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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. "You're getting paid in life" Varick responded absent-mindedly to the Victonaris complaints. Varick was truly shaken now. What the hell was Varick meant to do? The Aegis was literally the only thing he brought to the table that was actually useful. Close combat would probably achieve next to nothing at this point aside from serve as a distraction and he was as useful in stopping the flames as a pebble was at stopping a river. It literally just by passed him, cooking him slightly in his armour along the way. That was what shook Varick. As careful as he could be, as alert and watchful, his defense had been for nought, his allies were pulling the weight here, actually impacting their enemy in some way. It reminded Varick of his first days of battle, a new recruit trying to help alongside his superior officers, the men and women who led him. He was just there, a minimal presence in the battle at hand. Now though he could not afford that luxury of being strung along. He had to help. "By the gods, I'm going to rip apart that suit of armour, I don't care what kind of magicks you pull out of your ass." Varick hissed, barely audible behind his helmet as he started into a lurching charge, dazed a little by Graduns blast that reformed into a full sprint at the enemy, throwing his whole body into a tackle that would bring the crimson knight to the floor. Probably meant a chance.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arkhi


      There's something trying to... force its way into our world.

    3. Ojama Yellow
    4. Meruem


      my true role model

  3. As much as Lele itched to jump into the fray, she paused a moment to see what the unearthly wyvern was doing. Rightfully so as it seemed to charge at the beast. Lele preferred not being in the way of that. Still, a momentary pause is only momentary and she went charging right behind the wyvern, magically empowering her legs and arms to build speed and prepare for a punch aimed at the creatures gruesome face that Lele estimated could very well take a normal humans head right off their shoulders. It looked to be in so much pain and was certainly dangerous. Hopefully it would go down quickly and cleanly.
  4. I mean, the Decimal releases are all Final Mix versions of the games, which means more content than the originals anyway for anyone not japanese since iirc the final mixes had not been released outside of the country. Still, what you need to know is the plot for 358/2 days and BBS seeing as the protagonists will ~probably~ be playing a larger role now in the main series
  5. Seeing as a prominent part of III is to tie up Every loose end left by the prior game in the Xehanort Saga, which is all of them, I think you kinda will. It's fine tho, picking up the decimals is actually worth
  6. I'm sorry, I think I'm gonna drop out. For some reason I just don't want to post and I find I have no interest in Noella or the goings on of everyone.
  7. I get 3D and I guess Fragmented passage is a mini movie explaining Aquas shiz? I don't know Back page tho
  8. Alice took the chance to get into the conversation. She had observed enough and thought she was in good enough company. "I joined because I agreed with the TSABs purpose and there were no other affairs to deal with at home. Father handles the estate well and, when all is said an done, there's not much I could do on Earth that was as worthwhile as working for the TSAB." She explained smoothly. She had nothing to hide.
  9. The fight was not going well thus far, even if they each still seemed to have tricks up their respective sleeves. A glance at his comrades told Varick enough, a strong defense was needed so they could establish some form of offensive power. Varick rushed through the pros and cons of a stalling defensive tactic and an aggressive defence. Varick was fairly certain he could not damage the knight himself when considering how well Crimson had dealt with their prior assaults so the only merit of aggression was to keep focus away from Gradun. On the other hand, a purer form of defense that focused on simply keeping Varick between Gradun and Crimson meant a surer form of protection that would only be overcome by superior speed or power that could not be stopped by his strength or the properties of Aegis. Varicks decision made, the warrior positioned himself between himself and the Crimson knight, keeping an eye on the mans whip and trying to note the positioning of the knights feet as he stood on the balls of his own, ready to intercept in whatever direction Crimson decided to attack.
  10. So, you are providing a schematic for your routine?
  11. Patience is a virtue

    1. Maelstrom


      Time is money.

    2. Gaunt


      ...that someone doesn't have

  12. Apparently my rep now makes my official tile of lord Dobbington Arturia esquire III proper now

  13. Apparently my rep now makes my official tile of lord Dobbington Arturia esquire III

  14. Why can't noble be 1000~ I prefer noble to sage :c
  15. 4/10 cuz it's a bad version of Darkrai :c
  16. 5/10 ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not the best
  17. My interest kinda waned with this one. I'd slow everyone down if I stayed so, feel free to do with Bobby as you will.
  18. Yeah, one can't get much of a word in edgewise when one is sleeping or otherwise occuppied
  19. Alice had remained silent throughout the little argument. She wanted to get more f a feel for who they were befre speaking much and blundering into a mistake like that. Still, she felt she ought to speak up at least in this matter. "For the record, to work for food and lodging is as honest a reason a man can have to do anything in life. To criticise that as shallow speaks to a certain level of entitlement that one has." The Twixton heiress spoke calmly, her eyes darting around the car to observe each of their reactions.
  20. Yeah well, I don't trust in protagonist armour when it has been prefaced time and again that braves have and likely ~will~ die on this quest
  21. RnY was also good because of how well each of the 7 characters were developed and what makes them unique in a genre where it's easy to stick to tropey stereotypical characters. Doesn't hurt that the designs are awesome af If Adlet dies btw I'm breaking my laptop. You aren't going to see me.
  22. well yeah, it was literally Chekovs shit EVERYWHERE, with like 5 small mentions of the crucial puzzle pieces. Which is fine and all, blew my mind, but NOBODY got that before the reveal.
  23. Dresden files, go read. Witty, insightful, a vast host of good characters that continues to build over every single one of the hefty 15 books and a way of putting action into the series in a way that is more engaging to me than some tv shows. Enjoy
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