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Everything posted by Notus

  1. The Second Circle Battle Mia looked at Ixidor almost crying, her mind racing like never before. "I-I don't know, I never saw Mother like this... A-and she's still mother!" At this, Lilith turned her head towards them. "You. Stay away from her." she said, starting to walk in their direction and completely ignoring Rose and Kenny.
  2. Yeah, though I only started really watching it more or less a year ago. Now I can't stop looking for good ones. Next person is an avid reader.
  3. The Second Circle Battle ((By the way, I added some music on the last post)) Lilith closed her huge wings around her body, leaving only the snakes out of it, and the flames and knifes that Rose sent towards her dispersed harmlessly. She smiled when Rose made her move. Yes, come at me, daughter of Eva... As she prepared to finish the red-haired girl, however, Kenny and Kayle made their moves. Forced to change strategy, the demon only opened her wings, hitting Rose hard in mid air and sending the girl flying away. As the attacks from the other two struck, dust rose in the air, and when the air cleared only a big hole could be seen in the ground. "Did we get her?" Byron asked after a while. His gun was still in position to shoot, and he looked around carefully. Suddenly Mia's voice sounded, shaky and loud. "N-No! Stop that, mother! Leave them be!" she shouted to the air, looking terrified. Byron suddenly felt a presence near him. Lilith had seemingly came out of the earth itself, and now held him in a tight embrace from behind, her serpentine tails wrapping around his arms and legs. "Sorry dear, but I'm quite serious here." she answered. Then, speaking smoothly at Byron's ear, almost like she was making an invitation. "Now you, gunman... Return to the earth you've been made off." Shit, I'm done for. Byron thought. This time he didn't think he would return, but for now he was kinda... calm. He'd been distributing death for so long, and he'd finnaly learn what it was about. The final thing one had to learn in his profession. He looked calmly to his companios of the Hill, and opened his mouth, hoping to give them some last words. Lilith bit his neck, blood splurting on her face. The snakes also bit him all over his body, and as the marksman screamed he started dissolving into dust, started from his feet up to his head. In a moment, the only thing that remained of Lord Byron the Third was his guns on the floor and his blood on Lilith's face. ================================== Ethic As Ethic started forward, Quincy jumped up with inhuman agility, grabbing the first branch that got into his reach and using it to propell himself higher up. "Oh, you're fast Ethnic! This is gonna be fun!" the rat started, laughing. Then all of a sudden, he stopped and for the first time looked serious and distracted. "What..." he managed to say, starting to look sick and letting his guard down.
  4. "Good idea. So, let's go Kyte." said Jon, never looking back to the frozen acollites. That's what he was used to: surviving. Feelings could wait for another time. He then started walking beside the Swampert in the corridor.
  5. The Second Circle Battle Lilith had only the time to turn her head towards the blue sphere before it hit her, generating a huge explosion. Dust and small stones went flying everywhere, and for a moment all stood still. The pillars holding Byron, Ixidor and Kayle went down crumbling, and after they took the fall, they were free. Byron got up slowly, an annoying pain starting on his back. He should have hit a rock in the fall, but for now he had more to worry about. "Everyone okay?" the shooter asked, loading his pistol. Kenny's shot had struck the woman squarely, but he had the impression this fight was far from over. ...And he was right. A moment later, the dust was thrown away by a strong gust of wind, and in the middle of it stood... not a woman, for sure. The creature had the face of the Lilith they'd seen, but the rest was not nearly as atractive as before. Her body was now covered in scales, and huge dragon-like wings had grown on her back. More than that she now had multiple "tails", which revealed to be vipers. "Very well." she said, a glint of pure anger in her eyes. "Now you've pissed me off, scum. Stop hiding in the shadows and DIE!" A burst of energy went off from her, like a shockwave, covering the whole area of the cave and sending everyone in it's path flying towards the walls. ================================== Ellaria, Annie, Enyia, Mr.Taylor & Phantom Ellaria kept going quiet, until they turned a corner and arrived at the place Ethic had come from. Then she heard the sound of leafes moving and a low, quiet voice. "...Come." "Who is there?"the girl asked, and as she did so, two people stepped in the place they were in. If she could see, she would have recognized Mr.Taylor an Phantom appearing from the middle of the jungle, near a staircase. She was about to ask again when she heard - and felt a huge explosion coming from below. The quention imediatelly changed. "What was that?!" ================================== Ethic Quincy started breathing again, and opened his eyes. "So that was death? It's kinda boring." Only then the rat-man seemed to notice Ethic standing before him. "Oh, hey Ethnic, how you doing?" he asked with his traditional crazed smile.
