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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Jesse (The others in the hotel can join too) "Now how about we go on an adventure instead and play a little game called: Let's go find the others before we're wrongfully labeled as bombing terrorist by Marblegate." Cana clapped her hands and smiled "Yey, another game! Let´s go, let´s go!" She said, walking merily through the hole on the wall. "Then we just need to find Mr. Haze, right? Ah, and not let anyone else see us, right?" She asked Jesse while he stepped out of the room. "That won´t be needed, little miss." Cana´s eyes widened and for the first time Jesse saw an expression of fear on her face. Haze was right behind her, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised, as if expecting an explanation. Cana slowly turned her head towards him, then looked again at the hole, just then realizing the trouble she was in. "M-Mr. Haze... Eh, I... Eh..." "You went a bit overboard this time, my dear. Didn´t I tell you to wait calmly playing in your room?" Haze asked, keeping the same stance. "I was doing just that! I was playing with Mr. Angel!" the girl answered, pointing at the appaled Jesse. Haze looked at the sniper angel with a neutral look, then at the remainders of the wall, and then at Cana again. "... I see. Well, we´ll talk about this later. Right now you´re cleaning this mess, little miss." Cana made a face, but didn´t complain. She then turned towards the wall and her eyes started glowing white again. All the rubble levitated in the air and stated going back to the original position. In less than a minute, the wall was back in it´s place like nothing had happened and Cana was panting from the effort. Haze then kneeled beside her and put his hands in her shoulders. "Well done. Now go inside again and get some rest. I´ll handle everything from now." Cana nodded with a yawn and went inside the room, stopping by Jesse for a moment to thank him for playing with her. The next the angel heard was Haze´s voice. "So, I think you own me an explanation, Mr. Angel. Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Rhaeza & Jarvis "Well, I don´t know Caspiel in person, but I´ve heard a big deal about him. One of the founders of the alliance, probably within the top ten most powerful mages in Myriad, and for sure the most influent angel of our time. Oh yeah, and almost single handedly figured out how to control the Portals, which was a huge thing for everyone. The man is a genius and a pacifist, basically the symbol of the new era for the angels." Marcus said, raising an eyebrow. "In one hand, if he died the angels would for sure be mad at the rest of the world, and potentially leave the Alliance for good. On the other, it´s hard to imagine someone good enough to be able to attack him, specially here." "As for the meeting, it´s something Caspiel and Damian Brume themselves planned in order to 'promote friendship between the races, and launch the foundations of a cooperative future for researchers worldwide', or so say the folders. It´s focused in themes like health, development, building, and this kind of stuff. I´ve been through the sign ups earlier... And it looks like there are way too many good targets for a terrorist. Famous scholars and prodigy students from all around Myriad, and some from other worlds as well. But if you ask me, the only ones whose murder would generate an immediate answer are Caspiel and Brume themselves." ((Waiting for: Jory, Inno, Dobby and Strat))
  2. Jesse The ball flew past Jesse leaving a trail of sparks and crashed into the wall with full strenght. Too much strenght for the ellegant structure to hold, it seemed. The wall burst into pieces as the rubber ball of death exploded from the impact, concrete and steel flying in all directions in the corridor. Luckily it seemed nobody was passing by in that moment, otherwise... Cana crossed her arms with an annoyed expression. "No fair Mr. Angel! Look at what you did to the wall! You should try to grab the ball!" Then, returning to her usual cheerfull attitude, she conjured another ball and threw it - this time normally - to Jesse. "Now it´s your turn!" Bargus Haze started eating his appetizer, some kind of ellaborate (and as Bargus predicted, small) dish prepared with herbs and meat, apparently. "The meeting will be held inside the mountain, although that´s a bit vague considering most of the city is inside it as well. They´ve prepared an area with rooms for the lectures, leisure areas and a hall for the bigger events. It´s good to see the angels, once so closed to the rest of the world, putting that much effort in being g ood hos-" Before he could finish, an explosion shook the hotel. Haze immediately got up and, without a word, started running out of the restaurant with a worried expression. Raziel "I- I don´t know either..." the captive started to say, clearly afraid of Raziel. "I met him by chance and never saw his face. What I can tell is that he was tall and wore a full body cloak. I was desperate because my rune magic wasn´t progressing at all, and I had been kicked out of the atelier where I studied. I was angry at the Crafters, always high and mighty, gathering their knowledge for themselves... And then he appeared offering me the ability to get their power for myself." He would have gone farther with the explanation, but the room shook suddenly. Objects laying on the tables fell to the floor and the lights turned off for a second. "...Wha-what was this? Are we under attack?" He said with an anguished expression. That clearly wasn´t his day...
