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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Tales of The Abyss finally arrived. It's... a nice way to battle but it feels like one of those "Easy to pick up, hard to master" games
  2. Nicked one... keeping another for the future....
  3. Food Porn Wars made it all better


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Odybld



      That thing? Don't mind, it's propably written and produced by a pound of crack cocaine

    3. zimvader42


      Yep, that lol

    4. Felicity


      Thing is the humour was rarely good. And my sense of humour is not complex by any means. It's just that every gag felt so forced it was just "ew"

  5. Praise be that this year we can add one huge achievement to the list of "Good things to impact a large part of the world"
  6. See, I fell for that because this kind of topic isn't actually that rare. Good job, you abused someone's sense of concern. Feel good?
  7. That was one hell of an episode of Buffy. The emotions were done so well by the actors

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. keltena


      Oh boy; you have my sympathies if you're a person who gets emotionally involved in fiction, because that episode is one of the most stark, painful depictions of grief I've ever seen. The lack of soundtrack just makes everything /way/ too real.

    3. Felicity


      The feelings were very strong in this one yes

    4. keltena


      Yyyyeah, that episode's considered one of the best in the series for a good reason. ;; If that's the kind of thing you appreciate, I think you'll probably like the rest of season 5...

  8. I dun even need to shit post, look at dat count <---- I just wanted t make a language, geez guys...
  9. 8/10 I like the expression on their face
  10. I'm not sure if I should switch this Avi out, it's one of the better ones I've found. If someone could offer a better one though...
  11. Bobbys ears perked up. "A test? Come on man, don't you have better things to do than kick our asses up and down the street in the name of a Test?" Bobby never liked written tests let alone any other kind. Bearing in mind what they had been learning, this sounded like it would be even worse...
  12. Luke in Tales of the Abyss has the same Va as Yosuke. I'm fine with this

  13. This kinda has to go here. Enjoy the fruits of my Media lessons...
  14. Home brewed Tentacles http://i.imgur.com/oDIFyDN.png

    1. Cowtao


      Don't let 'em touch you kids.

    2. MoneyMadam


      Remember kids, always use protection ;)

  15. Oh my lord, Xander just gave a damn fine speech.

  16. So we're studying Poetry at my school now and I can't afford to dunk just because I've never gelled with this particular art form. So, if you can't beat them, join them. I write this without much consideration as to what techniques I use. This is just a selfish bit of venting adapted to have another purpose. I am uncertain. I hesitate. My nerves are alive with tension and anxiety. You will take so much of me. You are a burden, you have driven better people than I to terrific deaths beneath your unrelenting weight. I look around, searching for comfort. I see those I care about. How much will you take from them? I seize up. I cannot move forward. I struggle and flail and scream myself raw and bloody. I seek a way out. I seek a way forward. One step, two steps. I move towards that end. My heart stops fluttering. You are a challenge. You are taunting us all. You think yourself immortal, unbeatable, eternal. I am small. I am imperfect. I will be victorious. I will not stop moving forward. You will fall.
  17. Here's hoping everything is/will be ok. Fuck knows what I'd do, especially if a family member got caught up
  18. According to Googles Earth Day quiz, I AM A HONEY BADGER! I WIN!

    1. Commander


      Honey Badger don't care!

  19. 7/10 I don't really like actual photos for avis but it's a nice shot
  20. huh it took a while for the website to make me fabulous

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm always fabulous so... don't got that issue.

    2. Maelstrom


      Now you have to end all your sentences with 'nya'.

    3. Flux


      ...please don't. :[

  21. Make-A-Language for Reborn. Mognite = Penis, because the first word most immature people learn of another language isn't hello, it's the term for genitalia. Don't you deny looking it up...
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