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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Ellaria Just like... what? Ellaria thought, when Rose started crying. Did I say something wrong? The girl was surprised at first, since Rose had always been, in her point of view, the strong one around. Quietly and feeling a little odd, she embraced her friend, letting her cry as much as she wanted.
  2. Kkkkk yeah, super hell is a good idea for when we finish this XD. Yep, Byron is out, unfortunately. Quincy is still in though, a good bit late due to Ethic killing him, but surely angry for the same reason, so be on your guard.
  3. Ellaria "Rose! Thank god, are you feeling better?" Ellaria asked when she heard the other girl talk. She started feeling the atmosphere around her, the rough stone floor, the delicious smell of food (it seemed like pasta to her... a memory of the food her mother used to make when she was smaller.) and the way sound seemed to get lost in the distance when people spoke. This time at least, she caught her bearings really fast, so she soon noticed Annie's light and yet firm steps going away. By the way she walked off, however, Ellaria knew she didn't want anyone to notice. The girl kept silent, a little sad but still respecting the other's decision.
  4. Marcus couldn't hold a loud laugh at the Lich's last statement. "Yep, I'm sure you have a hard time with them." Of course, he wasn't convinced that was Boney's real reason for attacking Nevermore but it didn't seem like he was going to talk anymore, so pressing the matter would be useless. Taking another look at the dark silhouette of the city, he kept walking happily. It would be nice to get into a city for a change, even one looking so gloomy as this.
  5. One by one, the adventurers cross the dark tunnel opened by Lilith, guardian of the Second Circle, and find themselves in a new corridor. This one would look clearly man made, but for it's size: the arched roof loomed over forty meters above their heads, it's width was around twenty, and even the torches that dimly illuminated the place were the size of cars. The tunnel they've just came from looked like a rat hole in the wall when compared to this massive environment. The air, however, contrasted heavily with the opressive atmosphere, as the aroma of good food could be felt by everyone, coming further down the corridor. To each of the people there, it seeme like their favorite dishes and it made them aware of how long it had been since they last had a proper meal. And thus, that was the confusing first impression the adventurers had of the Third Circle of Hell.
  6. Notus reporting to be back on duty! (And hopefully with more time to practice!)
  7. If you want to, you can explain how you got there on the third chapter itself. just keep in mind that this time there's an order in the arrivals. You'll all start at the same place.
  8. The templar heard the Crimsom King's answer with a smile. Bad guy or not, the way the lich/book acted was pretty amusing, Marcus had to give him that. "Ooh, so you're aiming at Nevermore. Quite useful for you to come inspect the city's defenses with us eh? And by the way, if you have no need for wealth, mind if I ask why are you attacking Nevermore anyway? If you wanna rule the land, I should probably warn you that reigning looks pretty boring."
  9. So guys, finnaly I'm back, and itching to get this started again! I still have to tie some things up first, but you can expect the IC for chapter 3 to come out tomorrow at most. @Sith: All ok with the gun, I'll PM you the details of the circle once it's all ready.
  10. Which of the island Nations in Graterras would you most like to visit in-game? I'm pretty curious about the Shifting Sands, as it might be interesting to play Marcus in his homeland. Also, I like the mix of tech and magic in fantasy stories, so I think it will be very nice. Which Nation would you like to most visit yourself if you were in the world of Graterras? All, I guess XD. I love travelling and all of them look amazing and unique. If I were to choose one, probably Aurora or the Crystal Archipelago, due to their relation with wind and water. Has you favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now? Nope, still Odin with Bjorn and Chauff in close second. Has your least favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now? For now it's the Gentleman, mostly because we didn't see much of him yet. What do you think the significance is of the name of Chapter 3? Humn, maybe you are preparing to reveal us why the bad guys are bad? Which PC do you think your PC gets along with best? Why do you think this is? I think Akuma, Xavier and Sigurd are the greatest candidates, because they seem to think more or less alike with Marcus. I'm specially looking forward to more interaction with Sigurd, since I feel a beginning of rivalry between them, and Marcus is one that would love to have a skilled rival. Which PC does your character get along with the least? Why do you think this is? (keep it civil folks.) For the time being, I think it's Nero. Marcus's knight ideals don't match much with ilusion and sneak tactics, and that could be a stress point between them Chapter 3 is going to be more of a Character development sort of Chapter, do you like these pauses in the action? I think it will be a nice change of pace. Though Marcus is quite an action addict, I feel he needs to talk more with the others. Who or what do you think Bjorn's friend in Nevermore could be? No idea, but I hope he's got some explanations to us. XD Is there anything you think I can improve upon? Man, just keep it going like it is. The story is great, the pace feels good, and the place and character you've made are impressively detailed. I'm liking it a lot! Edit: oops, just noticed it, fixed. though Arboretium does look good too.
  11. “Not only can he lead us and give us information about the Gentleman, but he can also lead us to where his real body is so I can fight him!” "He, you can try but don't think I'll let the kill go to you again, Breeze Head. I have to pick up to your score after all!" Marcus said with a laugh, joking. After the fight the fire templar had been quite annoyed for a while, due to not being much help in taking down the Death Knight, and being defeated by Sigurd in their little game. However, soon after he was already back in high spirits, joking and thinking about the next fight, just as usual. The snow did annoy him a little at first, but a simple trick of elevating his body temperature was enough to keep him warm and confortable. The snow melted when falling over him, leaving his clothes soaked, but nothing worth worrying about. "Hey Boney, I hope that's not a stupid question but it's just crossed my mind... why exactly were you attacking Passthrough? It's not like it was a treasure filled place, you know." He asked the Lich. it still felt a bit weird to talk to a book, and he kinda agreed with Xavier about bringing it along but... since it was already done, better try to discover whatever they could out of it.
  12. Uhuul finnaly back! =D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Felicity


