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Everything posted by Notus

  1. New site already done? Maaate, that was fast. And it´s looking great!

  2. It´s on the player info on the first ceremony post. Cana had the job done
  3. Jesse Cana gave Jesse an impacient look "I don´t now them silly, I´m not from here! And Caspiel is the one who just spoke, dã?" then the little girl looked around a bit more intensely and, stuffing her chest proudly, completed. "Meh, I can tell you most of them are strong, but none is a match for me!" Rhaeza "Yeah, it´s a problem. I hate making the security of this kind of crowded space." Marcus said, sighing. "Anyway, I did manage to get the guards list from the CIty Guard, I already identified some of them pretending to be civilians. And my contacts prevented that info about you being the killers from reaching them as well, of course." Bargus Haze looked around and sighed. "That will prove difficult. It´s a formal ceremony after all, many guests are using gloves." The white haired butler then raised one of his gloved hands. "Even me, though I didn´t want to take any chances. Anyone could be%2
  4. Heyo everyone! After this little hiatus, I´d just like to do a little check on who´s still aboard of the RP.
  5. Jesse Cana gave Jesse an impacient look "I don´t now them silly, I´m not from here! And Caspiel is the one who just spoke, dã?" then the little girl looked around a bit more intensely and, stuffing her chest proudly, completed. "Meh, I can tell you most of them are strong, but none is a match for me!" Rhaeza "Yeah, it´s a problem. I hate making the security of this kind of crowded space." Marcus said, sighing. "Anyway, I did manage to get the guards list from the CIty Guard, I already identified some of them pretending to be civilians. And my contacts prevented that info about you being the killers from reaching them as well, of course." Bargus Haze looked around and sighed. "That will prove difficult. It´s a formal ceremony after all, many guests are using gloves." The white haired butler then raised one of his gloved hands. "Even me, though I didn´t want to take any chances. Anyone could be wearing one of these." Bargus knew that was the stealing glove, painted all white on the outside to make it stand out less. Misara An angel approached Misara, dressed elegantly in a white suit. "Oh hey, look at who is here. Did you lose your sister again?" When he got near, Misara recognized him as being Hesediel, though he looked pretty different in formal clothes. He smiled at her and then looked around. "What do you think of our work here in the Ceremony Hall? It ended up pretty well, didn´t it?" Gabriel Gabriel felt someone touching his shoulder from behind. "Good evening Gabriel, how are you liking the party?" The vampire recognized Ledoroch wothout even turning to see the blue skinned demon. "Have you been feeling well these last days?"
  6. ^ I´ll run with that idea then. Probably going to alternate between arm sword and arm cannon most of time and make the process pretty... not pretty. Sheet edited, anything else to change?
  7. Uhmn, ok. I suppose the weapon summoning ability itself also doesn´t fit then?
  8. Ok, I´ll keep only weapon summoning as an ability. Would it be ok to keep the mechanization only as a mutilation, with no effects in resistance and ability?
  9. Do you have that one slot still open? If so, I´d like to enter the game. That´s the perfect setting for me to play an alter version of one of my favorite characters, if that´s acceptable. (Whoever recognizes who she´s based in gains a cookie) Character Sheet
  10. Bargus "Ew!" Cana said, jumping off her chair with a disgusted look. "I´ve heard demons don´t take baths, is that true?" Haze smiled at that and put his hand on her head. "It´s not, little miss. And you shoudn´t say such things to Mr. Bargus anyway, that´s rude." Cana showed her tongue to Haze and looked away, crossing her little arms and stomping her right foot in the floor. Then she saw Jesse in the other table and changed her attitude immediately. "Hey hey, can I go play with Mr. Angel? Pleeease?" "As long as you stay close to him, and don´t use magic. Otherwise we´ll go back to the hotel." Cana nodded excitedly and ruhed towards Jesse´s table, leaving Haze and Bargus alone. "Well Mr. Bargus, I´ve been busy doing some research at the people signed up for the meeting and the security staff. After Mr. Marcus´ information about the possibilty of an infiltrated enemy agent, we can never be too careful." Jesse Cana arrived at Jesse´s table as cheerful as ever "Heeeey Mr. Angel! Where were you these last few days? I want to play with you!" She was dressed for the event, of course, wearing a pink dress full of decoration. It didn´t quite match her unruly attitude and destructive power, but she certainly looked like a cute, harmless child in it.
  11. Myriad RP back on track!Players, take a look at the CW forums!

