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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. You have to use something called Utorrent, one of the better torrenting programs to my knowledge. Torrenting, to my knowledge, is a way of downloading things freely by downloading small packets of data from people around the world who have torrented and are seeding the program you want. I can't specifically remember the benefits outside of something to do with legality. If you can run it, I can and I ~know~ I can run a somewhat less intensive mmo pretty well. You'll just have to cut some quality corners like me and make sure you're dedicating your RAM to it by not running anything else at the same time.
  2. My processor is a little weaker and I have half the allocated RAM. Which means I can't multitask when playing. Conundrum
  3. The moment when your transporting saves the town by swapping out a jester preventing the SKs hanging with the Sks target. Fucking win

  4. Uh, diagnosed stuff I really don't consider myself as suffering but I have asthma which is hardly an issue, even if it did have the profound effect of making me more indoorsy. I also have a combination of short sight and a nystagmus I've had for as long as I can remember. ~Apparently~ this tires my eyes out more and the telltale sign for the nystagmus is my eyes shaking as though I'm constantly computing something in my mind. These are apparently compounding and can result in a variety of issues. Nothing I've noticed, so I guess I got away with it. Worst that can come from this for me is maybe no drivers licence because I may not be able to read from a licence plate at a certain distance,no biggie However, I don't consider these issues in my life. I made up with these things a long time ago and, despite people trying to convince me otherwise, they are small things to me. I don't know what it's like to have perfect sight but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate what I see and I'm fit enough that asthma is not an issue. So those are my orderly disorders that aren't disrupting my life.
  5. 777 rep. Lucky day?

    1. Arkhi


      You're lucky I haven't changed it.




      Get it?

  6. I hesitate to try considering I only have a laptop but this thing has really surprised me with its capabilities. So maybe.
  7. This, uh, takes a lot of guts to post in this public a venue, even if the mods will crack down like the fist of God on anyone dumb enough to say anything sideways. Shudda waited till Ace
  9. For the same reason they made Silent hill slot machines. $$$
  10. Yo, is it bad a part of me wants to read the Highschool of the dead manga?

    1. Hiss13


      No. It isn't. Let your curiosity consume you.

  11. Even if the show mascot is hardly ever in the fucking show as a relevant character Srs Akatsuki, where you at?
  12. The Ending for Angel Beats is a prime example of how an Ending can have emotional impact.
  13. Opening and ending songs are common additions to a show in most forms of media, game, films, tv shows and, of course, anime. They're iconic songs or jingles that serve a variety of purposes, be it to act as a catchy jingle that hangs in someone's head to bring their mind back to the show or to reflect what the show is about as a whole. However, these songs are arguably far more important in the realm of animation, western or eastern regardless. Very often creative use of clips and music are used to give a far greater impression of the show and even provide hints as to what happens in the show or have an emotional impact all on it's own. Personally an opening or ending song can be the greatest take away from an anime. "But how is this different from films and western tv shows? Don't they do this too?" You may be asking. This can be the case for some live action shows or films but the main difference is this, Western shows use this time more to credit the actors and actresses who act within the show and then within the credits normally a song is played at the end of the show... and that's it. Animated openings and endings talk to the audience a lot more for those with a perceptive eye. "So why are you writing out all of this like a mini essay?" I really just wanted to feel somewhat academic whilst creating a Favourite opening and ending thread by pondering the significance of these segments. As meh as I found most of the show, one opening that has stuck with me as one of my favourites is the first opening of SAO. Here's an english version
  14. Within the same week two pairs of reborn people share a birthday. 2+2=4 2/2=0 4 times 0= 40(Fuck off, math) 40/2=20 20-4=16 Reborn episode 16 confirmed?
  15. It's SAO but with a focus on the world, not the characters. I saw the first season, was pretty dope but nothing to yell about. If it wasn't coming along just after SAO I imagine it would have blown up more. Second season was pretty well received iirc
  16. So what happens in my first online smash? We don't fight for the first minute, we just alk up to each other and stare

    1. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      You don't wanna know how many times where I've stood taunting for a minute and had to make the first move.

    2. Felicity


      No, he was there. We just kinda walked up like "'Sup?"

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Now that's pod racing!!! Wait... wrong thing don't mind me...

  17. I'm happy I rewatched Toradora

    1. Felicity


      and in the comments, someone writes

      "What a beautiful opening. Let's watch the next episode"

  18. Man, you need to dress up as mario and luigi
  19. \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/
  20. Overlord interested me because it looked like it was approaching the whole "Game not a game" genre ina different way but now we're literally going through the same "Learn the world" blegh we've seen before. Who cares about the world, go raze cities and levels mountains dammit! all you did was skip the power build up!
  21. I'm so used to hearing the japanese vocals on this it's weird hearing it in english. I'm waiting on Huk to answer btw
  22. No, it's punishment for derailing the other thread. Don't like it, make one yourself
  23. Stop clogging the Fave characters thread you goobers
  24. The derail s real. Let's get back on course. Toradoras cast are pretty cool imo. Taiga and Ryuuji are examples of Tsundere and Nice guy done very well.
  25. Toradora is the first Rom/Com anime I ever watched and damn if it doesn't hit me everytime

    1. Juniper


      If there was a way to like statuses on this website, I would make 100 accounts to "like" this status.

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