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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. When Varick saw Neville making... a motion of sorts with his fingers, on instinct he quickly moved to grab his arm to make the man miss. His decision was proved right when a bolt flew from his fingers and Varicks face contorted with anger, not that it could be seen within his helmet. No, his anger was reflected in his blazing eyes and rough voice. "What on earth are you doing you utter fool?! Whatever else he may be, he is our comrade, I'll be damned before I let anyone, especially another comrade, hurt him over something as ridiculous as his music! If you don't like it, get him to stop WITHOUT magic or learn some discipline and put up with it." Varick released Neville's arm now, before he crushed it in his anger and proved himself a hypocrite.
  2. I mean, that really is ridiculous. I suppose the couple will have to redo the ceremony in their own unofficial way. Hey, maybe it'll be more intimate, having the legality of it all done and out of the way so they can focus on the ceremony itself
  3. I have always had a strange and ironically hypocritacal relationship with the virtue of honesty

    1. Sutoratosu


      well...don't all human beings, at the end of the day?

      People just lie sometimes, even if they don't think it counts because it isn't for malicious/ selfish intentions, it's still a lie.

    2. Sutoratosu


      so to tell the truth... everyone's a complete hypocrit when it comes to honesty. Cause at some point, everyone has lied at least once in their life, and will continue to lie either consciously or sub consciously.

  4. 8/10 also white background no bueno
  5. Mages or Templars. The eternal question

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Both factions sound like assholes.

    3. Sunbean


      go mage or go home

    4. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      "on one side stands pride and on the other stands pride, which do you choose?"

  6. Please tell me I wasn't the only one disappointed with Redcliffe. I DON'T LIKE CHANGE

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Felicity



    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Na, I meant Redcliffe... but worded it pooooooorly XD. I don't think Denerim is in it nor is Ostagar

    4. Felicity


      The most iconic are in Denerim is probably the chantry, windmill or the keep itself...?

  7. 8/10, is that straight from a manga or wut?
  8. 8/10 Pretty cool, I like the idea of the character even if I could never be arsed to slog through to see the fights
  9. favourite characters? Uh Naruto Naruto Naruto Naruto and Jiraiya
  10. My Dragon age charater began moonwalking and doing the wierdest dance ever

  11. Dragon age character "Au revoir" WHERE THE FUCK DOES FRENCH EXIST IN THIS WORLD?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felicity


      Huk, Orlais is mentioned in passing in DA:O and it's been years since I played DA:2 but even then you were stuck in Kirkwall. afaik, DA:I is the only instance where Orlais is prominen outside of Lorebooks :P

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean... a major party member is from there in Origins... and her accent doesn't hide the fact. ((not to mention nearly anybody who is aligned with the Chantry lol. A lot of them are Orlesian.))

    4. Felicity


      Sure as hell didn't yell french to me :P

  12. Wh is there so much shit to do in the Hinterlands. I WILL GET EVERY FUCKING THING DONE THERE I SWEAR TO GOD

    1. drevance


      I know that feel.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ...Dobbs trust me it not worth. A yotuber I watch did that and spent 40 30 minute episodes in that place and kinda... got a bit further in the game but then gave up cause he got bored. Trust me... it's toooootes not worth doing that.

  13. Tfw you predict a characters line halfway through the first episode of the show.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hiss13


      Ahh, Problem Children. That was a fun series. MC is OP as hell though.

    3. Felicity


      This is one of the rare cases that I'm fine with OP MC. It justifies his attitude, which is nice for me. Certainly more tolerable than the guy from Mahouka, cool collected boring fucboi

    4. Hiss13


      It's a part of his character. He's cocky as hell but it's justified. Apparently he does get brought down to size at some point in the novels shortly after the events of the anime but I never read the novels so I have no idea.

  14. I wish my middle finger made a noise like a slide whistle when I extended it

    1. Bearadactyl


      I would prefer a loud "BANG!" myself.

  15. In comparison to the series it ain't the best but as a stand alone it's pretty decent I'd say. Didn't hate it and the last world was worth Now playing Dragon Age Inquisition, going through everything in the Hinterlands cuz ELFROOT HAS NEVER BEEN SO USEFUL
  16. Favourite TV show: Fuck I don't know. I guess for Western shows: Buffy The vampire slayer. Anime: Fuck off if you think I can pick @Where I hang around forum wise, I occasionally venture out of my lair in the RP section
  17. 8/10 purdy Dark souls. If I ever did a matching avatar thing it's last a couple of days before I switched again
  18. mashew and Nyrias maybe had that kinda thing at some point idk Ninja'd, 9/10 for Tentacruel and Electrode
  19. So long as we bring the rest of the PCs back into the scene in a way we can be relevant I'm happy
  20. Nikki grimaced at the explosive interruption. They were.. well Nikki couldn't say she was getting anywhere, she still didn't know if she wanted to stick around. Still, she could only make that decision when she was properly informed, which couldn't happen if they were all engaged in some other matter. "Aethor. Out. We're going to investigate an explosion." Nikki stated to her partner, who had been sent back into his pokeball and was confused at the quick release once more. He rolled out of the door, barging past Yuuki as Nikki strolled after Aethor.
  21. "So, you're recruiting us to fight nutters?" Nikki questioned, eyes narrowing. "Do tell then, why did the captain of this vessel seem so eager to shoo us away? Surely he's in on it if you are. Unless, of course, you are of a higher authority in... something" Nikki didn't really take in the revelation of this Brotherhood. The world was full of weirdos and idiots, what made these guys so different?
  22. Nikki digested the information slowly. She found it hard to believe, one man's word versus the array of informers and sources that she had heard talk of Arcadia. However, he was being very accommodating, the talk of being soldiers put her on edge. This man wanted something. Nikki wanted a challenge. "What do you want?" Nikki asked bluntly, staring into the shades to get a glimpse of the man's eyes. "I figure you wouldn't be commenting on our supposed skill and bravery for nothing."
    1. dead account

      dead account

      I was not expecting that at all. It wasn't until I realised this was a parody that I thought to check who uploaded it.

  23. There's a lot of different media. You can either torrent the visual novel which has 3 storylines, Fate, Ultimate Bladeworks and Heavens Feel, or you can watch the anime. The first anime of Fate/stay night covers the Fate storyline and is the worst of all the shows. Then there's the anime Fate/Zero which is a prequel to the series and finally there's the recently aired Ultimate Bladeworks anime. Heavens Feel doesn't have an anime yet.
  24. How did I not notice 4 of my favourite songs came from the same guy. Like, how?

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