I decided to pass on the goo gril idea, I decided the best way for me to work it was as a one off Frankensteins monster kinda creation which didn't reeeally appeal to me. Anyway here is an overdue sign up sheet
Character name: Levaline *Lele" Shamil
Character age: 24
Character species: Dwarf Woman
Combat style: Utilising the skills of the Blood guild, Lele prefers a simple brawl, jumping into the fray and smacking some heads together. Of course she's only literally had to do that once or twice, but that's neither here nor there. She goes in, uses her superior speed and strenght to whack her foes and then should the lucky sods have gotten to hit her, she heals it away with the rest of her training, or going to the guild for any more substantial healing she may need. Lele always preferred the fighting side of the Blood guild over the healing, occasionally making her wonder if the Steel guild was a better fit.
Character background: Levaline Shamil is the daughter of a dwarven family whose pride comes from one of their two traditional occupations. Either they go to work on the Dwarven roads or they enter the Blood guild, many of the stronger men and women going off to study within the guild. Not one to enjoy what she saw as the monotonous and endless work that was mining, Lele opted to study within the Blood guild.
Character Personality: Lele is described best an optimist by everyone who knows her. A smile is quick to appear on her face, especially when she gets to learn or apply more of her trade. She doesn't enjoy the fighting so much as the literal practice of her magic. Levalne is typically friendly to most folks until they prove they don't deserve such treatment, which typically involves direct insults to her or her friends and family. Regardless, she never lets the unpleasant parts of life get to her, even if she has to don a poker face while they happen.
Character appearance: Short and stocky, Lele stands proudly at 4"4, her height made up for in her mind by the tough cordons of muscle she had honed during her time at the guild, she is quite confident she can beat anyone short of an Orc or her guild superiors in an arm wrestle without her magic. Lele holds her chestnut brown hair in a tight bun to hold it out of her eyes although one strand always seems to escape and settle exactly in front of her eyes, which are a striking azure blue. The rest of her face isn't nearly as striking, with a squashed nose, flat cheeks and a jaw that looks more masculine than feminine. Not that this ever bothers Lele (unless her mother is visiting). Typically Lele wears light leather armour when out on a job, she prefers ease of movement due to her preference for melee combat.
Character theme: I think Lele is a character who doesn't want to worry about the big things in life. The conflict lies in her being completely unable to do so and how she decides to deal with this reality. She can't just put on a stony face and beat the problem to death, she can't simply not acknowledge the problem and continue gazing through rose tinted lenses. She has to face it and overcome it with those around her if she wants to live her life.
Additional notes:
Was once involved in an experiment of a chronomancer which permanently halted the time of her facial hair follicles, thus preventing her from growing a beard.