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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Weell, first of all how he just dismenbered Quincy. XD The way he is going, it feels like he could do that to anyone in the group given the proper motivation. Now he's fitting so well in the sin of rage that I start remembering the movie Seven.
  2. Ellaria "Rose?! Is she all right?" Ellaria asked, afraid of Mr,Taylor's worried tone. "She's still alive, just exhausted. Perhaps we should wait for her to wake up, before we make our next move." The girl rushed towards mr. Taylor's voice, finally letting go of Annie's hand. She kneeled and felt the ground around her with her hands until she found her friend's body. She smelled blood, and could feel the hot liquid covering Rose's skin. Still more worried, she raised her voice again. "She's still bleeding! Does anyone have bandages or something like that?"
  3. I do have the motto on mine (Hell-Fire, Lightining & Smog), only didn't put the sprites too because of a lack of space. It was a great idea!
  4. Great, I'll try to be there. Just to check, that time is EST right?
  5. ^ Both the above are great suggestions. Also, if want to go more offensive remember you can get Swampert, which is more physically bulky and hits harder but has no access to recovery (though in-game you can simply use items for that). That would be a replacement for Simipour. For the last slot it will depend on what you want. Seeing as you have already a nice ice and fairy resistance, maybe a Flygon would fit well. It's imune to ground and a potencial defoger once we get the TM. Also, Ground/Dragon stab is great. Just make sure it learns all you want before you evolve it, some moves can only be learnt as a Trapinch. I personally don't like moves that need recharge (specially after you get your defenses down from Shell Smash), so I would change Rock Wrecker for Rock slide in Crustle if I were you. Also, I'm using a set of Flare-Blitz, Outrage, Crunch and Extreme Speed in my Arcanine and it has been working wonders, being great coverage up to now. Your's is a little redundant, with three fire moves, two of them quite weak. You already have Delphox for fire type Sp.Attack, so going all physical could be a good idea.
  6. Ellaria The girl immediately recognized the kind voice of Mr.Taylor, and opened a smile. Finnaly they've found someone down her who'd not want to kill them. "Mr. Taylor! Yeah, we shouldgo there to check what is happening." she said. Then, after pausing for a moment to hear, she completed. "Although things are quieter now. Maybe it's our chance!" And with that, Ellaria started pulling Annie and Enya towards the voice of the old man, holping he and his companion would lead the way.
  7. Lilith She slowly stood up, eyes fixed on the floor. As she did so, scales, wings and tails gradually disappeared, leaving Lilith back in her human form. "I... I have been blind." she started saying to nowhere in particular. "Since Adam rejected me for wanting to be his equal... I stopped believing things like love could really exist." she shifted he gaze towards the roof, tears rolling down her cheeks. "And now it was my own daughter that proved me wrong." A moment later she turned to the cave wall and waved her hand, making a passage appeared out of nowhere in it. "That's the way to the Third Circle." she said, now with more determination on her voice. "Now all of you, listen carefully. Mia gave her life for your's, so don't you dare dying from now on. Specially you, painter boy. I'm going out, I need to think and see my other children." With that, Lilith faded away, leaving the way clear for the group.
  8. Aaah, ok, if that is a side quest than yeah, you're right. After all, besides all the reasons you've pointed, this also means these quests doesn't need to be finished in the early game, the player can tackle them later. I'll try to find that fire pokémon, and then go back for my revenge [insert evil laugh here].
  9. Uhmn, if you soft reset for Infiltrator on your Espurr, then the subs won't be a problem. In my case i just kept spamming Covet while it set subs until it couldn't do it anymore, then got paralized but killed it all the same.