  3. Noo problem Inno, I was the one who delayed this the most. Take your time. I´ll try PMing Jory to see if he´s still on, though with the time I took to make this last update I wouldn´t be surprised if he simply didn´t see it yet.
  4. Gabriel & Lucille The attendant quickly recognized who Gabriel was speaking of and indicated the room number to him and Lucille, as well as the fact that Bargus was having dinner. If he was disturbed by Lucille´s feral appearance, he hid it perfectly (any other thing would be unprofessional, after all). Bargus "The little miss is a magic student, and a talented one. The people who take care of her decided it would be good for her to learn more and make new friends at this meeting but... Well, she is a bit of a troublemaker at times. So I came along to take care of her and ensure she won´t cause any problems here." Haze then smiled "She is indeed quite the piece of work. She´s incredibly energic, and can be wild at times, but deep down she´s a sweet child. Jesse Cana gave Jesse a wicked smile as she held the ball tightly in her little hand "Ok then mister angel. Here I go!" The ball suddenly gleamed in an intense white light, sparks flying from it as Cana assumed a throwing instance. Then the girl´s eyes started glowing too, and she threw the ball at Jesse in high speed. Raziel "What runes were used on this glove of yours? Show me how to draw them and the order." "I don´t know... I can´t know. The runes for the stealing spell itself were drawn in the inside of the glove. The guy who gave it to me wouldn´t be careless enough to leave them in the open. The ones on the outside were..." the captive paused with a pained expression. "For self combustion, in case of removal or capture. I knew it all along, but thought no one would be able to catch me with that power." Karol "Just tap in the card and say my name, that should do the trick. Just a neat little spell I cast to it." Hesediel said, smiling. "Unfortunately I´m not any good with technology, so I use that instead of a phone. Good luck finding your sister!" Misara Misara wandered a bit before anything happened, but at some point she took the wrong turn and soon couldn´t recognize the path she had walked before with Hesediel. Just as the angel said, the place was enourmous. The main tunnels got wider and wider as she walked, to the point many angels passing by were able to fly inside them without any concern. Eventually the tunnel she was walking in ended up in a big plaza - which she imediatelly recognized, even though they hadn´t gone that way before. It was a place with a huge concentration of people, with light crystals and benches arranged neatly in concentric circles around what looked like a huge curtain of light. That was what made the place so easily recognizable - it was Marblegate´s Portal, one of the three permanent ones in all of Myriad and the very reason why it existed. Jorgen Chance wasn´t as kind to Jorgen as the metal man would want. He walked quite a bit and still hadn´t found any of his team mates. Eventually though, he ended up in the Portal Room. Perma Portals where always quite a sight to behold. They looked like the Northern Lights of some worlds, but each had it´s own shade of colour. Marblegate´s, as most of the city lights, was blue - the light dripping from above like a curtain of rain glittering at the moonlight. It took Jarvis a moment before he identified someone standing at the other side of it: Misara, also looking at the grandiosity of the door of the worlds. Rhaeza & Jarvis Marcus seemed taken aback by the information. "A traitor? Damn, I was hoping that wasn´t the case but... It makes perfect sense." His face contorted with anger. "The last unit I worked on was also trying to track the killers but... we got wiped out. I went to deliver a message to our superiors and, when I got back to base, everyone was dead. I´m the last that remained. No one outside the Alliance was supposed to know about us, but I still refused to believe that we´d been betrayed. How naive of me." Marcus stood silent for a moment, with his fists tightly closed before relaxing again. "Ok, I´ll work with you. The target of this attack is most likely Lord Caspiel, the Archangel. His influence alone is what ended up convincing the angels to join the alliance, and if something were to happen with him they´d most likely exit in response. He´ll be present for the opening and the closing ceremonies of the Student Meeting, and if the attacker wants to make things public then that´s when they´ll strike."
  5. Sorry for going MIA for some time guys. I had an big event to organize at school this weekend and right after that my laptop charger died. Now back on track!
