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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Welcome aboard Unpro! We're always willing to help with anything, from team building to practice, so don't be afraid to get in the server in our nation's channel. As for your doubt about megas and legends, it depends on the tier and ruleset chosen for the especific challenges. Also a note, if you're willing to participate in a certain week's roster, please contact Tao via server, Forum, PM or smoke signs ( ) and state that you want it. Having active members is very important to us right now.
  2. Ooh, ok, got confused with the 12am. Well, guess I'll give it a try then.
  3. ^Oh yeah, I've found Kyoukay no Kanata last week. It's pretty good! One of my favourites is this one:
  4. Uhmn, morning is a bad time for me, unfortunately. Good luck with it! Edit: Also, not really my place to say this but wouldn't the Hall of the Champions be a better place for this?
  5. Ok, I'll give it a try, it's been much time since I wrote something short. The song is Romance, by Yuki Kajiura, part of the soundtrack of the anime Noir and a personal favourite of mine. That day the sun burned overwhelmigly hot in the sky, but even then the plaza was filled with people. Not that it was that big a place after all: it was a circle of compacted earth in the middle of the village, simple and practical. It could be a market place in fair days, a dancing floor in festivities or, as it was today, an improvised bullring. News had spread through the town like wild-fire. Was it true, did that boy come back? No not a boy, he should be a grown man now. "I heard of him." Someone said in the crowd. "Looks like he's a professional Matador now, one of the best in the country." "Wait, what? Who'd have thought he would become this after what happened..." Why had the boy come back? This village should only bring him bad memories... "Ha, I know!" Another man boasted. "Obviously he's here to get his revenge! Why else to ask for the bullring to be made ready?" "Wait, isn't that bull dead by now?" "Yeah, but it's calf is still alive. You must have seen it in André's farm, it's a monster of a black bull now..." In the middle of the plaza, now surrounded by a hastily set wooden fence, and oblivious to all the talk concerning his person, a young man stood. He was tall and lean, with an athletic body, with coal black hair and deep black eyes, and wore a bright blue garment embroided with golden patterns. Over his shoulder, a blood red mantle rested waiting for the time to be used. This young man had lived in this town once, and used to know all of the people there. Mostly everyone he saw was still the same, and even though the years had taken some and brought up a few others, those were few enough as to make no difference. Most of them had been there in the day his father was impaled by the black bull. It had been an accident, for sure. The bull, a huge beast that lived in the wild, had been captured a few days before and, as they tried to mark it, went berserk and managed to break the fence, running straight towards the kid playing in the farm's orchard. His father, a worker on the farm, tried to save him from the rampaging monster and got in the way. It worked, but at too high a cost. And now there they were. He, the son of the brave man who sacrificed himself, and it, the offspring of the black monster, ready to face each other. The bull finally arrived, inside of a truck, and not in the best of the moods judging by the crashing noises coming from over there. People all around started towards the fence, eager to see the upcoming clash, while a man stood over it announcing the Torada for all the town. Moments passed. A whistle sounded, making the crowd quiet. Music started. And the truck's door opened. Calling that bull a monster wasn't enough to make it justice. The young man knew only by looking at it that this would be the fight of his life. It was as big as the biggest bulls he had ever faced, but still too young for all that size, meaning it would have even more energy than the regular ones. It's shiny black fur was already stained by the red of blood, indicating that someone had already been kind enough to provoke it into rage. It took a moment to get it's bearings after getting out of the truck,and then locked his eyes in the Matador with an intesity rarely seen in any animal. Without further consideration, it lowered it's head and charged. The bull was fast, but the man was even faster. He dodged charge after charge with fluid movements and an outstanding grace, luring the black with his crimsom mantle and spinning out of the way on the very last moment. The bull, however didn't show any signs of fatigue and seemed to be completely focused on it's opponent, as if this moment was as important to it as it was to the man. They kept going, seeming to perform a lethal dance in stead of a proper fight, every movement on the edge, every turn perfectly in sync, as if both were meant for doing this. Finally the young man's years of