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Everything posted by Notus

  1. The Crimson Keep Marcus had a hella big surprise when he noticed the real form of the Crimson Knight, and even more when he called him by name, but still tried his best to hide it. It was not like he was afraid of flames, only it was too unusual to let it slide. Although, in a second thought, the ammount of weird stuff happening to him since Brinestar was already sky high anyway. "Yes, I'm Marcus Arthai of the Cinder Knights. I'm sorry that I didn't introduce myself before. What do you have to tell me?"
  2. The Crimson Keep By the end of the game, Marcus was sweating. He didn't know how, after this much time without playing, but this had been one of his best games. "Thanks, I myself never faced an opponent this good... Except perhaps for my grandfather. He was the one taught the game to me." He laid back in the chair, rested a moment and continued. "By the way, was it you in that stained glass picture back there? It's a beautiful piece." Apparently, the game had done nothing to alleviate the young man's curiosity. ((EDIT: No problem Huk, I'm not that good in chess anyway, just wante Marcus to sound like a boss. XD))
  3. Oh hey, you're portuguese? Mate, I love your country, I've been there with my father and sis for 5 months in 2011 (1 in the Azores, 4 in the continent.) and basically all my father's family is from there. It's true it's not a place you hear about too often, but it was cool enough to make us give up on going to Spain and France. Also, not really my business to say this but... Think of studyng as grinding for Online Battles. Everybody else will be at Lv.100, so there's no way you can beat them if you are not in the same level. Really, I know it is boring as hell, but it's needed. Hope we can talk more in the server!
  4. The Crimson Keep The Crimson Knight eh? Marcus smiled a little. He should have predicted that. He thought a bit about the chess challenge he was issued by this strange Knight. It had been a long time since he last played this game... Actually, since grandpa died he never had someone else he wanted to play with. "Sure I can play with you." He decided, pulling his chair closer to the table and moving one of his pawns to E4, the center of the board.
  5. The Titan quickly retrieved his hand after Enya's move, only to be hit hard by Panik on the elbow. The huge blow took of a chunk of meat, but the monster seemed to not care. It took a step back and prepared to answer in kind... But then flames erupted from within it's body, effectively sending it to the ground. "Eh, yeah I guess so." Ellaria answered to Rose. Everything happened so fast that she was still taking in all the information. However, new things kept coming on. "I heard something. Seems like something big coming from back in the beggining of the corridor."
  6. Ellaria "Uhmn, yes Rose." The girl thought back at the rest of the group, a little worried about them. Though, if that giant was really willing to help them, they should be able to handle any trouble. They didn't walk long, however. From a corner just ahead of them came another giant, this one more human-looking than Panik. It still had a disproportionate mouth, and pointed teeth matching it. Ellaria couldn't see it, but the sound of it's steps was way too loud to be ignored. "Oh. Just to check... We're in trouble, right?" It looked down at them and opened a sick smile, and then proceeded to reach down to try and grab them.
  7. Mr. Taylor & Phantom The table had a full course meal over it, what wouldn't be so uncommon if it wasn't by the size of things. Shrimps the size of arms, loafs of bread as big as cars, watermelons that looked like air baloons. Between size and variety, there was an ammount of food enough to feed a small army, and yet it was all laying untouched over there. Suddenly the adventurers became aware of how long it had been since they last had a meal...
  8. The Crimson Keep Marcus sat down in the chair as the Knight said, still feeling somewhat drawn to this new character. Something about him just exalated strenght and power. "Thank you mr... Sorry, but I'm a little lost as to who you are and what this place is."
  9. Hey, congrats you both! You sure deserve it!
  10. The Crimson Keep Marcus was impressed with the size and luxury of the Keep. He had never seen a place like this before, and that considering that he was born in a quite wealthy family. Damn his whole house would look like a shack compared to this. He stopped a moment before the great window at the end of the hall. It was a beautiful piece of work, and he felt it deserved a little bit of appreciation. The battle scene was very familiar to him, as he had seen his fair share of flaming swords to immediately relate them with the Cinder Knights. Something about the beautiful picture struck deep inside him, and he resumed walking towards it as he felt a strange urge to get closer...
  11. The Crimson Keep Marcus looked around for a moment, trying to get his bearings. Being from the Shifting Sands, he was used with deserts, but he had never seen something like that colour of sand. It felt like he was standing in sea of blood. The only thing in his field of view was a massive castle, which picked his interest. Not only because of how it stood off in this landscape, but also... There was something to it that he couldn't explain, he just knew he had to go there. Not waiting another moment, the Templar slowly walked towards the Keep's gates.
  12. Woooh, 1000 posts hype! XD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Oh so you are. And Notus, pretty much at least half of my posts come from RP, lol.

    3. Arkhi


      Get up to 750, Bibs. You'll be three quarters into the Mile High Club.

    4. Felicity


      I'm 7/10 of the way there

  13. Got swept hard by Salamence... Chuckles won 5-0.Congrats mate, you played great. (by the way, log.)
  14. Yeah that's what I thought. Anyway, I'll at least try to help with what I can in the develepment.
  15. It is looking really nice Flux, but I'll wait a bit to see how my time will be filled after Ethic's RP starts. If I feel it's ok, then I'm all for joining!
  16. Oh hey, looks like you guys are back in the game! Congratulations for the win!
  17. "We're planning an excursion to a school Sigurd. Care to come too?" Marcus answered the Wind Templar. Then Oarloff spoke, causing him to try and imagine the Half-Ogre in a study place filled with quiet and skittish intelectuals. For more funny that the picture was, it didn't seem a good idea. Oh hell, did I say too much?
  18. Great news Ame! The fields are looking great as always, and I guess people will like the obtainable list. PS: Vinny, Avallug is real!
  19. Wow, an Illithid? Marcus was kinda excited to get to know one, from the stories he heard they looked quite... interesting. "Well, guess that's one of the first times I'm anxious to go to school then." Marcus joked.
  20. Welcome to the mad-house mate! I think you're about to discover that this place and the people here are as awesome as the game (with the advantage of Fern not being around XD), and I hope you have fun around the Forums. Also you might like to download Pokémon Online, since that's our chat/battle room and much of the fun stuff happens there. If you're not interested in battling there's also the neat link in the top of the side bar here, so you can go there and join the madness anyway. See you around!
  21. Thanks Bibarel, and if you see him again could you please ask him to take a look in his pm's? I'll try to be on at the time you said to try and catch him anyway.
  22. Marcus stood quiet for a moment. It was now obvious these two were thrustworthy, considering how much Odin told them right away. He let both of the man to their feelings for some time, but then decided to get the talk back. "Have you heard of any rumours like this in the city, Mr. Abraham? For some reason I don't think the Gentleman would stop at Brinestar."
  23. Hey guys, sorry for intruding your thread but... Does anyone have any news from Chuckles? I'm waiting to battle him since the beggining of the week.
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