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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Are chemicals that we still don't understand judging by all the artists, musicians and hormonal teenagers running around filling their work with all the feelings at their disposal. How do you fill work with emotion I ask you if they are merely chemicals?
  2. I see myself clearly now the rain has gone. And now I will walk five hundred miles to fall down at her door.
  3. The last couple of seconds have been pretty dull Best moment of my life was conception.
  4. Maturity comes from experience. Or it's something else entirely I don't know I'm 17. I don't have the answers to life.
  5. I'm strolling down the lesbian cloud when suddenly a meteor ridden by Will Smith appears to destroy the peaceful dinosaurs below. The dinosaurs decide to take action and manufacture a laser strong enough the destroy the smith metoer. However, the lesbian cloud would be caught in the crossfire. So now I am stuck wondering how o save this poor homosexual nimbus before it is pulverised by a meteor or eradicated by Dinolasers.
  6. 'Tis a trick to fool you into a sense of security
  7. I suggest a lot of Slice of life I guess. That's where you'll find the most normal japanese seeing as Slice of Life has a normal setting. Just try not to pick up the dialect of a 15 year old girl if you aren't a 15 year old girl I suppose. Thing is, this genre is one of the most populated. You get at least 3 of these shows each season with wavering quality. I guess I'd have to recommend these. Barakamon: Heartwarming, light hearted "finding yourself" story following a young kanji artist, I think, who has retreated to a small Island village to refine his skills. The locals accept him incredibly easy and the whole show has a very welcoming vibe to it with a lot of interactions. Shigatsu wa kimi no uso: I'm saying nothing except "Go watch this" Clannad and its continuation After Story: Staples in the Slice of life genre that I still need to watch properly
  8. Noella never got the chance to properly shine, so I'd like to see that if nothing else even if I'm playing a different character.
  9. if only Ishmael didn't go into a rage Xp I was hoping for some teamwork so Aethor could capitalise on an attack but with Ishmael wrapped around the beast it'd get hit by anything electrical Aethor could use.
  10. "As high as possible!" Nikki ordered, making sure to keep a distance from that steam. She was also wary of the camerupt but Aethor couldn't do too much more to it now that it had wised up to all the applications Nikki could think of for Foul Play. She only hoped one of the others could knock it out whilst Aethor rose higher into the sky. At a certain point though the rising heat from the steam caught up with Aethor and despite the chilly sea air surrounding him he found himself hard pressed to deal with the heat. Still, it was better than actually taking a hit from that monster. Aethor was fairly sure one solid hit from nigh anything was now liable to knock him out flat now...
  11. That moment when you struggle to think of exactly what you want

  12. Let loose the dogs of wa- Oh wait, we're capable of discussion. At least, I think we are, seeing as the waifu topic didn't completely dissolve immediately.
  13. I just googled a quote and found a thread I made here on Reborn.

  14. 9/10 Nice and simple but still good
  15. So if you've watched anime then you will have watched the show in either a dub for whatever language you speak or the original with subtitles. If you're new to anime in general then you may no have heard any of the debate of Dub vs Sub. Many people prefer the dub for ease of watching the show, typical reasoning being "Who wants to read when they're watching a tv show? This ain't a damn book". On the other hand, there are those who prefer subtitles because these are seen to be the optimal versions of the story with the Voice actors portraying the characters in the "best" way. Or in my case you just can't be arsed to wait for the dub to be released. Why would people think this? Because some fantastic shows have received dubs that were less than stellar. Some people perceive a clear quality divide between Sub and Dub and I have to admit that with some shows this is very much the case, SAO and Ao no exorcist being the best examples of Sub > Dub that I can think of right now. Of course, that is not to say there aren't some shows with Dubs better than the subs. Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt is a must watch in english because the Voice actors have a hell of a lot more fun with the script than the japanese VAs. So, on which side of the fence do you fall? Sub or Dub? Any particularly terrible examples you can give. No, you cannot use "People die if they are killed" "Pew Pew Pew" Or Suzaku's fish incident in Code Geass.
  16. A better question is Why did you think we'd bother?
  17. Okarins Japanese VA is far superior to his English VA. I have decided. Not that the English VA is bad per se

    1. Meruem


      the only that interests me is HOW DID THEY DO THE SONUVABITCH PART

    2. Felicity


      Not there yet but they ballsed up the Kurisutiiiiina in ep 2/3

  18. I'm still undecided on dub or sub for Seins gate but so far I prefer Darus english VA is way better

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