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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. when you have more posts than the entirety of news and announcements.

  2. Tbf i was treated by my course to seeing Sprited Away and i will agree that it was a damn good film. Can't speak to the other two, Ghibli film premises often aren't too interesting even if I know they're probably going to be damned good anyway.
  3. Everyone should watch Hot Fuzz so as not to be an uneducated heathen.
  4. wow, same for 4 of those, Cordelia, Camilla, Lucina and Roy. what're the odds.
  5. i got free medicine today this is a good day, it'll be even better when i get home tho.


    1. Hycrox


      pure and wholesome dobbs

    2. Felicity


      im a sweet summer child

  7. You are an interesting and likable person dammit

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~
    3. Ikaru


      well okay then

    4. Felicity


      i can hear the schoolgirl blush from here

  8. all that speculation on how cordelia may win and the dragon tiddies
  9. I would follow @Sir. CumsALot into battle.

    1. Hycrox


      dammit dobbs

  10. i have no clue on your music tastes but boo


    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      I like it! Thanks 

      I could use more cowbells tho 

  11. and so, in the name of medication, I out off on playing Persona 5 for a day longer.


    It hurts.

  12. tfw i just grabbed a fly out of the air and i feel like a fuckin ninja

    1. Animefan666


      Man who catch fly with chopsticks can do anything.

  13. I guess the trade-off is that navarre is not exactly top tier, unless his bst is off the charts, with his skills.
  14. I am bothering you now via the best obscure form of social media, i hope you are doing vell

  15. so camilla and olwen turned the GB into a joke, way easier than Michalis.
  16. yeah, my point though was that felicia has her niche, she kills all kinds of mages far easier than kagero, it doesn't matter who would win in a fight between them when that wasn't my point.
  17. Felicia is 100% a mage killer, her res stat is through the fucking roof on my 4* and with glacies that means she's a walking nuke, outfit her with some better skills and you've got someone who can tussle with the major mages and win.
  18. Every time I take this test the only thing that changes is whether I'm a INFP-A or an INFP-T. This round I was assertive, the personality fits well with me but considering I took it at a precarious point of forming an identity this test may have become a self fulfilling prophecy for me. Still happy with the results but it's food for thought, is that what I am or what i'm striving to be?
  19. what would you like to be doing by the time you're 40?
  20. I thought they changed it so the login bonuses change daily, p sure the rest of the week you can get orbs.
  21. Mother of God Trails, what in the fuck was that ending???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity




      also I have to say I was expecting more bs from the last boss. Funnily enough my underleveled party had a way easier time by spamming arts and jusis' platinum shield, didn't lose once. The main reason i lost in the second phase was cuz i couldnt spam shields as much and only had a shit ton of physical damage.

    3. Commander


      First boss of that section was hard for me (mostly because a certain users S-craft can screw you over with a 500% chance of inflicting Nightmare). I can't remember if I lost at any of the other phases other than that...certain boss.


      And that ending is...I'll be honest in that I was expecting something regarding a certain someone showing up, but I wasn't expecting all of that to happen. Also, I'll be very surprised if Olivier is not playable in the next game. Then again, I don't even know what the next game is about other than Rean is still in it and the graphics look amazing (RIP wheel though).

    4. Felicity


      oh the section as a whole, that s craft was annoying but strategic use of Fie's stealth, which i'm convinced is the most op craft in teh damn game, let me heal everyone right away. C's spheres were more of a hassle to me.

  22. when the motivation to act, persist or exist in anyway dries up life gets a hell of a lot harder.

  23. ur pokemon are a threat


    1. Amethyst


      ya damn right they are!!

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