  12. Haze took the pack of ashes and pieces of the glove from Raziel and stared intently at it for a moment. Then he looked back at the group assembled in the corridor. "Very well then, we could all attend the meeting if you wish, it seems every bit of help will be necessary I´ll make the arrangments for signing you all up." *** [Two days later - Opening Ceremony of the First Marblegate Magic Studies Meeting] The Ceremony Hall, now finished and occupied with people of all kinds, was quite the sight to behold. The circular wall of pure white marble contrasted with the thousands of golden ropes and multiple chandeliers that hanging from the ceiling, as well as with the deep blue carpet covering the floor. There were tables with food from various regions of Myriad for the guests, and waiters walking and flying around serving the best drinks the city could muster. Even then, the crowd was notably smaller than it would be expected. A small door opened behind the lit stage on the far end of the room, and soon all the sound of conversations ceased. A figure in a simple white robe walked through it into the stage with a dignified expression - tall, with silver hair, green eyes and six majestic wings, Caspiel looked like a man on his early forties even though, being an angel, his age would more likely be counted in centuries. He looked around the room for a moment and started his speech. "Hope. That´s what our world of Myriad is living through right now. An age of hope for mutual understanding, for growth, for peace like we´ve never experiencied before. The age of Destruction is over, and it is now our job - mine, and of all the talented individuals who grace Marblegate with their presence tonight - to get started the age of Creation. However, one of the basic concepts of magic is that destroying something is much easier than creating or fixing the same it, and that´s why we need greatly to have all the power and talent we can muster in order to build what only Myriad, among all the infinite worlds, has concrete chances of accomplishing: to be a perfect world, an utopia of dreams and a place of confort for all souls." "I, Caspiel, welcome you all to the first Marblegate Magic Studies Meeting. I understand that, due to recent events, many people decided not to come for tonight´s ceremony and I surely can´t condemn that posture. But know that I´m personally overseeing the organization of this event, and I assure you there is no threat from the forces in the dark that could get in the way of this beacon of hope that we are lighting here, in this moment. I wish that you all enjoy our city, improve and share your wisdom, and help us build the road for the brightest future. Thank you." The room exploded with applause, and Caspiel got down from the stage, being right away flooded with people eager to compliment him and have a conversation with the greatest mage in Myriad. The stage was occupied by an orchestra, and sound filled the hall. Everything seemed, indeed, well. PLAYER INFO ((Nothing of note happened in the days before the ceremony. Haze arranged for everyone that wanted so to be present at the ceremony and registered in the meeting. He, Cana, Shelly, Hannah, Hesediel, Ledoroch, all main NPCs are present in the room. Cana has fixed the magic stealing glove. You´re free to decide were and with whom you are at the moment and what you did in the last few days. Let´s get this going!))
  13. Ouch. And I thought Brazil had the worst luck with politicians. Stay strong guys, don´t let that crazy captain steer the ship off course.

    1. Vinny


      At least they had a choice. In Brazil it always feels like Trump vs Trump~

    2. Notus


      ...Pretty accurate Chara XD

    3. Vinny


      Psst, eu espero que a troca de nome não tenha feito vc esquecer quem sou eu, amigo :T

