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About ShadowDefender

  • Birthday 05/26/1993

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  • Interests
    anything outdoors, and(obviously) this wonderful, yet mystifying game, Reborn.

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  1. So, I'm not new here, but it's been good year and a half since I was on the forums... I'd like to be, I guess you could say, Reborn anew. (I'll stop with the bad puns) First off, Name's Shadow. As I have said before, I am not new here, but with it being so long since I have made any posts here, I just want to say I'm back. as for my absence from the forums, A lot has happened for me. Everything was collapsing in on me. So, I just dedicated to better myself and my family. Since the last time though, A few notable things have happened. I now have a way to record footage, so be on the lookout for videos from me. As well as, I am currently also live streaming frequently, so If anyone would like to hop in and say hi, feel free to. Me, personally, I was one of the original pokemon babies. It is what really got me into gaming. About three years ago, I stumbled upon a video from Shofu about this game, and I knew I had to play it. I think this game actually does things right in terms of difficulty, and I love the challenge of it. Reborn isn't the only game I play though. I have been playing Battlefield 1 a lot recently, and I am actually one the best tankers in the world for the game. Since I have stability in my life, I will be on here more and more. I'm looking forward to talking to you guys now. And I'm looking to see who I remember here. Have any questions? Feel free to ask me, I don't bite. For now, Shadow out.
  2. @Avria I actually got my lucario back, but I would like a lapras if you would. I also have a shiny woobat if you would like that. I think the first time I checked this thread, you had woobat on you shiny list, but I don't see it now. Any time this weekend except for Sunday at 7 pm CST - 7 am for I work then.
  3. Riolu Gender: doesn't matter Egg Moves: deosn't matter IVs: doesn't matter Nature: preferably modest, or neutral nature Pokerus: doesn't matter Ability: doesn't matter Just trying to get my pokemon back that I lost cause of a corrupted hard drive Offering: Shiny Emolga Gender: Female Egg Moves: IVs: 31 speed
  4. Unfortunately, I cannot, I am recovering from a surgery, and while I am allowed to sit up, I am not allowed to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time. I just don't have my laptop at the hospital, And I want to play reborn Thank you guys for your answers.
  5. So, I am in an impaired condition to where sitting a computer is difficult for long periods of time. So I've gone through trying to find forum posts about playing reborn on a smartphone with very little answers actually found. I was wondering if anyone has actually come up with a solid way of playing reborn on the go. I understand that there are some programs that you can download from google play/apple store that allows you to play the specific type of RPGmaker (RMXP), yet the pokemon essentials were not compatible with the apps. Any help is appreciated.
  6. I cannot focus,, my aim is crap right now, and I'm still going top of the team with "The elite competitive team," for BF4. What has happened to competitive play for my favorite series?

  7. I just got recruited for a competitive team for Battlefield 4, and I'm in the middle of what they call "Team practice." I'm not taking this seriously cause I'm playing reborn as well. The funny thing? I'm still going top of the team in score and kills. lol
  8. That was among our first thoughts. However, that has been ruled out. I wish that was possible, but that pepper would add more trouble for me lol, It wouldn't be good. I wasn't really aware of that, I'll have to look into that. I have time off, so hopefully it'll help. Thank you all for all of your kind words.
  9. Happy Birthday to the two of you! May it be great!
  10. Yay for no sleep for.... 56 hours now. This is getting old

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      Scientifically speaking, you develop anemia AKA losing red blood cells.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Don't bring science here it's dangerous

    4. Autumn Rain
  11. Even though I have few friends on these forums, I still feel.......welcome. The most eclectic community I've seen on internet. And for those of you who know me, you might of noticed I haven't been on in almost a year. Well....... Few things have happened. If you check my feed, you'll notice that I announced that I was accepted to a school of medicine, however, pending a physiological evaluation, it turns out they don't want an attendee that has a record of suicide. Yes, I have a history of suicide, though it isn't something I like to talk about. So, there's that... Because of that, I went into a tailspin. I became much more instinct prone, violent, and, as much as of a negative connotation this receives, an alcoholic. 2-month long drinking binge. That came with multiple bar fights, Hospital visits, etc... I have broken myself of this trend. It was more of my closer friends helping more than myself though, so I have them to thank. But, more recently, is that I've fallen ill, and we cannot figure out what is wrong. Multiple test, exams, and scans, and nothing. Still, we are trying figure out what is going on. This being said, I am coming back, and I probably will be back for a while (hopefully). I just needed to vent for a bit, so I'll just leave this here See ya around!
  12. I know how you feel buddy. Back in November, I had an asshole rear-end me, totaling my vehicle. I also had some fairly serious physical injuries. Luckily, you were unharmed. Thank God for that.
  13. for me, the trouble with her was her claydol, ironically. Torterra takes care of most everything but her Garchomp. Since psychic gets a boost thanks to the field, it was able to two shot me most of the time. And because the P/S split was undone, I couldn't use the DD sweep on gyrados, or even calm mind with lucario. I just had to get lucky with the damage rolls on her with Wood hammer, so I could get giga drain recovery on her recovery turns, and hit her again with WH. Overall, not that bad if you are prepared, but hell if you aren't.
  14. apparently, my internet just shit out on me, and it'll take 17 HOURS to download ep. 14.... FFFFFFUUUUUU

    1. Raspbeh
    2. brianwee2013


      It took me only 15 min. XD

    3. nevs


      my internet fell out on the moment when it was almost done

  15. I'd say Sympathetic/Empathetic. I normally tailor my emotions to the situation.
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