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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. I'm still reading them but after a quick glance through them all, I absolutely love the fact that we have powerhouses like Gallade, Gardevoir, Gyarados, Absol and PorygonZ... Then we have an Electrode and Farfetch'd. Like "Bitch what's the meta?" EDIT: Murderers, tacticians and royalty Oh my!
  2. I think I just screwed my luck. 3 legendaryy weapons in borderlands within a few hours, all on a new account at really low level. I switch to my higher account, nuttin

  3. This is an incredibly common trope used within games and other such media to distinguish the protagonist and make it easier for the audience to identify with the protagonist. Simply put, odds are you aren't gong to identify with Gym leaders, Hikers, Scientists etc so odds are you're going to identify with the OTHER guy who doesn't fit in.
  4. The place had a fuckton of events that supposedly caused massive butthurt for systems everywhere trying to run the game. Unfortunately things are still laggy but that's kinda the price to pay for such a huge ongoing map.
  5. New Idea. Do I reinvent the initial project or differentiate them? Decisions...

    1. Azeria


      fuse them

    2. Cepheus


      flip a coin!

      unconciously you'll decide on your own... and the coin result will be irrelevant

      like: "please head! please head!"

    3. Felicity


      @Azery, That would be a possibility if I did some Olympian gymnastic with the story but I'm not sure the setting would fit now so idk

  6. For Reborn? A quick drop to Sp Att can mean a lot in game, so Fake tears is pretty viable alongside potion recovery. Leech seed is awesome too considering trainers almost never switch. Giga/Moonblast for an offensive move and then a status move for crippling/catching mons. simple.
  7. I think this the was the best so far. He's Fern, he looks great but it's without anything irksome about him. The dialogue.
  8. 8/10 I like the colour scheme and use of shadows but at the same time I dislike the shadows idek why
  9. changes in accent are dialect are great. It's a key part of comedy, stand up and otherwise, and so I love it. Plus I love my accent
  10. This was just an interesting thing I found, though I can't name all the anime. Though I giggled at The PMMM choices for mons
  11. What d you do when you upset someone in an argument and that is literally the last thing you want and an apology has garnered no response

    1. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Let a little time pass. Depending on how sensitive the other person is, they may get over it after a while where they can talk about it.

  12. The moment when a guy says to a woman during her Q&A panel "I'mgoing in deep" and the whole audience shows internet maturity

    1. MoneyMadam


      (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

  13. For some reason I dreamt I wanted to play Smite and/or league. Shame I lost my mouse USB connector

    1. Arkhi


      That sounds like a really nice dream.

  14. Hukuna-senpai is technically able to claim that title, seeing as forum wise he is literally our superior. Still, Claim is different to take so Sensei it is. It was also very, very hard to not dip into the Ymora pool of poke choices from the later years. I could so easily have Lancelot the Escavalier (Yes, yes, original name I know) with this character. Same with Colere the Tyrantrum. Doux not so much... Also, inb4 Huks character one day finds one of the Unova Justice mons.
  15. Varick groaned mentally. Maybe he should play instead. If this fool wasted time on gambits to corner the king then the assuredly experienced player in front of them was about to bait and trap him like an experienced hunter, even Varick saw that. So why couldn't Neville? "Perhaps not... Should the army fall, the king is your by default, right?" Varick suggested politely as he stepped out of the seat for Neville to take his place for the match.
  16. Give Goku your EnerD, if you know what I'm saiyan

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      I see that stream reference.

  17. I spy with my little eye Neville longbottom That is all.
  18. If I were immortal, I think I'd invest in some way to dull the sense of physical pain. Immortality doesn't have to be all bad.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Hiss13


      Then it would take some sort of magic to eliminate pain and we all know that isn't real. Then again, we're talking about immortality. XP

    3. Bearadactyl


      I agree with Dobby. Vampirism; specifically if you get to choose your lore.

    4. Hiss13


      I would go with either pure invulnerability or divinity, myself.

  19. Heights. Anything else is just an unnerving feeling which doesn't really count seeing as I can ignore it all.
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