  6. Rhaeza & Jarvis The man gave Rhaeza a surprised look as he saw the badge and seemed to drop the guard. "Representative Vermillio himself? Well, I guess that´s why I haven´t heard of your task force. I´m sorry for the trouble." The man said while scratching the back of his head. "My name is Marcus by the way. About information, I´ve been told that there was a group of suspects composed by... well, you two, plus a cyborg, a demon, a half demon, two angels, two kids, and a blind girl with a huge bear. Would that be your unit?" Jesse Cana seemed immersed in thought for a moment and then seemed to decide. "I wanna play dodgeball! It´s my favourite!" Saying that, a rubber ball appeared out of nowhere in her hand - she didn´t even use a sigil for the summoning - as she looked at Jesse expectantly with her big eyes. Misara "No, no, sorry. It´s dangerous to stay here while we´re hanging stuff on the ceilling. Something might fall on you. Please hold your curiosity for when it´s ready." he said, placing a hand on her shoulder and pointing towards the exit.
  7. Raziel & Bargus The attendant started describing in details multiple different dishes while he walked Raziel and his prisoner towards the restaurant. It wasn´t long until the mage heard the familiar voice of the red demon. "...so any clue that can get us closer to the assassins' plans, identities and their base of operation would be much appreciated." "Well of course. It´ll be a pleasure to help you in any way I can" Haze answered to Bargus. He then noticed the angels getting closer, eyes immediately drawn to the prisoner´s hand, which he grabbed with a painful expression, hidden in a pocket. "Mr Bargus, are those by any chance the ones you were talking about?" Jesse "Naaah we just got here. The classes will start in two days, but he still says I can´t go out and play alone while I wait!" Cana answered, clearly referring to the meeting. "And no... Though there is that lady from the registration counter. She may be angry that I set fire to her wig." Karol & Misara "Oh, of course! Haven´t you heard? Lord Caspiel himself will make an appearance to welcome everyone at the opening, and it´s rumored that Damian Brume will make the ending speech!" Damian Brume was the highest ranking human representative in the Alliance. Having him and Caspiel in the event meant two of the Alliance´s founders would be in town practically at the same time. Meanwhile, Misara succeeded in sliping by without being noticed and proceeded to the Hall. The heavy doors were still open as the last workers left the place. It was huge. Surely the space was capable of confortably receiving everyone involved with the meeting. The floor, apparently white marbel with black patterns resembling runes, was being covered with an elegant red carpet, and flying angels were hanging various crystal chandeliers to the roof in a beautiful spiral pattern. One of those noticed Misara and hurriedly flew down. "Sorry miss, but we´re working here. Could you please come back another time?" ((Dobby, Lucille and Murdoc are free to join any of the scenes))
  8. He´s still around, but you can simply have Karol say bye to him and walk away with Misara before continuing with your intended post.
  9. Coral Ward for sure. I want to Surf the Azurine Lake for a change and check out Adrienn´s Gym!
  10. Bargus For once Haze showed clear signs of being taken aback by Bargus´ statements. After a moment to let the information sink, he smiled and continued the conversation. "I see, I see... Well, that comes in pretty handy, having more people to guard our backs, even if indiretly. If there´s anything I can do to help, don´t exitate in asking." Jesse "Meh, I don´t need him to keep me safe! I can defend myself you know? After all I am the best mage in the world!" Cana said, sounding angry. Despite of her size and looks, the three guards lying knocked out on the floor behind her kind of supported that statement. "As I said, I´m here for learning more about magic, though I doubt these grown ups can teach me anything. Mister Haze says I should focus more on healing and building magic, but I like fighting more. That other stuff is much more complicated, and it´s so laaaame!" Misara & Karol “Now, if you don’t mind maybe taking my sister and I on a tour, we’d truly appreciate that.” "Oh, sure thing. I am just leaving work, but on my way home I have to pass through the rest of the meeting complex, so it´s no problem. My name is Hesediel by the way." He then pointed towards the huge doors behind him. "And starting the tour, that´s the main Ceremony Hall, where the opening and closing ceremonies of the Student Meeting will be held. We´re remodelling it for the event, so you´ll have to wait for the opening to see how big it is!" He said excitedly. After that, Hesediel took them for the other parts of the meeting complex: several lecture rooms, some equipped with magical research equipment, laboratories for mana handling, and of course some leisure lounges and restaurants for the participants. Finally, they arrived at another exit of the mountain city. "Well, that was it. I wish I could show you the rest of the city´s important points, like the Portal House, but trust me: the place is huge inside there." He said pointing towards the caves. "I hope you two enjoy a great time here! Oh, and if you´re looking for a good place to relax after the lectures, look for my wife´s book store." he suggested, handing a little card with the name "Hanna´s Story Box" written on it. Gabriel Ledoroch nodded in response and watched as Gabriel disppeared in the night. Then he shook his head and went on his way, thinking about how people always had much more to them then what they showed others.