training started to show it's results though. He's resistance was unnatural, result of a sheer ammount of time invested in doing this, while the bull - with all it's impressive vitality - had been raised in a more careless way. It started to take longer between the charges, visibly tired, and to be more and more reckless in it's attacks. The man expected for it to come right in his direction a little slower than it was before and then, for the surprise of the crowd, he hopped on it's back and passed his arms around it's neck, holding as tight as he could. The bull tried it's best to shake him off, and for more than one occasion the townsfolk held their breath, certain that the man would be thrown to the floor. But no, somehow he managed to stay in. The bull, already getting tired, sliped a bit and for a fraction of a second lost it's balance. The Matador didn't let the opportunity go to waste, and with a vigorous movement of his body, pulled the beast to the ground. In a swift motion, he tied his cape over it's eyes and got up. The black monster, tired and blindfolded, stood where it was, panting. The man slowly drew his saber from the scabbard, pointing it towards the fallen animal, in a mix of emotions that no one could hope to decypher. Silence fell over the plaza. Then, with a scream that could almost be called a roar, he planted the blade on the ground in front of the bull. As the animal's handlers came to take it back to the truck he walked out of the bullring, never stopping to see the astonished faces of the audience. No one knew exactly why he spared the bull, and this stands to the day as one of the little misteries of the town. And so it will probably be until someone decide to ask the man. It's not a difficult task after all, since he now comes often to the village, always fighting the bull in a day and taking care of it in the next, spending the nights in the open beside it, before once again going away to lead his life. Note: ((I wrote that hella late in the night, so please forgive any mistakes on my part))
  6. Woah, there's lots of good stuff there Mael. That B.T theme from Hack//Sign is one of my favourites.
  7. Marcus was amused with the Oarloff's reaction. No matter how big the half-ogre was, his behavior was like that of a little kid. "You getting along with them Oarloff? So, what brings you lot here anyway?" "Yeah, sure Mr. Abraham, your son is a pretty lively fellow." Marcus answered to the inn-keeper. "As I was telling him we've come here seeking for some answers..." At this point the Templar looked to Odin. As much as he felt the little family to be trustworthy, the Dwarf father knew them way better. He would be a better judge of what was safe to tell these people.
  8. Marcus was gasping for air when Oarloff put him back on his chair. Ok, I should have predicted that. He thought while recomposing himself. "Well, thanks for your concern Oarloff, but I Björn there is got it. He has a friend who knows what we wanna know." the young man said pointing towards Björn and Chauff. Then, recovering his playful smile, he continued pretending to whisper, but still letting his table companions hear him. "We're actually after a really bad guy you know?"
  9. A phone rings, and Morgan picks up. "Just a moment Kenny." he says, walking away for a second. Morgan comes back with a worried face. "Oh well, guess what, Notus was the one paying my cache to act in this game. Therefore, I think I'll need to get him back here." *Notus respawns in front of Kenny.* "Ok, thanks Morgan. Now, about this usurper..." *kicks Kenny out of the window, watching as he falls down hill* King of the Hill. (and Castle)
  10. "Well, we have some questions that we need to answer here. And after all, Nevermore seems nice enough for me up to now." Marcus answered the half-ogre. Then he extended his hand to compliment him. "My name is Marcus Arthai, and the ladies are Jupiter and Helzelbeth. Pleased to meet you."
  11. Noir, Fate/Zero, .Hack//Sign and anything by Yuki Kajiura. If you're looking for rock, than I suggest Psycho-Pass. Both it's openings and it's first ending are great! Aand, on this topic, what's your favourite anime opening guys?
  12. Lucario's HP is not insanaly high, your argument is invalid. *Kenny is erased from existance due to the HP paradox* *Absol randomly explodes* Yay, using the randomness against it's own master XD Soo king again.
  13. ((Ok Flux, I'll assume you went down the corridor Annie just come out from.)) Phantom & Mr.Taylor The unconventional duo walked through the corridor, (which seemed pretty much like the one they just left) for some time before spotting a huge door completely open in the wall at their left. Inside, they could stop a giant sized wooden table, and they could also divise that there was something over it, although they were too low on the floor level to see what. The rest of the room looked clear, and well lit.
  14. *A tornado appears out of nowhere and throws you all to the moon, where you continue fighting until you oxygen runs out.* Not so fast folks.
