Varick could feel the familiar sensation that always pre-empted a fight. A gut sensation that in all his life Varick had never really been able to wholly pin down, it was similar to a variety of emotions but he never felt quite same. Now though this feeling was thrice as strong, Graduns music seemed to bring it out more and more and Varick felt two parts eager to each part nervous. Unlike his companions however, the Orc decided to take a moment. He could not meditate, he didn't imagine his mentor would be so kind as to wait for him. What he could do however was summon the Gemstone Aegis now, whilst he knew he could. Seeing as there was only an abyss beneath the hardlight, as the knight put it, Varick decided it would be good to take the chance now, focusing and drawing the bejewelled shield from the earth beneath the keep, taking it in his right hand whilst drawing out his iron longsword with his left and following the others, arriving in the arena to see a wash of fire coming from Neville. Hopefully the wizzard could be more direct with his attacks...