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Everything posted by Felicity

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Marcello


      This is why I really need to keep tabs on these unfinished translation projects when I stumble across them. Sometimes they finish. Welp, there goes the rest of my summer.

    3. Etesian


      Hell, I didn't even know a translation was being worked on at all! Thanks, Dobby!

    4. Felicity


      Y'all need to thank the new sub forum. My attention was caught by a topic in that from a year ago which got buried for X reason

  1. Provided you're fine with someone inevitably refuting it, I guess
  2. Hiss also takes questions in regards to all kinds of Idol shows and whatnot
  3. Zaimokuza Still, this ain't just straight waifus, y'all need to see the light that is this wonderful priest
  4. I gotta disagree. These anime, as Gore mentioned, are incomplete but I'd say they still have something to offer. a primer for the manga if you will. Coming from the manga to these shows seems meh but going to the manga after watching the show makes the manga stand out all the more.
  5. Thank you ark fr introducing me to this channel
  6. Pffft, Yukinon doesn't smile like that. Or would be caught dead like that. Yui doe
  7. Let the best gril fights commence. Best female character is a hard one, I can't think of a character without thinking of her archetypical character first. Tsunderes doe
  8. As soon as this relationship starts, I lose all of my respect for you josephine. Rip. Then again, you were my second choice because Sera was inclined towards women... maybe I can salvage things with Dorian...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Uh.... if you said no at any point you can;t lol. It ends it right there forever lol.

    2. Felicity


      when I said salvage I meant "Stop ignoring" so I'm good

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie
  9. HEY YOU! Yeah You! You have a character you love, just finished a series and decided to add a new member to your imaginary harem? Or do you just enjoy the character and want to talk about them? Well this is the place to do it. Basically, discuss cool characters you enjoy here, Say whatever you want, talk about their best scenes, go nuts. Just make sure to use spoilers for particularly, well, spoilery topics. No one likes it when someone goes yelling "OMG, THAT MOMENT WHEN X DIED MADE ME CRY SO HARD" No matter how emotionally evocative it may have been. Let people experience the character themselves, as was originally intended Mkay?
  10. So, further branching away from our singular topic of Anything Anime I thought it a nice idea to set aside seasonal discussions of anime as their own topics, this being one of the most interesting topics for those actively keeping up with the season. For those who don't know, within the anime industry each season, spring, summer, fall and winter, are individual slots of time where certain anime start airing in japan, debuting like normal shows around the world. Most are short 13 episode affairs that air throughout the 13 or so weeks that a season consists of and some are longer, 25 or so episodes spread across two seasons, usually when the series has a better budget and all the other factors that impact media. There are exceptions such as the very long shounens (Naruto, Bleach and One piece for example) which get so much support they can go for as long as they wish. Here is a link to a website I use which tracks each seasons airing anime as they are revealed, most of the Fall season has been announced and evena few winter shows as well. http://anichart.net/summer Anyways, this topic pertains to Summer and Fall. So far Summer 2015 has been pretty good, even if a lot has been heavy on the fanservice and light-heartedness. Then again, it's summer, time for fun and beaches, so it only makes sense. Thoughts?
  11. The decisions this game forces me to make

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felicity


      I chose to seduce the random lady instead of wasting any resources or anything

    3. zimvader42


      I see. And were you actually able to seduce the random lady? I'm curious as to how one does that in a game.

    4. Felicity


      It allowed me, despite my wariness as to the idea. She had literally just said "Don't try to charm me"

      Instead it just fadd to black with the woman asking for the door to be locked and pillows OH MY!

  12. Goddammit, Sera is a lesbian.

    1. Shamitako


      Yay, Sera is a lesbian!

    2. Anvilicious


      Eh, the person who wrote her character did really badly anyway. She has pretty much no development.

  13. You give us freedom we know not what to do with, this has been home for many generations of weebs
  14. Panty and stocking with garterbelt Binbougami ga Katanagatari Barakamon Rinse repeat
  15. weeb power has over flowed and made a sub forum.
  16. Plot-twist: I was best gril ALL ALONG!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Meruem



    3. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      O.O Okay, calm down...

    4. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Guys, quit grilling Dobbs. Don't get all up in his grill.

  17. Plot-twist: I was vest gril ALL ALONG!

  18. "Let the cowardly flee, no beast shall make me turn tail, my flames do not run cold as a Cravens blood!" Ozzy bellowed in defiance as he got to his feet, fury continuing to blaze in his eyes. He was in the throes of reckless bravado and he did not care if he saw the next. Ozzy dispelled the flamethrower he had been wielding, opting for his knife that reflected the warm light of a hearthfire. He scrambled over to the beast and tried to climb to it's back, aiming to thrust the knife through it's eyes with his efforts.
  19. Manm even a letter from Alistair makes me smile, he hasn't even appeared in the game and I'm giddy

  20. Why so many good party members but so few party member slots.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felicity


      Fuck magic, Swords, sheilds, axes and bows all the way, byebye Solas

    3. Shamitako


      ~~This is why I like Bravery Default :P~~

    4. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Same feeling with Pokemon

  21. I've been watching Nappy, although I can't really say he has much of a chance yet when the 3 people he's gone up against were Kristen, Twit and David, two of which aren't really competitive. Idk about David, all I know is he's the butt of half the jokes
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