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Felicity last won the day on March 30 2021

Felicity had the most liked content!


246 Benefactor

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  • Alias
    Felix, wobbs
  • Gender
  • Location
    a smart place
  • Interests
    Animu, gams, reding

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  1. Apparently my time is worth £18.75 per hour

    1. Sutoratosu


      Dobby, that is $28.35 in my country's currency.

      And it's also more than the common american worker makes per hour, and is FAR more for a teenage common workforce member. can't really see what you're complaining about bro, I'd kill for that type of paycheck...

      though, hell, I'd kill for a job at all XD

    2. NickCrash


      Assuming you work 6 hours per day, and calculating 4 weekends per month, you make $3742.2 or 3521€ per month, which is a salary one would kill for, at least over here.

    3. AuthorReborn


      You'd kill for a job you say? Hmm. How good are you at not being caught? The last guy ended up getting caught red handed and we had to dtich the entire operation.

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