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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. But look at all that lovely... plot. I dunno mang, halfway through F/SN before I encountered the first laughable Plot scene. Not really a VN guy, I ave access to my computer when playing so I get easily distracted...
  2. ((Terribly sorry for the late reply, especially seeing as I'm meant to be a co-host)) Claude grimaced, unsure as to what to do. Mareek had proven that Porygons could be dangerous as all hell and general knowledge meant Lance couldn't hurt it before it hurt him. Furthermore, the Elgyem could provide support if left unchecked, even if Claude had the type advantage he didn't like that. So naturally the choice was to eliminate the numbers advantage right now. "Lancelot, Ride through the storm! Twin needle, eliminate the Elgyems!" Lance rushed forward, taking the thunderbolt head on. Lance did not flinch though and systematically jabbed at the closest Elgyem, though his speed seemed far slower, even for his species. ((Paralysed))
  3. Probably the least surprising topic I came back to really.
  4. Damn straight! Which is why I am not retracting Nikkis gender. Need to write dem women. Which is why I'm very interested. Arturian legend is p much the biggest reason I like my country. Excalibur = A superweapon the bad guys/Morally Grey guys are chasing JS
  5. Holy shit there's a lot to catch up on

    1. Arkhi


      That's why you should never leave c:

      Welcome back, Dobby.

    2. Shing


      Pretty much when i leaved for 4 days.

      Anyway welcome back bruh.

  6. Varick approached the table rather quietly, deceptively so considering his armoured bulk, after finding his way to the keep after his new comrades. He caught most of of the red knights explanation of his dilemma and what he was doing as the Half-Orc crossed the grim crimson hall. Varick was rather amused. "It occurs to me that your problem could be solved quite simply by finding an opponent" Varick said simply, taking the seat across from the red knight that Neville had not slipped into, giving the knight a level stare. "We are from the Clash. I am Varick Harudim" The warrior did not introduce Neville partially because he wasn't strictly sure that was his name and he didn't feel like looking the fool should he be wrong. On the other hand Varick didn't care too much, the man could speak his own name.
  7. I return with rings and T-shirts and leather bands wth little leaves imprinted on them, as well as a new idea to be implemented

  8. Aight people, gone for the week, I'll be back on Friday. Buh-bye

  9. Actually, with the ShingxAsseryxKuro they already have their Dank Tsundere quota filled
  10. 8/10 Something just feels off, maybe the colours idk
  11. Make it an ingame trade so the name can't be changed
  12. ShingxAsseryxKuro Why Kuro? Because Xe is unlikely to find that ship attractive, thus being negative all the while about it and making it worse.
  13. The Urge to name all m Scarf set pokemon Arkhidon is strong

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'd rather not be thrown out into battle to have my face punched in by a Conkledurr.

    3. Fumble


      What about Tomas Elliot's Ferrothorn?

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That's exactly what I'm tlaking about.

  14. I wasn't gonna go for Whimsi, I already have a PC in Ymora with that fluffball... But stay away from my baby Elfuun girl :feelsgn:
  15. Corsola puttin' in da woik!

  16. Of course I'm in. Just one thing What the fuck are we actually doing? We got all that exposition on Arcadia and then there's that last line that makes me think it's all a rick roll... EDIT: Imma have to find an equivalent for Doux...
  17. Feed it all to the fires of ambition. Fuel your efforts with everything you have, the endless love, the furious hate, the passionate anger, the searing pain, the precious joy and eventually you will find that success. Give your all does not mean "Try your hardest". It means pour your damn soul into what you're doing.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Eh... there was a time when I would've agreed with this without question, but I have a few... qualms about such philosophies now. One must be very careful with the fire of ambition... I know from hard experience how it can mess you up...

    2. Sutoratosu


      pour your all into everything you do, yes, one should generally try to uphold that... but do not forget to remember who you are and why you are doing it, or else you will lose yourself.

  18. Jeribot x Breloombot Huk has competition!
  19. The Vocaloid kick is real

  20. Simple concept, hard if you don't know. All you have to do is sum up the character in one simple sentence then submit your own character.Anyone from TV to games to Anime, whatever you want. An example, assume some submitted mario. "An incredibly persistent plumber who always has a smile on his face when he gets the cake in the end" Here's a not so obscure character but people who haven't played definitely won't know
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