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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Ok, just coming to reiterate my previous statement: I do think of both options as diferent meta games, and each has it's own valour. I like the game of scouting the opposing team, and also think that if we were to completely scratch out No-Preview it would be detrimental to the many people (Yes, many. Just take a look at how tight this voting is) that also like it. Arguments? Well, it is a personal preference. From my point of view, however, this matter is entirely on personal preferences. As I see both as different play stiles, I must recognize that Wi-Fi is also cool to play in it's own way, and it boils down to what each of us likes more. So in short: I don't mind if Wi-Fi turns in default, I just ask No-Preview to be kept as a separate tier. By the amount of people that voted to the last option I doubt it will die easily, and just having the possibilty to play it is already better than nothing.
  2. Yup Sith, as Annie said it's a reference to AoT. If you got any issue please feel free to say it, I really enjoy hearing constructive criticism and new ideas.
  3. Ethic Ethic heard the screams as he was walking back, and then the ground trembled beneath him. Suddenly, a giant came running out of the shadows before him, closing the man in a dead end. When it saw Ethic, it stopped, and there stood glaring at him with a wrathfull expression. The titan was nearly 15 meters tall, muscular and with the features of a man. It's mouth was unnaturally big, it's sharp teeth sharp as those of a carnivourous predator. A moment passed in silence. And then it roared, and rushed to the adventurer, trying to grab him in his huge hands. ============================================================= Ellaria "I'm with you, Rose." Ellaria said, walking over to her friend. Then she turned to the others. "I-I really want you guys to come together with us... But, if you don't want thanks a lot for all." she said, nervous. ============================================================ Ixidor "No, no master! This monster is evil! It eats us!" the speaker of the starving souls said, wide eyed with the situation. "Please, pretty please, stay with us, feed us!"
  4. Good to know, I'll give them a try. The original was one of the best things I've watched, amazing!
  5. It was the original Dobby. The remake is only at episode 8, I think. Are there any big diferences between them?
  6. So, I just finished watching Psycho-Pass and was really thrilled by it. It's a great cop/sci-fi anime in terms of pace, plot and the concepts used in it. Better still, looks like season 2 will start in october!
  7. Ethic As Ethic keeps walking, the corridor got darker and colder. For some reason, the place where he now was did not have torches around. Suddenly, the flashlight hit the wall. He seemed to be in a dead end... As he looked around, though, he noticed something hanging from the walls... It was meat, hanged into hooks. The disturbing part was that, even after being beheaded, opened and gutted, those pieces of meat looked clearly human. The walls were filled with them, as if in a monstuous pantry. =========================================================== Annie The titan that Annie had knocked down managed to let go a gutural scream, which echoed all over the place, before his body laid still. As if in response, Annie started to hear other angry shouts in a cacophany of raspy and low tones and the ground itself started to tremble slightly. The corridor was still clear for the time being, though. =========================================================== Ellaria "Big hungry monster." Ellaria shivered after hearing Enya. The little kid was extremely cute and innocent, but when she spoke this was the older girl couldn't help to find it creepy. Almost as soon as Enya spoke that, all of them heard a scream echo through the place, soon followed by many others in angry tones. Although it was really faint, Ellaria could also distinguish the vibrations in the floor that were typical of something big on the move. It seemed Enya was right again, but she didn't want to stay there to confirm it. "W-what was that?" she asked nervous. "We'd better get out of here soon, I have a bad feeling..."
  8. Yep, thanks for the match Godot it was really a great battle. Gonna get the log.
  9. Thanks for coming to the rescue Miki! Let's get this finished everyone!
  10. I think Sec has a good point, making it optional would be a neat solution if it's possible to implement. If not, than I'd prefer to keep it without the wi-fi clause, mostly because of personal preference. I like the extra challenge that scouting represents, and Reborn is the place were we can still do that. EDIT: Just clarifying, I'm going with the split tiers idea. It attends everyone, and even if there's a possibility of one of them ending dead, it's better to give it a chance than outright taking it out.
  11. Yeah, Marcus is in a tight spot now... Luckily he stumbled upon the "good guys" group, so I doubt there will be summary execution... And I still have a trick up my sleeve that I can use to help out, so don't worry too much.
  12. Ixidor The Starving Souls started running all at once, apparently forgetting the deal they'd made with Ixidor. The one who talked to him earlier, however, managed to shout an advice towards the boy in his raspy voice. "Run master, follow us! To the holes! To the walls!" he said, running and pointing to the rat holes were they were trying to get. ======================================================== Ethic Ethic's blow cut clean through the dessert-like wall, opening a path through it. Once he did this, however, the whole structure lost it's stability and started to fall rapidly over the adventurer. ((your new path is still open)) ======================================================== Ellaria Ellaria listened to the whole situation in awe. She couldn't understand all the others were saying clealry, and she worried Rose could be forcing herself too much, mantaining that spell. Also, she was feeling some weird vibrations on the ground, almost as something big walking in the distance. They needed to wrap things up soon. "I-I trust Mr. Taylor too." she said. The old man had always struck her as a kind character, and not a liar. "But what should we do? I mean, you guys don't think in killing him right?" she asked, a little scared of the course things were taking. ((@ Sith: If Morris is going towards Ix, you can join the scene at any time.))