  15. Bagel, I think you are overstating that a bit. As Tao said, we don't have too many active players to choose from. Even when I try to get in the server to check our nation's channel, most of the time there's only two or three people there. All of the members I've seen on the channel so far did get picked for the roster, and one surely can't expect the leader to pick someone who, for all the effects, isn't even available. Also, if there's any member of Volcanic who wants to battle, please make yourself heard. Post in our thread, send PMs, pop by the server and come to our team building sessions. If you show up, I'm sure you'll get your chance. And, to wrap this up: I do agree with Hilda's points and just realized it's my third week in the roster. Therefore, after this week I'd like to be excluded of the next rosters, unless it's an emergency situation and we don't have enough people to battle.
  16. *Scares away the Hill's radioactivity (cuz why not?)* * Adamant, +6 Attack & Defense Iron Fist Conkeldurr Mach-Punches Lucario* *+6 Dragon Dance Dragonite at full health Extreme-Speeds Absol* *Enemy K_H & Absol are defeated!* Back at my throne.
  17. From the epic Psycho-Pass soundtrack.
  18. All of a sudden, three Acolytes turned around the corner right in front of Jon. "Stop right there, in the name of Dawn!" one of them, a boy no older than himself, screamed. They had pokéballs in hand and looked ready for battle. The corridor was quite wide, so it would probably have enough for three pokémon to stand side by side. Shit. Jon thought, his mind racing. They didn't know how many guards were in the building, and each moment that passed only made it more likely for reinforcements to arrive. They didn't have time to waste. On the other hand, they probably could hold these guys until Sarcus was finished with the computer. "Ok guys, some help here please?" (( control the acolytes at will guys, we're having a triple battle! XD ))
  19. " I feel some souls are meant to meet, like when you guys got to Passtrough, I think it was meant to happen." "Yeah, we were right on time there. It certainly feels like that." Specially after being revived by a Godess. Marcus thought, brushing off the memories of home for the time being. That was not the time to get depressive after all, and he was glad Jupiter changed the subject. She surely was an interesting person. He was about to ask her more about her life when Oarloff aproached the table, his huge smiling form looming over them. "Oh hey! That was great Oarloff, it's been much time since I heard someone playing a harp like this. You have much talent." Marcus said, giving the Half-Ogre a friendly pat in the arm.
  20. I realized this with the most recent convo between her and Marcus ((so kinda thanks too you Notus, you made me realize how much a moron I am lol.)) Woah, second time this happens with me. The first was with Stratos's character in Under the Hill, guess this is kind of a talent XD.
  21. Well, I was going to wait for 1000 posts to get Ace, but the Beta test hype is too strong XD. Both the Fields look really nice (though that doubled freezing chance will probably have people screaming in despair a lot) and their effects have a good logic behind them. Looking forward to try it!
  22. Marcus momentarily flinched, his smile frozen on his face all of a sudden. A second later he recovered, hoping Jupiter hadn't noticed it (though seriously doubting that). "No, I don't... I mean, I have a brother, but I've never been exactly in good terms with him." He looked down for a moment, organizing his thoughts. Remembering home was never a good experience for him. "You're lucky you've got as good a fellow as Brass with you. At times like these I think our real family is the one we choose, not the one we were born with."
  23. "Ha yes, the Fire tends to do that to us. We can't stay still much time, or we soon become bored." Marcus answered promptly, but still couldn't help to notice Jupiter's eyes, the same colour of his own, though in a way clearer tone, and combining beautifuly with that silver hair... How in hell didn't I notice her before? The young man started wandering. "Our training is also more combat-oriented than that of the other Orders, so that influences as well. A Cinder Knight's aim is to be like Fire itself, cleansing the world of evil so the good people can live in peace." A playful smirk came to his lips after saying that. "Jeez, I'm starting to repeat the stuff my teachers used to say. That can't be good." he finished, laughing.
  24. Marcus was quite a bit surprised when Jupiter sat next to him, and more surprised yet with her nervous behavior. The few moments when he had the oprtunity to see her before, she had always struck him as a strong and decided woman. That managed to pick his curiosity. "Marcus Arthai at your service, miss Jupiter. It's my pleasure to meet a brave lady such as yourself." the Templar said with a smile, shaking her hand softly. "I guess we were all in need of a little time to get to know each other better, I haven't talked to many of the group either."
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