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Felicity last won the day on March 30 2021

Felicity had the most liked content!


246 Benefactor

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  • Alias
    Felix, wobbs
  • Gender
  • Location
    a smart place
  • Interests
    Animu, gams, reding

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  1. Feed it all to the fires of ambition. Fuel your efforts with everything you have, the endless love, the furious hate, the passionate anger, the searing pain, the precious joy and eventually you will find that success. Give your all does not mean "Try your hardest". It means pour your damn soul into what you're doing.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Eh... there was a time when I would've agreed with this without question, but I have a few... qualms about such philosophies now. One must be very careful with the fire of ambition... I know from hard experience how it can mess you up...

    2. Sutoratosu


      pour your all into everything you do, yes, one should generally try to uphold that... but do not forget to remember who you are and why you are doing it, or else you will lose yourself.

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