  6. Kkkk I'll be sure to include that pun XD . And yeah, hacking the foe into pieces don't work. In the Hill there are only a few ways to keep the dead... well, dead, and most of them are only available to some of the bosses. Like the wolf Deceit did with Nolan on chapter one. Oh, I probably should warn you Lilith and the sucubbus have one of those.
  7. Well, let's just say I won't make it easy this time. XD But hey, you're doing a nice piece of team work there.
  8. Byron Byron realized what Rose was doing and nooded. Keeping his gun ready, he rushed straight to Ixidor. "Hey boy, are you all right? Did you get hurt by this..." Angel? Only now he took a good look at the girl he had shot. Her wings were covered in white feathers, unlike the succubus bat-like ones, and she had no tail, claws nor fangs. For improbable that it was, it seemed he had hit the wrong mark. "What the...? What is happening here boy?" If the fliying girl wasn't the enemy, then it should be one of the other two, or both; but after what just happened Byron wasn't shooting at anyone without being sure. ==================================== Lilith Lilith was as surprised as Ixidor when the angel fell down, aparently struck by lightining. Not that it would change much, as she was flying to her death anyway... She tried to laugh, only to realize her muscles didn't obey. She saw a man with a gun appear, and realized there were more people coming down. Why they weren't killed by Aighan, Lara and Meridian was beyond her, but it didn't matter. She assumed one of the newcomers should be immobilizing her somehow, and by the looks of it, Mia as well. Luckily, she could be deadly without having to move. It was about time to stop playing around. Lilith's eyes started to shine, blood red. The moment it happened, columns of earth burst from the ground and wrapped around Ixidor, Kayle and Byron, leaving them immobilized. Making a great effort (more than she had expected, actually) Lilith managed to open her mouth and speak. "You who are holding me still, unlock me and get out of the shadows or your friends will die. I don't need to move to kill you all, you know." she said aloud, her voice sounding more bored than angry.
  9. Good luck everyone! Go teach those Apophylls what a hot battle means!
  10. Found this beautiful song in the soundtrack of the anime Noir... (which is awesome by the way) It's from Yuki Kajimura, who also worked on Fate/Zero and .Hack/Sign. Aaand, speaking of Rock'n Roll...
  11. Good luck guys, and as for me: at first I'm out. I have an important exam in less than a month from now, and i'm thinking of staying away from the PC for two weeks or so (after I finish Under the Hill chapter 2 of course). After that I can say I'm very interested in joining. For now good luck everyone!
  12. Ixidor Kayle's blow landed squarely on the snake, and it came down crumbling in a cloud of dust. The mongoose wasn't that lucky. When the giant viper saw it coming straight at it's direction, it simply turned it's head a bit, and opened it's mouth. As the mongoose came in, the snake closed it's jaws around it with a sickening noise, at the same time that the mammals claws ripped through the back of it's head. The viper turned into dust, and the painter's creation hit the ground with two huge holes from the opponent's fangs oozing blood and a purple liquid - poison. All the while, Mia was standing still, with wide eyes and open mouth, between terrorized and shocked. "You say it's not that, boy, but you're not true to your word. My daughter is naive and did not learn the truth of this world yet, so I will not blame you for this. Actually I have to thank you, as you have shown it to her yourself : Love is a lie. People do not want equals, they want subordinates. A person can say he loves another, but at the first sign of defiance he will leave whoever it is for his own selfish reasons. No, there's no Love. There's only Lust, be it for flesh, power or acknowledgement." Lilith now was face to face with Kayle, and a wicked smile appeared in her face. "So, you're this boy's toy and bodyguard uhn? I don't know how much of free will you have, but I will not forgive a woman who blindly follows her "Master" no matter how wrong he is. Die, angel." Saying that, huge stone spears came down from the cave's roof towards the white-winged girl. ================================= Byron, Kenny and Rose As the group progressed in the stairs Byron started to hear some loud noises from below, which started to make him worried. When he finnaly arrived at the last step, the shooter took a moment to absorb the scene before him. It seemed there was a battle going on. He recognized the boy he had seen on the first circle - Ixidor, Minos had called him - plus a blond girl with a terrified look and the shadow of a woman that were unknown to him. The air was thick with dust, so it was hard to him to tell what was going on exactly, but there was also some kind of big animal in the floor and a silhouette that looked like a woman with wings floating in the air. Shit, it's another succubus. Byron's mind started to race. It seemed the fighters had not noticed them yet, and if they could take that creature out by surprise it would be the best. With that in mind,the marksman pulled the Preacher from his belt and aimed carefully for the winged figure's head, sparks gathering around the gun as it loaded with electricity. "Rose, Kenny, sorry for asking you this after what we passed, but you need to get another spear ready, and quick. I'll immobilize that thing." And saying that, he pulled the trigger, releasing the lightining bolt towards the back of his target. ================================= Annie, Enya, Ellaria & Ethic "Ahmn ok then... Take care." Ellaria told Ethic, a little frightened by the tone of his voice. Then she seached for Annie's hand and said. "I've heard something from up ahead, maybe the others are there." ================================= Phantom & Mr.Taylor Both men heard a noise of moving leafs from behind them, and looking back they saw a new passage open where it had been only trees and vines a moment ago. Right after it was a stairway, going down through the ground, a disturbing fighting sound coming up from it.