      ...Embora eu aceito ser chamado de Chara tbm, I suppose~

  14. Hotel Group Haze lifted an eyebrow at Jesse´s suggestion. "That might work, if you still have the pieces. The little miss is quite impressive with that kind of spell when she puts her mind to it. But she needs to rest for a while, it puts a lot of stress on her." Meanwhile, Cana looked at Bargus with sleepy eyes. "Nah, I couldn´t do that with Mr. Haze. He´s too strong." the mini mage then yawned and crawled up to a bed. Rhaeza "Agreed" Marcus said, starting to move out of the alleyway. "I´ll follow with you then, at least until we find them." ((I´m closing up the current interactions so we can move forward. Let´s try to wrap the scenes currently in motion))
  15. Heyoo, and yet again sorry for the delay. More PC problems here, added to sme time out at sea, have prevented me from posting. We'll have mpre stuff tomorrow though, don't worry.
  16. Super Bomb Dodgeball Squad " I suggest you don't leave that high mage unguarded, there are dangerous people out there and that noble child could be a primary target seeing how powerful she is. The fact that I easily infiltrated this room is a sign that you should upgrade your security and get more better guards." " True, that was an unforgivable mistake. It won´t happen again." Haze said without even flinching. "...Although it would be more accurate to say we need to protect other people from Cana. So you´re the rest of Mr. Bargus´ team, right? Your sense of courtesy is quite interesting, breaking in an ally´s room undercover." "As for a cover up..." Haze looked at the captive angel, noticing his burned hand. "Why don´t we say he´s done it? That´s the gloved angel Bargus told me about, right?" While the conversation went on in the outside, the guards gave no response at all to Bargus. Cana was curled into a ball on a corner, looking at him with an annoyed face. Then she clapped her hands and the guards suddenly started waking up, taking quite the scare from seeing the huge demon in front of them. Rhaeza & Jarvis "Contacting Caspiel might be tricky if you´re not an oficial unit. I could try that, but not sure how long it will take. I´ve already checked the meeting area as well and didn´t find anything, but infiltrating the security is a good idea. Where´s the rest of your team is?"
  17. Thanks guys! It´s good to be back . TR Bronzong might be a really good idea, though I need to check if I have the TM. Looking at the suggestions, I take that we´re expecting to fight Adrienn..? I´ll take a look at Politoed as well (didn´t know King´s Rock was already obtainable), but I think I won´t have time to grind it properly before the episode is out. I´ll take a look later and select the team.
  18. Notus


    Yep, Ruby seems to have scored quite the number against Cinder even in her Maiden mode. I'm curious as to how the maidens power relates with the silver eyes.
  19. Wait until Ame discovers this thread. Then you`ll know what true despair is like. Her puns are really aMewsing.
  20. Yep, I´ve sent him a PM and had no answer as well... For now just keep going and assume Jarvis is following. If needed I´ll reserve the right to bunny him if needed (I´ll keep it to a minimum). Also, Jorgen and Misara´s scene needs to develop. Right now CG is waiting Dobby to answer. I´d like to do a time skip to the day of the opening ceremony soon, so the earlier we wrap up the sooner we progress with the story.
  21. Heyo everyone! So, with E16 fast approaching and having a pretty decent roster of pokémon, dating back some 7 episodes, to choose from, I´d like to see your takes on what would be THE team to use for the main story. You can suggest a single pokemon or a whole team combination based on the following options. You can also suggest move changes, as long as they are currently possible in-game. The Roster 1- Kyte(Swampert) -Waterfall/Earthquake/Strenght/Brick Break 2- Kiki(Gengar) -Shadow Ball/Dark Pulse/Hipnosis/Destiny Bond 3- Juggernaut (Chestnaught) -Hammer Arm/Wood Hammer/Bulk Up/Spiky Shield 4- Seki (Ninetales) -Flamethrower/Dark Pulse/Will-O-Wisp/Nasty Plot 5- Ruka (Gardevoir) -Moonblast/Psychic/HP Fighting/Calm Mind 6- Eugene (Crustle) -X-Scissor/Rock Slide/Flail/ Shell Smash 7- Auriol (Lucario) -Extreme Speed/Close Combat/Dark Pulse/Swords Dance 8- Happy (Blissey) - Shadow Ball/Rain Dance/Soft-Boiled/Heal Bell 9- Flame (Arcanine) -Crunch/Extreme Speed/Outrage/Flare Blitz 10- Green (Venussaur) -Grass Pledge/Double Edge/Sleep Powder/Growth 11- Vhagar (Noivern) -Dragon Pulse/Hurricane/Flamethrower/Roost 12- Iron Maiden (Steelix) -Gyro Ball/Dig/Curse/Stealth Rock 13- Senketsu (Absol) -Night Slash/Psycho Cut/Sucker Punch/Swords Dance 14- Surge (Rotom-W) -Substitute/Discharge/Hex/Hydro Pump 15- Jingle Bells (Bronzong) -Rain Dance/Heal Block/Gyro Ball/Explosion 16- Guardian (Empoleon) -Rain Dance/Water Pledge/Grass Knot/HP Ice 17- Leviathan (Gyarados) -Waterfall/Ice Fang/Thrash/Dragon Dance 18- Celestinine (Kingdra) -Waterfall/Dragon Pulse/Hydro Pump/Dragon Dance 19- Taco (Ludicolo) -Surf/Energy Ball/HP Ice/Rain Dance Note: Practically all of them are fully EV trained.
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