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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. What in the ever loving fuck did I just watch.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Felicity


      As unlikely as it is, something makes m believe it's a famliy guy reference... it's the only other thig I know of that has made a similar joke...

    3. zimvader42


      Anime quotes family guy now?

    4. Felicity


      I mean, Family guy is the king of Dirty Jokes, rivaled only by South Park. This may have taken some inspiration, idk


    1. Shamitako


      *Is burned alive*

  3. Aight -Gangsta: Opinion above, I like the main two protags -Gate: I kinda really, really like this one so far. The opening made me think of the song from highschool of the dead, which is one of the best parts of that titfest. The protagonist is also interesting. Dude works for his hobby. Easy, done deal. He's also a generally nice guy, though this is offset by the fact that he quickly and easily murders an enemy just like that. plus there's the simple concept of ARMY VS MUTHAFUCKING FANTASY SHIT LESGO. That fantasy land is about to get Destroyed, until they bring out magic nukes. -Kekkai sensen, y u no have an episode anywhere cri, so close to being done QQ
  4. Varick grimaced at the terrible trumpeter as he played the godsawful music, not that anyone could see. He rested his covered head against a gauntleted hand, letting out a sigh. For now Varick would simply humour whoever wished for this indulgent introduction to what was evidently the most significant part of Varicks afterlife.
  5. Charlottes protagonist is absolute filth so far. So I'm expecting him to fuck up so badly he essentially takes the same development path as luke from Tales of The Abyss

    1. Meruem



      fucking smug. the female lead character is pretty likable so far tho. she's probably going to 'cause him to develop.

    2. Felicity


      Something tragic happens too the sister cuz of him mucking about with his abilities y/y?

    3. Meruem


      and then melodrama. tons of melodrama.

  6. I can't see any nonos now but I don't get last say. P.S, not team Shade, it's team Dusk
  7. I might save the potential hosts here and point out definite no nos as well some I wouldn't let fly as host. 1: Having Hilda, I'm assuming you mean the female prot of B/W as a mom. For one, I believe that Hilda is actually a character featured in this RP under the Alias White, playing the role of tech whiz in the organisation. Thus, you really can't do that as it interferes with the existing world and that character. P sure the mom would notice if they, you know, had a kid in the team. This would stretch to all characters in the pokeworld because, if I know Acqui, there's a plan for all of them. Besides, it reeks of "Son of the Legendary Hero" Sueism to me. 2: That timeline for Nate is really freaking weird. If I'm not mistaken, Dawn seized power immediately after coming back, so from your words, Hilda left Nate at the tender age of... Ten. Then, this ten year old for some reason decides "Woo, let's go hiking for 8 years" for whatever reason. What happened to other guardians, the dad, grandparents? Furthermore there's a whole lot of issues with going to live in the wilderness at that age. After 8 years this kid would have next to no clue what any kind of civilisation is like. He'd be freaking feral after learning to survive, if he survived. Because even with a pokemon, how many people manage to survive solely in the wilderness? The games protagonists not withstanding as they merely travelled, they didn't live solely in the wilderness. 3: Just a personal one. There's no detail at all on the relationship between him and his partner. Like, at all. He's just there. Like, whatevs.
  8. I agree with the verdict on Gangsta but I haven't got around to a lot of this season. Nicholas is a very interesting character yes, I love his design as well as how he simply acts all throughout the episode. And that final scene with the cop was just, well, it sent shivers arunning Also Shokugekis episode was good simply in how they knew another few episodes of tension would start hurting. They took the chance to give the audience that pay off of relief and it worked fantastically, setting them up for the second half of the show quite nicely.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeXLA1NU4Fc
  10. Hey here's another few pics from yesterday. This is going to be the last image I upload for the next six months
  11. See, I really want Varick to react to Ress'noks menton of being a prominent knight in Solaruim but I know that with the distance between them and the music going on I can't do that without shenanigans. Grrrrr
  12. These are hardly objections when considering this is Shipping.
  13. @Jeri, good choice. Is one of my fave songs an additional gift,Scarves
  14. I find it interesting how the pair of CW Identity topics I made currently have the exat same amount of views.

  15. KuroxMael. What was first respect could blossom into something... MORE melodramatically ShingxChubb. I just kinda mentally associate you guys and then Ashes. TacpsxSilver. C'mon, how has this NOT been done? NasDavxPwb. I'm going by Avis really but a ship is a ship and yours makes me think of Pwb Flux-x-Notus. You to felt so similar when I first got here I occasionally mixed you up, ngl. I believe that covered a lot of them, no?
  16. How was this not made but there's a big ol' announcement on Showdown?! C'mon guys!!! I humbly offer my musical offering Nightcore, of course
  17. Holy fuck the anime season got started quick. I was expecting a free week before it got into it all!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peepeepoopoo


      Anything good?

    3. Hiss13


      The season started off with a bang~

    4. Felicity


      I was expecting there to be fuck all.

      But Schools out. The night is mine. Lesgo

  18. NIGHTCORE which is... fun
  19. Varick was just unfazed. You think he's going to give more than a cursory glance to someone he's probably going to kill, be killed by or generally fight with?
  20. Beat your future into submission. It is yours to do with as you please and if isn't something you want you don't have to stand for that. A quick backhand to your present GPA should whip it into shape.
  21. Can someone change this pic to be avatar-able?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      Even if you crop via the site, Reborn Forums preserve the entire image on your profile.

      Unless that's changed recently and I haven't paid attention.

    3. Felicity


      Thank you peeps~

      My laptop is indeed that finicky to the point where I can't resize things

    4. Bearadactyl


      If you need any technical support; short of it being hardware given I can't really examine your laptop through a screen; I'll be glad to help out.

  22. Maybe we need a What do your legs look like thread
  23. Next post will involve an actual big plot point, last post was just having our MC acclimate to ghostly hauntingness. FYI, under no circumstances will he ever be able to interact with the world. He is no Patrick Swayze. He can only sense things, which is why he could touch the door but not actually move it. Touch is a strange sense to consider.
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