  11. Jarvis & Rhaeza The combinination of Jarvis´ slap and Rhaeza´s sincerely surprised statement seemed to get across to the man and make him a bit more conversation-friendly. He massaged his cheek where Jarvis had hit, and gave them a suspicious look. "What, then you´re really after the killers too? Under whose command are you working? Do you have any credentials to prove what you´re saying?" Jesse "Well, of me the best mage of course, the title says it! And beating Miss Valerie in combat for the Academy, when I do that - I mean, when I did that - I got mister Haze to be my servant and buy me all the toys I wanted! Yeah, that´s it." she said, stuffing her chest and raising her chin in a pretty comic attempt to look proud. Then she resumed answering the second question. "Oh, and this city stinks! Everyone treats me as a little kid. There´s all those adults acting like they know it all, and Mr. Haze doesn´t let me play on the streets. I´m here just for watching classes after all..." Bargus Haze took a glance towards the door and exitated a bit before following Bargus, but ultimately left Cana on the care of his subordinates, oblivious to what happened inside the room. .................... The waiter arrived soon, and Haze asked for an appetizer and water. "Well then, I´d be really interested in talking with this friend of yours. Actually, your group looks quite interesting, judging from the ones I´ve seen at least. What are you looking for in Marblegate?" Gabriel Now Ledoroch raised both eyebrows, unable to hide his surprise. Still, it didn´t go past that gesture. "Oh well, I thought I sensed something... odd about you, but never thought that would be the case." He told Gabriel. Then, realizing he might have sounded rude, he continued. "I apologize. Actually, you´re not the first case I´ve seen of a vampire wanting treatment for their condition. I understand it must be a terrible burden for you, but unfortunately I still haven´t found a way to revert that... At least not with blood magic alone. I could try a complete blood transfusion , but once someone becomes a vampire, the body itself transforms too much for me to do anything." He sighed. "Maybe I could do something if I worked in tandem with someone able to modify your body. That would be quite the intrusive process though." Misara & Karol The inside of the mountain, although having many ellaborate carvings on the walls, was mostly wide rocky corridors and rooms of the same blueish white stone. It looked like a gigantic cave complex, with the corridors having enough space for a crowd to get past them without any problems. They got past some rooms being prepared for the lectures that would take place in the following days, all of them spacious and full of confortable chairs, and ended up in a huge pair of metalic doors, with the sign 'Ceremony Hall' hanging on the wall beside it. Soon after their arrival, an angel came out of the room looking at a clipboard with a concentrated expression. Seeing the girls, he stopped what he was doing and talked to them. "Oh hello, are you here for the meeting? Can I help you with something?" Raziel "Bargus? Oh yes, I think we´ve got a guest that fits your description. Just a minute." The angel at the counter checked some light screens and then resumed answering Raziel "It seems he is on the restaurant, sir. Do you want me to take you there?"
  12. Happy birthday Tacps! All, of the best for you mate, hope you enjoy the day!
  13. Wherever you want him Dobby! You´re free to roam the city and find the other guys.
  14. Lucille & Raziel The angel shivered at that display of malevolence by Lucille, and he was hardly at fault by doing that. "Ye-yes, I´ll answer whatver you ask. But... I actually don´t know much about this whole thing..." Jesse "Well, aren't you gonna invite your guest and introduce yourself?" Cana hurried to sit down on the other side of the table, then assumed a dignified air that actually looked plain funny on her childish face. "Good evening, Mr. Angel. Why don´t you come in and have some tea?" She welcomed him with a lower key voice and carried her movements a bit to much deribelately, trying to imitate Haze. "I´m miss Cana Vitalos, High Directress of Ravenmere Magic Academy and the best mage the world has ever seen! I welcome you to my humble dominion." She said, bowing exagerately. Bargus "By the way, have you eaten dinner yet?" "No, I haven´t. Maybe we could talk this over over some food then? And if in any case you can contact your friends, I´d like very much to have a word with them about this case." Gabriel Ledoroch noticed Gabriel´s change in atittude, but other than raising an eyebrow he did nothing to demonstrate surprise. "No problem. I promise you I won´t tell anybody - I´m a doctor after all, that would be against my working ethics."
