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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. I'm happy that I avoided Dragon Age Inquisition LPs because now I'm getting to go in blind. Shame I only have my DA:O File and not my DA2 file that I had on Xbox. Ah wel

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      Oh really? Awesome, thanks for the heads up.

      It was fnny cuz bth the deluxe edition and the standard were £20, a third of their normal price. So of course I scooped up the deluxe which apparently comes with a unicorn :P

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie
    4. Sunbean


      that unicorn is terrifying

  2. Felicity

    Help >.>

    Can't you find one in Tanzan mountain or was that changed?
  3. 8/10 purty and doesn't look like it's cropped annoyingly!
  4. In my writing I use the convenience of first person and abuse my characters ignorance on a matter to skip a lot of details. It works out pretty well because it makes the MC feel a little more real to me. Not exactly an option here of course, being in third person,, but there you go.
  5. Something Serious

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Shadow Tack
    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Comment condemning everyone including the OP.

    4. laggless01


      Finally someone making a Harry Potter joke using the site itself.

  6. "Why the hell do we need to know mythology for a trip closer to Arcadia? Just tell us what to do to earn our keep and be done with it." Nikki asked belligerently, scowling at the unnecessary question. She was still annoyed due to the people she had encountered, leaving her in a less than stellar mood. Nikki made no move to the mysteriously appearing machine. She really disliked boats with too much technology on them, especially when that technology appears from nowhere. What was wrong with a good old, simple wooden vessel?
  7. Forgive me if I seem impatient when my last post IC was 2 months ago but, is there an ETA on when things get back to wherever they were headed?
  8. The Travelers Gate Trilogy ended so well.

    1. FlameI7


      Have you read the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson? I haven't finished it yet, but I love it so far.

    2. Felicity


      Never heard of it :P

    1. Marcello


      Thanks for sharing, you really just cut down the amount of time I usually spend looking for something to listen to.

  9. Fml, I actually had to think about what Outside was before facewalling.
  10. I find myself in the mood where I simultaneously feel more repulsive, useless and terrible than anyone as well as an incredibly strong desire to change that.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      That's kind of how I feel a lot aside from the repulsive thing as I am doing something to change that

    2. SnowGlaceon


      I know that feeling bro. You'll get through it

  11. Yeah, literally everybody will be running Mega-taria. No way around it, not when it's the most effective Dragon killer of all the dragons
  12. Too little, too late.

  13. Well first you gotta figure out exactly why it crashed. Maybe the internet gave out mid update and that caused it. Still, in order to access any online content you need the most up to date version out there in case something in the new update affects connectivity to online servers etc
  14. Don't burn through Persona too quickly. Try and have fun, see ya when you get back!
  15. \o/ I have nothing to say aside from standard congratulations. One day I'll actually make myself useful to the community as a whole and not just haunt the RP forum for my own satisfaction, I swear
  16. Shimoneta: Ew Also hey, anyone hear about Naruto's live action film? I'm going to be drinking fandom tears for the next five decades
  17. Actually, with Mission mode in 358/2 days you could play as Axel, as well as the rest of Org 13 and a few other choice characters I can't remember. 8/10
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