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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. The weather was not fitting for the storm that would soon descend on upon group twelve. As the group mingled, stood aside from them was a pale young woman who was determined to commit murder through a phone call, Polly was seething with barely restrained frustration. "What do you mean, you've lost my winter closet, Dad?" All of the anticipation and the excitement, all her thoughts about how cool it would be to come to Aurora and of course, of course, something had to go wrong. For now, Polly had her autumnal outfit to do her well but it didn't feel like enough. Her warm, orange blouse and red skirt, using the same shades as the fall leaves that would begin to cover the ground, felt gaudy. It clashed with her pale skin in what she first felt like a nice juxtaposition that highlighted her natural colours but now felt far too bright. She at least liked her jewellery, a lovely golden chain with a stone of rose quartz hanging above her slight cleavage. Tasteful, yet eye catching. Her earrings matched the necklace wonderfully. She had always been a bit of a magpie though, jewellery was always her favourite part of an outfit. She didn't feel like she was putting her best foot forward though and it frustrated her to no end. "I'm sorry honey, we'll get it to Aurora soon, but you'll be fine for a while I'm sure. Just go ahead and enjoy your first day, ok?" Polly sighed in exasperation and her anxiety leaked out with it. "Fine, I'll try and go find my group." They exchanged their third set of goodbyes for the day and she set off into the crowd of students. "Group twelve..." She murmured, looking around. There were so many eye catching sights amidst the mob of supernatural entities. She felt positively under dressed, her outfit reduced from wonderful to weh. Of the people who caught her eye, she saw a familiar, if gargantuan, woman. Well, she said familiar but really it was only because she looked like a normal, if athletic person. Thus, she was more familiar than the werewolves or slime monsters. She wandered up (free of luggage, they had planned a meticulous escort mission that, though gone wrong, left her free of cumbersome suitcases) and nervously tapped the large woman on the shoulder. She unconsciously stood on her tip toes slightly to get the height. "Excuse me, do you happen to know where group twelve have to gather?"
  2. Excuse you, I'm a leaf and a German Shepard could savage me if it wanted to. I'm sure most don't but I've had nasty experiences with dogs myself so I get flinchy as hell. Most dogs are nice, sure, but I ain't rational when one comes bounding up to me. So, sure, prioritise your dogs well being, no one will stop you, but really it's for peace of mind of other people. That is a teeny dog and looks adorable, sure, but it's just a general thing to do, have leashes. Also tiny dogs can be the worst, Jack Russels can be absolutely horrid little bastards. Oh aslo, strangers are cool but idk wtf is going through the mind of a dog.
  3. I beat Persona 5. One of my favourite Atlus games.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tartar


      Sounds pretty difficult.

      How many did you get on your first playthrough?

    3. Felicity


      9 myself, which is a little over average for a first blind go at it, from what I hear. This not counting the auto advance ones. 

    4. Anime


      I'm at rank 7 with Ann, ruyji and the doctor (i forgot her name lol) also rank 6 with the Sun confidant

  4. o shit u right i may have spent money and now regret it. I got another cordelia, so that#s even more SP to be had. I just don't know what to put on her b and c slots, I like brave and Tadept as is. Also my fourth Peri, considering also augmenting her. I like her design enough to use her and it'd be nice to have a physical blue for Horse emblem if I wanna do it.
  5. Will it last long enough for people to gather a decent amount of orbs for pulls though? Also I may or may not have a lvl 38 ike now, he is very easy to level up.
  6. Well shit, I knew they cheated on GB and the TT but I didn't expect it in the base story. Weh. Either way, Ike is still stronk af.
  7. Not Olwen or Cord, or at least not mine. They both died 1v1 to the lunatic Ike.
  8. Aether is 100% better than Luna on Ike, HB invalidates the cooldown and gives him healing, which his peers don't have. He can also say "fuck you Ryoma, Lucina." Two of the people with the attack stat to maybe fight him without proccing HB because SB. You need a reinhardt or Nowi to deal with this guy and that's about it.
  9. 'm just saying, it was thanks to aether in the lunatic map that he could 1v1 cordelia and olwen and kill them. The heal, on that cooldown? It's worth. You wanna fight him? Grab Sully or Lukas. Frail blues will die to him anyway and he'll come out smelling like a rose. I do like my Ike tho.
  10. I'm a lucky boy today.

    1. Hycrox


      me me big boy

  11. Hey you see that stupidly op ike? Say hi to my new Ike. In the lunatic fight though, he out damages Tadept, Brave cordelia though. Olwen too, so i can't really attack him on the res side.
  12. not quite, seeing as that's france and this is britain. Sure they're kinda related but the question was about the snap general election here.
  13. yo who's on that stardew valley grind? how about that sweet sweet multiplayer coming sometime this decade

  14. Ryuji deserves so much more.

    1. Jmanultrax1


      hes gives off a yosuke vibe lol. But his character is still amazing

    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      From what show is that?

  15. the one palace i do in one go just so happens to be the longest, oy vey...


    whatever, m gonna go get satan or some shit

  16. I mean I know for a fact mines numemon because that's who I would always get in Digimon World, only for him to become a life destroying teddy bear. Fun times. But sure, go for it.
  17. Shit happens. The universe is doomed to an ineffably horrific heat death. Pizza is delicious. Move on.
  18. oh hey Stardew valley will be getting multiplayer eventually...


    How will this work and who wants to farm together?


    1. Anime



  20. ok it was worth maxing the strength arcana jeeesus.

    1. Anime


      By strength do you mean Justine and Caroline? i'm nearly finished with maximising the Chariot, death and lovers arcanas, also how do you battle them? i mean J and C

    2. Felicity


      I haven't gotten to NG+ myself so I don't know how to fight them, but yes they are strength. Very worth maxing out.

    3. Anime


      Then i'll take your advice and max them^^, i just took down Madarame btw

  21. Fuck if I know, Lib-dems are the closest thing we have to oppose a total Tory majority what with Labour being in divided shambles. I don't hate the Tory party per se, even if they aren't doing young people many favours, but them having such a huge majority just can't be healthy for a democracy. This election is incredibly shady though because not only was it called at a time Theresa May knew she'd have an advantage over the other parties but it is also aimed at hampering the turnout of young people. It's going on at the peak of exam time when people are in full exam or procrastination modes, people want to be preparing for exams more than they want to be registering and voting, easy things to do but without clarification of the process veeery easy to put off until it is too late. I can handle consolidating power, fine, it's a smart thing to do. Doing it at the worst time for a large demographic to do anything important is sketchy as fuck.
  22. I have achieved the highest knowledge rank you can get for each set of exams before NG+, i have learned the ways of the smart person. I also hit that rank like the night before the exam (and it was when studying with ann)

  23. I feel like such a hipster when it comes to superheroes because all my favourite franchises in that genre are all out of the mainstream and im like "GET THIS PRETENTIOUS SMELL OFF OF ME!!"

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