  15. Congrats on your three years, Huk! Although I only entered here two years and something ago, I´d been lurking for quite some time before deciding to give it a go. Wanting to try my hand at RPing - something I´d never done before - was a big part of what made me sign up at all. And it was the very same Pokémon Aftermath that got my attention, for the quality of it´s plot and of the writers in there. After that came my own Under the Hill, which as tons of fun for me and really helped me improve as a writer, and then what I consider the masterpiece of this place´s world building: Graterras. And boy, how much I learned from playing and reading that story. The way you fleshed out something as complex as that, giving details of how things in that universe worked, keeps amazing me to the day and helped me a lot with my own Myriad. Your help through the whole process was decisive in making me come back to writing after a long time without producing anything, and I can´t thank you enough for that. So more than congratulations, I think I and all the members of the RPing and CW forums owe you a thank you, for all the time and effort you´ve put into creating that unique place we know and love. Happy three years, Hukuna sensei!
  16. Jesse Cana covered her mouth with both hands and nodded energically to show she got Jesse´s message. Then she ran to the middle of the room and waved her arms to get the guards´ attention. "Hey hey, misters! Do you want to play a game?" she asked excitedly. One of the men sighed, visibly tired from the day, but another one shook his head and smiled, deciding to play along. "Sure Cana, no problem. What shall it be?" The girl clapped her hands and smiled back. "Let´s do a staring contest, you three against me! Don´t worry,I´m not afraid of taking you all on." She said with a defiant look. The man who spoke to her laughed, signaled for the others to roll along with it and answered. "Ok, then here we go!" It didn´t take 20 seconds. Before Jesse could understand what happened all three men where laying on the floor, deeply asleep, while Cana turned to him with a triumphant look on her face. "Right, they won´t bother us now! Wanna play staring contest too?" Bargus Haze lifted an eyebrow, visibly interested. "Well well, it´s great that none of you were hurt in the process, but judging by your performance earlier that shouldn´t come as a surprise. And after that, what did you do with the attacker? I´d like to take a look at him, if possible. Jarvis & Rhaeza The captive looked surprised, but still suspicious. He didn´t take Rhaeza´s hand, but instead used the opening to roll backwards and put a few meters between him and the werewolf."Don´t give me that. I´ve been given an exact description of you, and you´re still trying that kind of tactics? Well, that won´t work." And then, as if forgetting the situation he was in, it was his turn to shoot questions. "What do you plan to accomplish by attacking the Alliance?" Gabriel It didn´t take long afterwards for the little group to start dispersing. First to leave were the humans, then Iceliste, Juliet and the angels, leaving Ledoroch alone with Gabriel. The blue demon started preparing for leaving as well, but before that he looked deep in Gabriel´s eyes. "Listen Gabriel, I was serious before. I mean, when I said you could come to me for help anytime. No matter what kind of problem you have, I´ll try my best to find a cure, I promise." He packed his last things and looked at the street with vacant eyes. "This world´s already seen too much suffering. I vowed to do what I can to fix things, but it´s a job that will take more than just one generation and more than just one race. If I help you now, I´m sure someday you´ll end up repaying that favour to someone else."
  17. Bargus Haze frowned upon hearing the glove´s description. "No, I haven´t heard about any such thing. I did find about the cases concerning 'magic theft' in the city when I was researching about possible threats to the little miss, but that´s the first time I hear about the device used for that. Were did you get this information?"
