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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Gangsta opening I think has taken the best OP of the season for now imo

  2. Just a little note, Arcturus kinda knows what's going on due to a shaky connection with Claude and Douxs mind. Only really enough to know that the enemy were down the tunnel. I wouldn't and will not pull the same cliched pokeball breakout with anyone else. It was just useful to force Claude to go with.
  3. Claude The coordinator was scared. He really didn't want to go, not after yesterday and the very frank reminder that his friends could die, even in a friendly competition. This was real though, that made things even worse. there were no safety nets. Anything could happen... Claude was about to announce his intent to stay behind when Arcturus burst out of his pokeball and began spinning towards the tunnel, charging forward and propelling itself forward with Rapid Spin. "Shit!" Claude cursed in surprise as he set off running after the Staryu, hoping to catch it before it was too late t go back, an apprehensive Doux trailing behind.
  4. "EAT A DICK!" ~~~whilst running away from the mad teacher/parent~~~ "Also don't stop making dirty jokes!"
  5. 7/10 art style and colours are cool but it just don't appeal to me :/
  6. 6 character profiles. All of them important in their own ways. You'll come to know them in different ways.

  7. For Kyo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6qaO-vX080
  8. 8/10 I have a weakness for chibi characters ngl
  9. I quite liked Overlord. It's neatly distinguished itself in it's genre whilst using a nice chunk of the associated tropes quite well, the music was quite nice and they got a lot of the character intros out of the way just like that in 1 episode. It's given itself a lot to work with and has me hooked, so I'd say it was a good start. I also thought it was a nice touch how the characters thoughts and the skeleton voice is different. I imagine some studios may have hired one VA for both voices but the difference between the two is nice. Especially in a show which is probs gonna be very soliloquy heavy. Also Monster girl was hot and heavy for that skeleton, jesus christ. No, I'm not going to make the obvious bone joke, I'm better than that.
  10. When it's raining, look for the sparkle in the droplets. When it's dark take comfort in the silhouettes that envelop you lovingly. What seems bad can change in an instant if you'll let it and you can come away all the better for it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      Excuse you, that was my own personal musings, Huk had nothing to do with it >:

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      It had a strong Hukuna-like feeling to it tho :P

    4. Felicity


      I wouldn't be surprised. He's the closest guy to a writing role model I have nearby, not surprising if he rubbed off on me

  11. Head to the stadium, hand wave Nemo as healed before the explosions began
  12. It's not just knowing the anime/manga, wouldn't you also have to know the world and mass amount of characters aside from just the crew? Just inserting your own Ocs into the world defeats the point of using the world itself and to my knowledge, there is a veritable FUCKTON of characters in OP
  13. Claude, Alvin, Lana & Kristen Many of the students in the crowd began heading straight to Waiting Room B as soon as they realised the main exit was not an option, including a rather fantabulous coordinator, an obsessive Bug type lover, a shy young woman and firecracker of a trainer.
  14. How to solve all my friends problems

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Cookies. Cookies always work.

    2. Maelstrom


      You could let them solve it themselves sometimes. It builds character. =P

    3. Peepeepoopoo


      Stop having friends, then you don't have to care.

  15. I mean, what is unorganised to other people makes a sense to me. Method to the madness, everything is sorted in it's own weird little way

  17. Holee fuck socialising is hard. Rounders is fuking hard to play man

  18. "I wasn't aware that I was being talkative" Varick snorted in mirth. "I never really got the luxury of talking to the other half of my racial ancestry. Most were far keener to crack my skull than sit down for a chat. Still, it was a better life than being a frail little snow bunny."
  19. "There's hardly need for friendly chit-chat" Varick said bluntly to Neville, setting the name aside in his mind in the same place he would the recruits he had pegged to fall to the Orcs. This man was no different than most of Solaruim, aside from being far less scared. Varick would not begrudge him that but by no means would he force himself to suffer this mans company. Still it might serve to examine what other people were doing. A few conversations were sprouting... certainly between the two women sitting further away from him. There were as many who were quite silent, including a man who looked like quite the refined ruffian. Varick didn't like what he saw in that mans eyes. He had the same calculating look as the particularly ambitious soldiers Varick had met in his life. Varick quickly averted his eyes from the man. No need to bring attention to himself. He wanted nothing to do with any potential scheming, Varick changed his mind about talking to Neville. It might help to try and chip away some information. "So I assume you aren't well travelled, if you haven't encountered one of my ilk. Where are you from... Neville?"
  20. Varick didn't even realise the mage next to him was talking to his armoured self. after a few moments Varick realised he would have to give a response to the crass jape that had crossed the mages lips. "That is why I am unhappy you see. We Orcs are, of course, connoisseurs of terrible music and this farce doesn't have enough mistimed crashing or piercing squeals for my taste." He said slowly, trying not to let the sarcasm leak into his voice.
  21. Seeing that the last episode has given cause for the studio name to become a trope in itself (See Gainax Ending on TvTropes wiki) at the very least it's something memorable to see for anime fans. Kinda like going to see a certain piece of art history for art enthusiasts etc
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