  13. Yey, so now officially welcoming back the now vice-host Hukuna! (As if you guys didn't have enough to worry with only one psychotic host lurking around XD) It's great to have you back on the game Sensei! Aalso, sorry for the delay on the answers guys, I spent most of the day out today. Now get ready, things will start to get serious!
  14. Ixidor The mass of gluttons screamed happy (although a crazy looking happiness) and one of them, the same that first spoke to him, answered. "Yes, yes, give us food and we will follow you! Please, pretty please master, we need to eat more now, before it arrives!" he said, keeping a faster pace with arms stretched towards Ixidor. ============================================== Annie ((Surpriiiise! Have fun! XD)) Just as Annie looked through the gap, a face appeared on it - a huge face for that matter, staring straight at her. The giant threw the door wide open, revealing a dinner room filled with food behind it. However, Annie had more pressing matters to solve for now than to think about the banquet, as the monster quickly, started towards her throwing it's arms to try and grab the girl. ===================================================== Ethic The flash light caught up something big before him. It at first looked like a white marble block, standing higher than Ethic himself, but, after a closer look on it's texture, the man realized, for his surprise, that it was a huge piece of what seemed to be blancmange.
  15. Yeah Kenny, I remember that. It's just that, since you didn't post yet, I don't know if you kept walking or waited for the others. @ Murdoc: Yeah, though the real problem will be Mr. Taylor recognizing him.
  16. Ixidor The mass of people immediately changed course and followed the chicken as the painter threw it away, falling over it as a group of starving dogs. They fought each other for a piece of the food, biting punching and kicking the others, while completely ignoring Ixidor. That is, until the chicken was finished. "MORE! GIVE ME MORE!" they screamed at him again, slowly walking towards the boulder. ================================================ Ellaria Woah, that's a lot of new people. Ellaria thought, listening as Rose talked to the newcomers. As the other girl seemed to be having a lot of trouble standing, she stepped towards her and offered a hand. "Here Rose, I'll help you up." After that, she turned to the others. "Uhmn, I-I think we'd probably better rest for a while till Rose gets better, and think of what we can find here right?" she asked them, sounding a bit unsure. "Or maybe..." she turned to the little girl of the group. "Enya, could you summon that doctor again, or maybe something to carry Rose?" ================================================= Ethic As the man walked through the corridor, he ended up in an enbranchment. Ahead, into the darkness, he could feel an even stronger aroma of food, but the darkness didn't let he see anything. To his left, through a side passage, he heard loud screams and the sound of people rushing.
  17. Yep, double posting again, sorry XD. Just a heads up for the Covert Ops players, we need someone to react to keep the RP alive (or at least on first page). I made the last post, and double posting in the IC doesn't feel right, so if you guys could help out it would be great.
  18. Ixidor As soon as Ixidor raised the chicken over his head, all the people who were looking rushed to him. They were dozens, closing in fast, screaming and pushing each other on their crazed advance, abandoning all traces of logic thinking. For some reason, Ix didn't think they just wanted to have a talk...
  19. I agree with Rose, to my understanding Annie left Enya with the rest of the group, which is now Mr.Taylor, Phantom, Morris, Rose, Enya and Ellaria (maybe Kenny is around too, but he still didn't post).
  20. Everyone is starting at the same place, but since you were separated at the 2nd Circle you guys are arriving in different times. Meaning you'll bump on Rose, Mr.Taylor, Phantom, Ellaria, Enya and Morris when you arrive, since they're still in the entrance.
  21. Ellaria Ellaria took a shock from what Rose said, but tried her best not to show it. She didn't spend much time with Byron, but she had known him after all, and up to now she thought no one could die "for good" here. Deep down, she was getting scared. That was when she heard furtive steps coming around them. Still hugging Rose, she looked to the direction the noise came from and asked aloud. "Who's there? Are you friend or enemy?" ((Just to make it clear, she's talking to Morris)) =================================================================== Ixidor As Ixidor kept riding through the massive corridor, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. He was already out of the group's view when he started noticing the rat holes in the walls. Some of them... no, all of them had eyes staring out at him, following him as he went. Some of the eye's owners started walking towards him. They were people, or at last seemed to be, and frighteningly skinny. All of them looked at him with the same eyes though: shining, as if the boy was the most marvelous thing they'd ever seen. "You... do you have some food, juicy food?" One managed to scream at him, with a raspy and demented voice. =================================================================== Annie She walked a good distance in the corridor, turning around some corners and getting out of the group's reach. Despite the size of this place, it seemed strangely deserted and quiet. Suddenly a breath of air came from her left, carrying an even stronger scent of food. Looking in that direction, she saw a huge door, slightly open, letting her partially see the interior of a room, were the smell seemed to be coming from.
  22. Oh no Super, you discovered my evil plan! XD Ninja'd by Kenny, whose idea is pretty good btw.
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