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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Depends on what I'm doing. Walking about with friends maybe I can deal.
  2. Yeah, if it's always 10pm EST there ain't no way in hell I can come once school starts. 3am is not a proper time to sleep
  3. Where the Fuck is Tacps? I miss him dammit

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tacos


      I'm not too good for you guys I'm just have some seriously major life transitions right now and I feel like everythings turning upside down and I've been busy and now I feel bad and ;-;

    3. SnowGlaceon


      There there bro. Take your time

  4. As someone who has only ever been able to express himself through words it galls me that I can't put this feeling into words, it is an infuriating, ineffable emotion that I can't pinpoint

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SnowGlaceon


      I know what you mean. It's probably a mix of feelings then.

    3. Shamitako


      What color is it?

    4. Felicity


      Invisible Rainbows

  5. Not really. Never really fits me with my hair an all How do you like your eggs in the morning?
  6. Like a lot of people I can't readily put into words what I want or really know what I want to say. I'm not too close to you so I can't promise eternal support without it sounding somewhat hollow, I can't truly empathise because you have more and different experiences to me. As often as I read topics like this I doubt I'll ever truly understand, everything I learned forgotten within a week or so. That doesn't mean I won't try to do every one of those things. I can't remember where I heard this but "The statistic doesn't matter to the individual" is a quote I liked despite never really understanding it. Now I think I do understand it at least a little bit more. For that alone Ame and all the people trying to break the horrible statistics in the world are an inspiration. EDIT: And don't really mind if you see nothing in this but it still has to be said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  7. It turns into action like 32 episodes in. Before that is ~mainly~ Comedy
  8. The correct answer was 4D Worst thing I did in school was try to open a frube by squeezing it. Favourite font?
  9. An answer that I wanted to insert because fuck math Fuck math?

  11. Varick clapped mutely, daring not to say anything that would provoke more music. Assuming this was a combative Clash, Varick truly hoped Gradun got worse. Then perhaps they may deafen their opponents.
  12. Why has my laptop suddenly become the technological equivalent of a potato

  13. Well, there's certainly going to be an oppositional dynamic in the group, for sure. Inb4 Strat explodes at us
  14. Nikki ruffled at Felixes words. "Anus of a city? Vermillion is one of the greatest ports in the world, the chief place for exporting and importing goods from various regions throughout the world. Commerce runs through the cities blood and patriotism is in it's bones, just look at it's gym leader. I'd say it has a hell of a lot more going for it than Lumiose, no matter how much history it has." Nikki was rarely one to get patriotic but she was hardly going to let such a crude comment about a city in her home region slide.
  15. I'm not taking issue with it from my characters perspective, I'm taking issue with it myself. That really is either a gross exaggeration or a seriously quick jump to violence that really doesn't fit with the character app details at all, unless you were hiding Felixes violent side, which is entirely possible.
  16. That doesn't justify homicidal thoughts or the pretty intuitive and accurate guess at what the issue was. Like, he know next to nothing about Johanna, how did he peg the issue so easily? and if he was still respectful of older people then that would still hold sway over his opinion, right? Johanna is still older than the rest of the group.
  17. We have yet to really get into it still and we're all still adjusting to our characters. Please be patient a little while longer, until we actually get into the meat of the RP. Please?
  18. I mean, if that's how you think it'd go fine but, why? You had a minor argument :/
  19. Nikki stared straight into Felixes eyes as she pointedly sat down across from him. Then the frail little buttercup spoke up and Nikki decided it'd be easier to explain herself now, however briefly. "I want to get better and achieve more. What better way to do that than train in the harshest place on the planet? Maybe pick up a few new team members along the way, expand the team roster."
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