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Felicity last won the day on March 30 2021

Felicity had the most liked content!


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  • Alias
    Felix, wobbs
  • Gender
  • Location
    a smart place
  • Interests
    Animu, gams, reding

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  1. is it just me, or has the new SAO failed to impress? Hell, not much of the season sticks out to me as a whole

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      ..it only has 3 episodes out >>

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      COnsidering Hitman Reborn takes about 24 episodes to get good....I usually wait to judge things. But I haven't watched anything SAO related at all. But basically DObs, even I cna say, wait it out a bit. It is the beginning of a new season, those tend to be slow.

    3. Felicity


      Naw, i just mean that i haven't seen much that has drawn me in, i mean, the first three episodes of anything are the chance to draw someone in, gt them hooked, and i haven't seen many shows do that

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