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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Well, perhaps at first same time as last one (7:30 EST). For me as long as it's between 6:00 and 9:00 it's good, so if anyone wants this time to change, no problem.
  2. Hey everyone. So, we've got a big fish this week, and we'd probably better think a bit before tackling them. Who's up for a strategizing session tonight?
  3. Marcus watched as Akuma and Xavier walked off. He found the Kenku's reaction weird, but it was not his place to question it, and besides Xavier could probably handle that way better than him. When the music stopped, he clapped his hands energically to show his appreciation of the song. The he took a look around to the others. Sigurd was looking pretty pissed off in the other table and Dru started talking to him, so he decided to let them be for the time being. Near his own table was the ranger, Helzelbeth. She was standing against the wall, eyes closed and a slight shadow of a smile in her lips, seemingly enjoying the music a lot. It suddenly struck him that she did look very pretty this way... He shook his head, it was probably not the time to dwell in these things. However, thinking back, Marcus realized she was one of the persons he had interacted less with in the whole group, as she was mostly with Odin and the other huntress (...Jupiter, was it?). "Hey Helze, aren't you tired of standing? Take a seat, we're in break time anyway." he offered, pulling a chair to the lady.
  4. Today I finnaly realized that I'm on vacation!
  5. "Yes, you couldn't be more right, and that's a lesson I'll be sure to remember." Marcus answered, and then focused on listening to the beautiful melody while the others took their places.
  6. Great tune Super! Anyway, I sat Marcus on Abraham's table because he is an impulsive person, and after listening to Oarloff his first thought would be to get to know more about him.
  7. Marcus had stood quiet during Oarloff's introduction. He'd never seen someone so... different, as Oarloff, (except maybe the Victonari duo of Passthrough) and he sincerely did not know how to react to him. However... Once the Half-Ogre started playing, the young knight's jaw dropped. He never would have expect such a beautiful tune to come from such a huge fellow, and suddenly all his doubts about the unconventional musician where set aside. The guy had talent, and this was enough to make Marcus give him value. He approached the table where Odin and Abraham had sat, and took a place there as well. "Mr. Abraham, cogratulations on your son. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I did not expect him to be this talented!"
  8. Ethic & Annie The titan couldn't react to Ethic's surprise attack. It fell to it's knees, and then face first in the floor, making a huge noise that echoed through the whole structure.
  9. I'm still in, and looking forward to it. The story is still looking great! As to questions, I have two: first, would it be possible to play a brazilian descendant? And second, out of curiosity: would it be possible for other playes to come in after we enter the gates, or it will be a closed group?
  10. Out of the subject, but I stumbled with this song clip and it just has a huge Graterras feel to me. What you guys think?
  11. Gonna be out on a race today, hopefully back at night.

    1. Sheep


      Good luck mate.

    2. Sonikku


      Gotta go fast.