  18. Gabriel Iceliste sat straight in her chair and smiled, clearly happy to speak of her academy. "Oh, lots of things! We have classes on many different magic areas, divided by practical application. We are also implementing a research facility inside the school, and trying to promote exchanges with other schools. I actually based much of our structure on Avalon´s, with the one difference that we don´t offer military oriented magic courses." Around then Shelly climbed the stairs with a tray filled with cups of chocolate. The sweet scent soon filled the area as she distributed the cups by the students. "That´s good to hear! That should be the mindset of these new times: focus on peace, coexistance, and building a brighter for our kids." Shelly commented, having heard what Iceliste said. Then she looked over her shoulder on Gabriel´s direction. "Right Hannah?" Behind Gabriel was a little girl, probably a bit younger than what he looked. She had blond hair, purple eyes, the tipical elven pointy ears and (even more surprising than how she got there undetected) two little white wings on her back. Half angels were pretty rare, considering how closed their civilization in Myriad was, but Shelly´s daughter was clearly one such case. When adressed, she ran all the way back to the stairs and disappeared on the first floor, making her mother giggle. "I´m sorry, she´s really shy." Shelly apologized, still half laughing. "But she looks like she´s taken a liking to you, it´s not that easy for her to get close to other people, even if in a sneaky way like that." she said to Gabriel. ((You can wrap it up now or keep developing Murdoc, up to you.)) Bargus A bit later, Haze opened the door. "Oh Mr. Bargus, good to see you." He said, stepping into the corridor and closing the door behind him. "The little miss is finishing her bath now, but nothing that my subordinates can´t handle. Hopefully. How can I help you?" Jesse Haze closed the door right after Jesse entered the room, leaving it to his three employees. They were looking kind of gloomy - probably they´ve heard a word or two from Haze about attacking people on the streets without understanding the situation fully. The bathroom´s door was closed, and the sound of the shower had just died inside there. The room was pretty standard, just like theirs. One of the lockers was open, and the thugs´ weapons were stored there. There was also another one with a big trunk overflowing with books - and some toys as well - but no sign of Haze´s guns. The bathroom door opened suddenly, and an angry looking Cana stepped out of it, wrapped in a pink robe that did nothing to add to that look. She mumbled something about her butler´s fixation for baths and then, suddenly, looked straight at Jesse with a surprised and happy, look. "Ooooi, hey Mr. Angel! Have you come here to play?" That just made the thugs look around, then at each other, and shrug, seeing no one else in the room. Karol, Misara As Misara wandered through the city she eventually ended up in an entrance for the part of it inside the mountain, a complex archway carved in the blueish white stone. There was a constant flux of workers coming in and out of the passage, and a sign on the wall indicated the Marblegate Magic Studies Meeting complex. Before she could enter though, Karol appeared from another street, apparently looking for someone. Jarvis, Rhaeza The captured man spat on the floor and kept the challenging look in his eyes, despite the situation. "Someone tasked with stopping you rebels. You think you can get away with what you´re doing? Well, Marblegate won´t be as easy as Shadowveil and The Thousand. We won´t stand by idly while you keep your futile attempts to break the Alliance, you murderers!" Lucille The captive angel gulped, realizing Lucille was serious about braking his legs. The way she spoke would be frightening enough even without the huge Dire Bear under her command. He looked to his own hand, or what was left of it, with a pained expression and was about to say something, but reconsidered and quieted down again. ((Strat, you and Krim can handle your meeting.)) Jorgen "No problem at all. Just take this card, there´s a spell in it that will allow me to contact you in case I need." he said, handing Jorgen a blue card with the Marblegate City Guard´s emblem engraved, an archway with two spears crossed in front of it. "It works the other way around as well, so if you´re ever assaulted again don´t exitate to call us." After that another officer took Jorgen to the exit, leaving him free to go.
  19. ... What, no scarf? None of them then. XD
  20. What I´ve been feeling is that some scenes are going faster than others. But again, that´s a minor issue as of now, if you compare to stuff like Ymora XD. Aaaanyway, the post is in the works guys, just today was hella crazy with school work and exams. Tomorrow morning most likely I´ll have it all written.
  21. Soorry guys, I was travelling again so I didn´t get the time to post lately. As Tachibana pointed out, this might be getting a bit too fast for some people (and that´s something I´ve been thinking for some time Tachi, it´s not just you that might have this problem.) So, what do you say if we slow a down a bit? I´ll refrain from posting in a scene until everyone involved on it has answered or made clear that no answer is needed, and I ask that you guys also try to not carry on too fast. Can we give it a try?
  22. I was thinking on finishing the scene mysef, but if you prefer to do it sooner and go find the others no probem.
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