
  3. Hey Reborn! Welcome to the Symphony thread, the place for musicians of our community to show and share their art! So, the idea behind this is pretty simple: If you play an instrument, sing or do anything related to music and want to show it out, simply record, upload and post it here. In addition, this may be used for cooperative works between the members, so if you want vocals to that great song you play, or perhaps think that a piano would complement your guitar in another one, here is the place to ask for it! Here are some useful links: - Audacity (Sound recorder & editor)[Download] : http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ -Audacity Quick Guide: http://manual.audaci...quick_help.html -Lame (MP3 Converter for Audacity): http://lame.buanzo.org/#lamewindl -Musescore (Create, share and play sheet music): http://musescore.com/ Now that's it, let's make some music!
  4. Ah screw it, I'm making a thread. XD Gonna record something later an up it. EDIT: Aand done. Please take a look guys! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9748
  5. Ellaria, Enya & Morris Ellaria had only to feel the heat to know Enya was pulling the lava thingy again, and didn't wait to see what would happen. She ran after her two companions until they reache the pile of food. The titans were all roaring in the midst of the lava now. Four different voices could be heard, each coming from a corner of the room. "Ok, that should take care of them. Quick, let's grab some food." She said, trying to hide her fear. Then she pulled her bag and started filling it, taking care of smelling what she was taking to identify what it was. ========================================== Ethic, Kenny & Annie Most of the Starving Souls were buried or squashed by the falling food, and the surviving ones were quick to rush over to the dishes - and corpses - now lying on the floor. Despite the heinous sight, the little group seemed to be safe for now.
  6. Man, this should really become a thing... you know, like those online orchestras were people record, upload and then mix the tracks.
  7. Use print screen, paste on paint then upload the pic for an image hosting site and paste the URL in the image tool here.
  8. Yup, thanks Sheep, but Vinny got that already. That was fast by the way. Ametrine incoming!
  9. Did Charlotte already appear near the barrier? If so, try talking to her at the connection.
  10. Not 5 anymore, we have Mikz on the Piano. XD Also: TogeKISS Black Sableye Deep Plusle Led Zebstrika (autors of Staraptors to Heaven) Rolling Geodudes The Houndoors R.E.M (Remoraid, Emboar & Mantyne XD)
  11. ^Aaah, that explains it. Oh hell, back to Voltorb Flip. XD
  12. Ellaria, Enya & Morris "Enya, don't..." Ellaria started to say as she ran after the kid... And then the door was shut closed behind them. Ah damn. Was the girl's first thought, and the next thig she heard were the heavy steps of a titan... Actually too much steps for only one titan. "Guys, we better get ready... they're coming!" =================================================== Ethic, Annie & Kenny There seemed to be no passage inside the room except for the one they'd come from. Ethic had not much time to think of it, however, as the Starving Souls that were after Kenny noticed him... On the ground the situation was not much different. More and more of the doomed inmates of the Third Circle stepped by doorway, hungry, and the first eatable things they noticed were... Annie and Kenny. In no time,they were surrounded by the crazed crowd. ================================================== Mr. Taylor & Phantom As soon as they got out of the phantom zone they could perceive two things. One, was the noise coming from the room they just left, as even quite far the screams were still audible. The next was that... weird enough, the smell of food seemed to have gotten weaker in the part of the corridor they were now in, in contrast to the rest of the space. The torches lighting the place were also more sparce, and therefore it was way darker then normal. ================================================== Marcus The poor soul screamed as Marcus stabed it, than struggled a bit and fell to the ground, dead. This called the attention of the others nearby, and though most just ran away in terror, a group of five went over to Marcus to attack him. ((Now I'm curious... what will Marcus absorb from the dead Starving Soul's personality?))
  13. The puns... they burn! Also, Horsea and Seadra are obtainable by fishing in Ametrine Mountain. Still didn't find Trapinch though.
  14. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9370 There you go Huggy.
  15. Just as Pinneaple said. Come on, this is supposed to be a fun competition! Yes, there really are things that can get better, but shouting out in the forums like this will just make a lot of people angry and solve nothing. There are better ways to solve this kind of stuff. Not a question of being walked over, but of discussing with respect.
  16. Tip for Charlotte: get a Rain Dance on. If you do that, the rest is a slaughter. My Rain setter was Blissey, but I'm sure there's plenty of other mons to choose from.
  17. Welcome to Reborn City then! It's all ok Sensei, there's already a squad from the RP forum here, we'll protect you from all the madness. (probably) Jeez, you're right. This is though competition for us.
  18. Eh, sorry. This kind of super-fast posting tends to happen a little, but it is mostly harmless. Anyway you're right, we need a little more consistency here.
  19. Ellaria, Enya & Morris Morris's voice called Ellaria back to reality. "Well, we do need to eat something, else we'll be starving before we know it. Besides, Rose is weak and needs some energy. The best would be to take some food and carry it back to them... I think." She answered the man in a timid tone. "How did you do to not starve in her, mr Morris? At least for us, it's been some days since we last ate something."
  20. Wow, looks like I've missed a lot of them (Like Mael being the interrogator. ). And on another topic, for a band name... Oh hell, I'm terrible with names. The Madhouse Band maybe?
  21. Sorry for the double posting guys, just to call some attention. Ok, new episode and new areas to EV train! I already updated the Tanzan Cove and Secret Spring surfing areas and will do ther new ones as soon as... well, as soon as I find were their data is. Aand on top of that, we've got some new toys: Power Items! They are at the Dept. Store, 4th floor, and will help a lot with the training, specially the ever hard to find Sp.Attack. They are not cheap though, so start saving you money! On the bad side, the EV reducing berries are not in the 4th floor anymore, and I couldn't find them yet. So if someone knows were they are now, please shoot me a pm or post in here! Happy training everyone!
  22. ...Actually even Ame's new avy looks hyped with the new episode. XD Also, @ Shadowbolt, I think there was a thread for this, take a look in the Development sub-forum.
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