  13. If there's still a place on the list I'd like to battle. Just to check, we've got the whole week to do it, right?
  14. "Honor is what makes us different to the villains we fight, Nero. If we use of treason and trickery to defeat them, what kind of heroes are we? Does the end always justify the means?" Marcus said, repeating what he had endlessly heard on his training. Then, raising his shoulders, he kept talking. "...In this case, I agree that it does. And as Brass said we should get going anyway. If we've already decided to do this, than it's no use to waste time here."
  15. Annie, Enya & Ellaria Ellaria smiled relieved as she heard Annie's voice. "I'm glad you're better Annie! Thanks for saving us... But i think we should get going, as Ethic said we never know when the rat guy will get alive again." Then the girl spoke to Ethic. "You, uhmn, you don't need to stay here to fight him you know? He will just get alive again right? Maybe we should try to get as far from him as we can now..." she suggested. ============================================ Ixidor Lilith smiled and started walking calmly towards Ixidor and Kayle. "So i'm the one in the wrong uhn? You just said yourself that you will leave my daughter. You said she thought you compassion, and still you won't stay by her side here... You only would if she could meet your conditions and leave. See Mia, just as I said, men are all the same proud and selfish scum, who always fancy themselves above the others. I said I'd let you leave boy, but if you're so eager for a painful death I will have to satisfy you... " Lilith stopped and a red light flashed through her eyes. All of a sudden two huge snakes appeared from the floor, apparently made from the earth itself and measuring almost twenty feet long. With a unaturally loud hiss, both started towards the painter and his creation. ====================================== Rose, Kenny & Byron Byron stood quiet for a moment, thinking. "We should probably go anyway. We don't know if Aighan can come back from the dead like we can, so the earlier we leave this circle, the better." He started going forward slowly, to make it easier for Rose to follow. "If you guys need to stop just tell me."
  16. I was thinking about something exclusive to us, like Arcanine or Entei (no dual types except for Rotom-Heat makes it tough ). Still, Camerupt does fit well. Edit: also, for the music lovers of the nation, what would be a nice theme song for us?
  17. Hey guys, everybody is discussing mascot pokémon for their nations. Should we get one too?
  18. Ooh, ok, I had forgotten that dialogue. No need for editing your post, at the most I can have Ellaria say that Annie was hit by lightining or something.
  19. Marcus pondered the other's arguments and spoke again. "Yeah, you guys have a point. I'm still not confortable with this but if you want to stick to the plan I'll help." He heard the voice of the Death Knight and looked at Nero, waiting for him to answer.
  20. @ Ethic: Possibly. Honestly, I'm making the circles one at a time, so if it's an historical/biblical character that has something to do with the circle's Sin, then it's probable you'll find them. Also, I didn't get the truce thingy right as well... Am I correct to assume Ethic thinks Byron and Quincy are the same?
  21. A little bit of Anime to start the day.
  22. Notus


    Welcome to the madhouse Rewer! You'll see that Reborn is much more than just the game. I joined because of it too, but right now I think it's probably the feature I use less on the community. Anyway, even if you don't enjoy online battling, PO serves as our chat room, so it's nice to get it either way (or just click the link "Reborn Chat" on the side bar.) . Hope you have a nice time here, fellow brazilian. Bem vindo!
  23. Marcus heard Nero's plan and then voiced his thoughts, clearly displeased by the idea. "I for one don't like to fight dirty, Illusionist. The man - or thing, whatever. - asked you for a duel, and a duel is about honor and skill. Even that Death Knight seems to take this into consideration." Marcus did like winning, but to his straight forward Knight mind, using these artifices to achieve victory was unforgivable.
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