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About Omega_Ra1der

  • Birthday November 30

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    Omega, Raider, both
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  • Interests
    I simply like pressing E and Smash, Ig.

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  1. I can relate to your pain. Send help.
  2. Garchomps everywhere are rejoicing at finally being able to click earthquake.
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  4. Not going to lie, I liked the older Vero look but I like everyone else, especially Ari. Looking forward to seeing the changes in E19 though.
  5. I completely understand and to be honest, it was getting to a point where it would've bad for the balance (even if the difficulty was designed to be that way towards the late game). Between my experience on the valor mountain on v12, I want to say chapter 12 where you had to marathon through keta, melia and melanie without a pc (to my knowledge), and saki's gym fight, it was pain even with excessive use of debug. I absolutely enjoyed the problem solving of the early game but by the late game, I was just in disbelief with the amount of bullshit being thrown at me. Again, I completely understand and I'm fine with the removal of it.
  6. Looking for Scyther. Can offer 5IVs Heracross, Aron, and a near perfect 6 IVs Impish Aron. Reply to this thread or MSG me on here or on discord @ Lekis#2640. Edit: I got my Scyther.
  7. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  8. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  9. I got some more trashkarps in stock while breeding for an ideal karp. Meanwhile, mulling over to get rejuvenation to try and get it finished. May try a run on hard mode.

    1. Dreamy


      Rejuvenation is good stuff. V9 will probably be out in the next couple weeks once beta testing is finished though, so you could wait for that.

  10. Sorry for late responses but I will PM you all today about the trade. I see. I will PM you later after I make the former happen.
  11. On school wifi. Somehow they didn't block this site. They didn't block discord so we good.

    1. Anime


      lol, you're lucky^^

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