      Welcome brah, just intime for Nations >:D

    3. Sutoratosu


      Good to see ya again, old pal.

  13. Well, I have an exam coming up and need to make a sprint in my studies... And Reborn, being amazing as it is, might be a problem for my concentration XD . I'm leaving until after the 17th, so see you guys after that!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Notus


      Aaand might be around on the server tomorrow night despite that XD. Thanks anyway guys!

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      Godspeed, bro. Exams...ugh. *shudder*

    4. Sheep


      Best of luck Notus. Go smash an exam.

  14. Ellaria Ellaria quickly grabbed Rose's hand answered to her delirious speech, glad that her friend was not in danger. "Don't worry Rose, it's us; Ellaria Enya, Annie , Mr.Taylor and.. a friend of his. Hang on, we'll take care of you." Then she turned to the others. "There was fight going on here before right? Shouldn't we go to another place?"
  15. Thanks for the chance Cowtao, but I'll be staying out of Reborn for studies from tomorrow to the 17th of this month so you can give my place to another battler. I'll try to go into the server later today, so I can try to help people practice. Good luck everyone!
  16. Ah, just remembered another grass type if you're still interested: Chesnaught. Nice level up movepool (Bulk-Up, Spiky Shield, Hammer Arm, Wood Hammer and Leech Seed for example) cool hidden ability and combo between bulk and attack power. The trouble is it gets a ton of weaknesses, but your team already seems to handle all of them.
  17. Well Ellaria can... uh... disappear. Crap, I guess I'll have to find more uses to her power. XD Aand you're all forgetting Enya. Her power is one of the most OP in my opinion, if she gets serious. Also, @ Murdoc: I think the easier way to catch up is to post something saying Marcus had been following the group quietly and no one noticed him. Thanks a lot for the opinions guys, I'm glad you've liked it! I felt like some parts could have had a better pace if I'd planned the chapter better before, and honestly some things happened totall out of my first plan, but in the end I think it worked even better than I planned. Now, I need to make an announcement. I have an admitance exam to college on the 16th and 17th of this month. It's something I've been preparing to this whole year, and I think I need to make a last sprint in the studies. I'll be leaving Reborn from monday until after the exam, so unfortunately chapter 3 will have to wait until then. Sorry guys. On the bright side, I'll be sure to use whatever free time I have to think of something really cool for it!
  18. Oops, maybe not a good idea to remove Shadow Ball, else it will be walled hard by steel types. I think Magical Leaf could be taken off to fit Moonblast, as the later will hit harder even when the former is super effective. So, a move set like this: -Moonblast; Psychic; Shadow Ball; Calm Mind As for the grass type, I don't really use any aside Venusaur in my current play-through, so I don't know what to recommend.
  19. If you guys are up for some instrumental... I love what this guy does with some Rock and Classical music. In this one specially, I think he's made the song better than the original (even without Freddy!)
  20. I sent him a PM, when he get back we'll know of him. So, now we're over with another chapter so time for feedback! How was it for you guys?
  21. Well, we will see what happens in the next circle. That's the nice thing about hosting this: even I can't predict what is gonna happen with you guys XD. Now, I guess all the real stuff in this circle is over. We just need to get everyone going through the path and it's done.
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