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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Just download and play. It is the full game.
  2. Woooah, that banner is great!

    1. Jan


      It didnt update for me yet, but I'm excited.

  3. Brace youselves. EP13 hype is coming. EDIT: And, while I wrote that, 3 new replies.
  4. Ellaria & Enya Ellaria had to smile after listening to Enya's answer. The kid was surelly excited with this little food hunt of theirs. And after a while walking after her, it seemed they were indeed on the right path. The smell of blood was receeding, and the aroma of food was getting stronger... Oh my, this smells good! Her mouth invoruntarily began to water. The corridor ended in a huge door, laying open. On the floor, various kinds of giant dishes waited over a blanket, beside a picnic stile basket. The room was well iluminated in the center, over the food, but it was so big that it's walls were not visible from there, laying in darkness. Ellaria could not see that though, and the aroma was so delicious that she just kept walking alongside Enya, and into the room. ========================================================== Kenny The strategy didn't work as Kenny planned. The Strving sould did hit one of the dishes (a huge pile of mashed potatoes), but knocked of some of the ones that were already there in the process. After a moment of heated discussion and some bites, they all turned and started towards the adventurer, who now was outnumbered five to one.
  5. Kenny The table - the same that Mr. Taylor and Phantom had been in - was filled with food, it's aroma as alluring as ever, but... There were lots of Starving Souls over it. They seemed to be enjoying the death of the giant to feast over the banquet. The dishes were fully covered by their malnourished bodies, all completely focused in eating and never seeming to get full. Suddenly a hand grabbed Kenny's ankle. It seemed like one of the climbing Starving Souls was using him as a support to get up... Or trying to take him down. ======================================================= Ellaria & Enya "Enya, wait a bit!" Ellaria shouted again, finnaly catching up with the kid. She seemed to be totally calm, humming some song happily. "Hey I know you're hungry, but don't go running away like this... It's dangerous here, and Rose and I get worried with you this way." the older girl said putting a hand on the little one's shoulder. "So... let's stick together, all right?" she continued with a smile. Then she got up again and smelled the air around. By the time they had run, they should be nearly back at the junction were they foiled the other titan. She could smell food, yes, but also the faint aroma of blood. It was everything mixed though, so she couldn't really tell which way to follow. She thought a bit and decided to let the decision to someone with eyes. "So Enya, where should we go now?"
  6. Kkkk yeah, Enya is finnaly acting little-kid-ish XD. And, also finnaly, Ellaria got tired of being protected all the time. This is going to be fun! Also, K_H, sorry I lost track of your character for a bit. Could you make him meet one of the groups or find one of the already described places so I can locate him?
  7. Ellaria The sound of Enya's light steps running away was unmistakable. "Enya! Wait!" Ellaria shouted, getting up. She quickly made her mind, for the first time in a long while really decided on what to do. Rose was too weak to take care of them now, so she would return the kindness of her friend and stop being a burden, once and for all. "I'll go after her, and after some food. Morris, if can come with us and show were to find some, that would be great. And Rose, please stay here with the others. You need to rest, and I better be of some help at least once." Then she turned to the corridor and concentrated on Enya's steps again. "Dont worry, we'll be right back!" she said happily, hiding her fear, as she started running after the little girl.
  8. Mr.Taylor & Phantom It looked like the food was all right (at least Mr. Taylor didn't get poisoned or something like that) but still... Well, this was not exactly a problem, but hell that food was good. Actually, although what he ate did feed him properly, the marvelous taste didn't seem to be fading so early, and his stomach (or his mind, who knows) was alredy asking for more. ============================================================== Ethic & Annie The duo went back through the corridor that Annie had first tried. After a little walk, they arrived at the table room again, being greeted by the bones of the titan she had killed. They were clean, and the floor around them also, with no blood or meat to tell the story. They also could hear some kind of noise coming from over the table, and see some starving souls climbing it. ============================================================== Marcus What Marcus stumbled upon was the burned body of the dead titan. Or so he realized later, for his first impression was quite different. The starving souls where piled over it, so many of them that he could barely see the flesh beneath. Like ants over a dead bird, they were eating the giant at a prodigious speed, consuming the meat and sucking the blood from the floor. They didn't seem to notice Marcus at first, but fpr a small group that was still on the floor, trying to get near the huge corpse. They looked at him with crazed eyes for a moment and then dashed towards this newcome meal. ============================================================== Ellaria, Rose, Ix, Enya, Morris & Panik Ellaria noticed Rose's weak tone and her coughing, and couldn't help but to get worried. "I think we should take a rest and..." Then, much to her surprise, her own stomach grumbled pretty loud. With all the things going on around here, she forgot how hungry she was... And now that her nose caught the scent of food again, it came back to her all at once. "...maybe try to get some food? I didn't eat anything since I entered the hill..."
  9. Yeah, as the guys said evolving that Budew would be a big help. A possible substitute for Emolga would be Electrike, which can be found near Julia's Gym in a storm. I don't have much experience with both pokémon, so I don't know if it would be worth the effort. Also... Just a heads up, in the future try to edit your original post in stead of making a new one in sequence. Double posting is not much aprecciated around here.