  10. ^On the matter above, my answers were: "whut?" and then "...WHUT?" One thing I've been worrying about: I know you meant the game to be challenging, but there's some things that are a bit too hard in my opinion. First one is that I felt it very hard to grind with wild pokémon past level 10, and a lot of grinding is needed to the battles after the dojo event. Speaking of which, after the event I ended up with one extremely over-leveled pokémon and the others way below, due to we being unable to switch the first poké between battles. Now, for the rest I'll have to use spoiler alert: That's only my opinion though, you don't have to follow it and I certainly won't stop playing because of that. You've done a pretty good job up to now, congrats!
  11. Ok Flux, it shouldn't take long. Edit: Man, even I'm getting afraid of Ethic after that last post.
  12. Welcome aboard mate, Morris is gonna be added to the Adventurers List and will appear on next chapter!
  13. The Second Circle Battle. "Her... Weakness..." Mia spoke as if in trance. Then she realized, in terror."She's not like me, she's way stronger! I... I don't know how to beat her!" Lilith stopped cold on place as Rose's spell got her. Oh no, this won't work twice. The demon's eyes glistened and she disappeared into the ground again, like she had done before killing Byron. As she did so, the earth shook hard in the cave, knocking everyone out of balance. As if that was not enough, she made a pillar of stone rise brutally beneath Kayle, throwing the angel high in the air. The next moment, she appeared right in front of Ixidor and Mia. "I think I told you to stay away of my daughter." she spoke, making stones grow around the boy's feet so he couldn't move. "I know you think I'm a monster, and I am, but I am not letting Mia become your slave. Goodbye, painter boy." The snakes on her tail prepared to struck swiftly at the boy, without a second thought... And Mia jumped before them. ================================================ Mia She didn't feel pain as the snakes closed their fangs on her fragile body. Maybe it had something to do with she being a succubus, or maybe it was only that her mind was too set on saving Ixidor for anything else to matter. She saw her mother's eyes widen, her mouth open in surprise and shock. The snakes retreated, and the Lilith, forgetting all that was happening around her, fell to the the ground holding her daughter and crying. Mia never had seen her mother so sad. Then she realized her "weakness". The great lady of Lust, incapable of even comprehending human love, or so they said, loved her children. And when you lose someone you love, it's like a dagger in the heart. The girl was already starting to turn into dust, and she placed her hand on her mother's face tenderly. "Hey mom... I love you." she said between Lilith's sobs. "But I love Ix too... and everyone. See, not everything is lust like you said. So, if you could please let them go... I'd like it a lot." Her hand was already starting to disappear. "Well, guess it's time to go. Goodbye". Then, with a last smile towards Ixidor, the golden-haired succubus finally left Hell. ======================================================+ Ethic Quincy was caught off guard by Ethic's attack, and barely had time to react. He simply let go of the branch he was in, falling straight down and hoping it would work. At the same time, he loaded the Preacher, strangely quiet.
  14. In need of a name for an Espurr, female.
  15. Ethic, did you try the options menu? Generally you can activate that there. Edit: just took a look and nope, there's no option for it.
  16. Ok, I thought it could be something like that. I just started the game, and as my memory is totally crappy I'll make an error log on this post and keep editing as I find stuff. Error Log: Errors found(2)
  17. Happy birthday Jericho!
  18. *Teleports the Hill and Mountain - only them - somewhere else, leaving Absol, Kenny's castle and copies falling to the ground.
  19. Uhmn, I was waiting for you guys to go downstairs together earlier... Now I'm almost wrapping things up in the fight, so I'm not much sure if it would be good for you to get into the battle. If you want to go anyway no problem, I can make something up. And yes Flux, for now assume Mr.Taylor is following, I think Super wont mind.
  20. Notus


    "Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you." - Tyrion Lannister; A Game of Thrones
  21. I think it's a nice idea, and if anyone doesn't like the song it's just a matter of not playing it anyway. What do you guys think?
  22. Hey, this is looking very good. Dowloading now, I'll give some feedback after I finish playing. Also, do you plan to add Vero and Alice on it too?
  23. Uhmn, I think he won't make it in time, but the way will be open for the others once it ends.
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