    3. Notus


      Yay thanks! Ended up in fourth place and it was loads of fun. =D

  12. Ok, so here goes the edit. Name:Ellaria Stonewall Appearance: Grey eyes, black hair, short and gaunt,pale brown skin. Age:19 Personality Overview: mistrustful and frail in a first contact,but a loyal friend and strong when you now her well. Backstory: After Ellaria lost her parents in a car acident and become blind, she lived in a horrible orphanage for long 10 years. In her 10 years birthday, she fled the orphanage and started a life on the streets, sleeping under bridges, stealing and killing to survive. In one of her "misadventures for food" , she lost herself. Seeking for a shelter, she went into the cave and under the hill. Ability/Cost: ((short time invisibility/ becomes very weak))- original Ellaria is able to turn invisible by playing with other's perception of light. This means that rather than making herself invisible, she makes the opponent temporarily blind towards her. Once she gains control of this ability, she may select who she wants to see her, and even make other people and things around her invisible too. On the most of her power, she may turn the opponent completely blind. The more things she hides, however, the less time she can keep the power working, and once she's finished she gets extremely tired.
  13. No problem in my opinion Murdoc. Actually, if I remember well he's already done that with Ix in the glass prison before, right?
  14. Woah, true. Actually the only thing preventing Marcus from being a big problem is that he hasn't figured out the powers he got yet. Once he does... Also guys, I'd like to ask if you're ok with me editing Ellaria's powers a little... I feel like she's kinda useless as she is now. Not only she's blind, but also under powered.
  15. Ixidor, Rose, Enya, Ellaria, Marcus & Morris ((Today's lesson: never trust the host .)) Rose's spell worked, and the man biting Ixidor suddenly disapeared. The boy was left with an ugly bleeding wound in the arm (although luckily it was not too deep) and lots of superficial scratches. Ellaria, who followed the situation through the voices of her friends, was actually a bit scared because of the booming voice she heard talking to the boy. "Are you all right..." she tried to remember the boy's name from the first circle. "...Ixidor? And, uhmn, who's that was talking to you?" ================================================= Ethic & Annie Finnaly the giant took notice of the direction the shots were coming and started punching the wall opposed to Ethic, so brutally that pieces of rock started falling to the ground, along with piles of the gutted corpses that were hanging on it. Now it finnaly showed it's back to him.
  16. Ixidor The condemned souls seemed to have stopped hearing - or caring for - what Ixidor said. They were into a frenzy trying to get a hold of the boy all at once, and bringing him slowly towards the hole... Then one of them bit his arm. ============================================================= Ethic The titan started punching around in fury as Ethic's shot hit his face. It still hadn't found the him, so it was trying all around, specially at the direction where the shot came from.
  17. I might be a bit late for the session, but If everything goes right I'll be there.
  18. "Eh, Ash district? Guess we'll feel at home there." Marcus joked, refering to Xavier and himself. He had been a bit concerned about Sigurd's aproach of the guard a moment ago, but luckily he seemed to be an easy-going fellow. He then put his hands behind his head in a carefree motion nd focused into looking at the town, enjoying the rare "tourist" moment.
  19. Ethic The giant took some time to realize where Ethic was once he slid beneath it's legs. Despite it's size, the monster was clearly not very clever... Once it heard Ethic's voice calling for him though, it turned around quickly, roaring in blind rage. In the same motion, it threw a insanely strong kick towards the little man, aiming to smash him to pieces in the wall. ==================================================== Ixidor The starving souls started to act uneasy, looking to Ixidor with hungry -and at the same time scared- eyes. The speaker seemed about to agree when the roars and screams started being heard by the group. "NO! Pleease master, give us food now before it's too late! They will kill us all, and then gut us and eat us! And then we'll be back, then we'll starve again and then they will do it all again!" he said, with crazed eyes, rushing to Ix and grabbing his arm, trying to drag him back into the hole. Others started to move to help him, and soon the boy would be surrounded by them.
  20. Aah, ok Sith, you're right. English is not my first language so sometimes I screw up like that . Thanks for the correction and if you notice something else please tell me!
  21. Yeah, that's actually what I meant Lobos. I worded it poorly, sorry. Also I agree with Silver, there would be no problem in having Wi-Fi as default (and the same goes for No Preview by the way). I don't think people are asking for not enabling the wi-fi clause, only for both to be able to coexist. I guess it wouldn't be hard to put a tag or a link in the banner telling the newcomers that we have a No-Preview/Wi-Fi tier also, so I really don't think splitting them would be any trouble.
  22. I don't see it as a game of chance at all. The only real luck element is the first match-up, and any competent player will consider this when choosing a lead and have a good answer to that (U-Turn, Magic Guard, Red Card etc...) after all there's no unbeatable lead. The rest of the game must be played with caution, until you know what your opponent has. If you set up, you have to keep in mind that the other part may have a Ditto or a good counter. This adds importance to the use of lures and various other tactics. Again, if your team has so big a weakness that you can't win if you are not sure the opponent isn't carrying it, than your team surely needs some changes. I can't say No-Preview is better than Wi-Fi, but both are different and deserve their space
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