  10. Possibly. To be really honest, i forgot about that part (Oops... But after all she was my sister's character). Still, I think if she's pressed enough and in the right way I can make that work. ... Actually I'm already having an idea... huehuehe. Ok, then you're safe... more or less. It seems the phantom zone is a nigh perfect counter to that trap. Evil plan failed. Yep, thanks Super! Remember that you guys didn't have a proper meal since entering the Hill... Anyway, just as an explanation, most of the food there is safe. The trouble are the things guarding the it. Aand speaking of meals, I'll just get breakfast and then finish the next IC post.
  11. There you go guys: Reborn's Battle Band! Anyone for the drums?
  12. He he, bold move there Super. Lucky for you the food is not poisoned and you've got Phantom with you. (By the way I'm assuming you guys are still in the phantom zone?)
  13. Jon jumped back from the attack right in time to avoid it. Kyte was a little too slow for dodging that, but he managed to protect himself well with his arms and took very little damage from it. Trouble was, they had two pokémon left. The young trainer had ust time to hear the shout of "Crabhammer!" before his the hit, strong enough to push the bulky Kyte a little back. At the same time, he was analizing the situation. The Arbok's trainer was too slow, and his pokémon had been instantly knocked down by their combined attack. The Claydol's Rock Tomb left part of the corridor hard to move in, with stones scattered through the floor. And one more Crabhammer would probably be enough to take Kyte down. Worse, the lack of speed would make it impossible to hit the Crawdaunt first. There was only one course of action to take now... "Kyte! Hang on mate!" he shouted, seemingly worried. The Dark Lobster raised it's claw, preparing another attack, and he waited to the last moment before shouting. "Now, Protect!" A barrier of energy suddenly appeared before the mud fish, blocking the attack entirely and leaving the Crawdaunt wide open for an attack. Now he would have to trust Miki to see the opportunity and strike, as the little trick probably wouldn't work again. Raito's electric moves would be perfect to knock down the damned lobster without hurting Kyte in the process.
  14. Welcome to the madhouse! Everyone already said the important stuff, so just gonna wish you a nice stay.
  15. If you guys need a guitar just give me a call. XD ^And Hukuna Sensei could be in some corner telling stories for the players.
  16. The Crimson Keep With a nood, Marcus bowed, turned around and walked away. These last events were surely something to think about... Actually, deep inside the young man was a bit unsure. No mather how he looked at it, he was just a newly graduated Cinder Knight, and the power gap between him and a foe like the Gentleman was still too big, even after the experiences he had with his fighting comrades. However, the words of the Crimson Knight echoed into his head. Dare do what no other would. Closing his fist, he looked forward, his self-confidence reborn. Right! That's exactly what I'll do. He thought before finally leaving the Keep.
  17. Well, unless I'm really wrong here I think you don't need to "update" the game, just download the episode and play normally. But I'm guessing you can't go back to Route 1 until you defeat the leader (for story reasons). Still, note this is a wild guess, I myself didn't try going back before that. EDIT: ^ And there you go, confirmation from the Ninja Sheep. XD
  18. Well, everybody already said the important stuff, so I'll just drop to say hi. ... Hi, and welcome to the madhouse. I'm sure you'll like the Forums if you survive long enough , so enjoy your time here and don't be afraid to ask stuff around or drop by the server for a chat. Also, don't worry about the thread's title. As you'll soon find out, Reborn is home to some of the most terrible puns in the whole net, so this should be all right.
  19. If you look in the pinned topics in this subforum you'll find the EV training guide. Even if you don't need to train EVs, it lists the wild pokémon by area, level, and percentage of encounters, so I guess it might be useful for you. Edit: Actually, here you go: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7866
  20. Wow. So, the Crimson Knight really is a boss. Those dreams were pretty well thought of Hukuna, great idea!
  21. The Crimson Keep ... Eh? "Wait there, you mean you were sent by Pyron himself?" Marcus said, amazed. That was really something, and suddenly like this... Marcus had all the reasons to doubt the Crimson Knight, but yet something told him to trust that strange entity. Then, recomposing himself, he continued. "I am very honored for being remembered by the great God, and I shall do my best to burn bright and keep darkness at bay. No enemy shall resist the Fire of my blade nor the Flames of my soul, that I swear." The Cinder Knight said, placing his right hand over his heart.
  22. Ellaria The steps behind them were starting to get louder and louder for some time, but a little later started to fade again. It seemed the giant pursuing them took the wrong turn in the junction. Ellaria was already breathing heavily. It wasn't easy to keep Panik's pace, even when he was waiting for them. "He-hey guys, it already stopped following us." She warned the others. "Anyway, where are we going mr... uh, mr.Panik?"
  23. Smoke rose from the floor before the acolytes when the Dragon Pulse landed. Luckily for them they were faster to respond than their comrades in the first floor, and could jump out of the way without much trouble. Behind the smokescreen the members of the Covert Ops squad could see the red lasers of pokéballs being opened, and the cries of the opponent's pokémon. When the smoke got down, they could see them: A Claydol, an Arbok and a Crawdaunt, all looking tough and well trained. "Good idea Alina." Jon answered her in a low voice trying to hide the strategy behind the fading noise. "Kyte knows Hydro-Pump, so whenever you guys are ready..." The young trainer looked at the Swampert, who nooded and prepared to the attack.
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