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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. unskippable tutorials get tempered for me when they're weaved into actual story. I complained about it earlier but KH2s start, whilst insanely long, does quite a good job of at least easing you into the gameplay. If only cuz you only get to dip a toe at a time into the pool.
  2. man, first nightcore vid I fell in love with
  3. it looks pretty but I can barely tell what/who that is 7/10
  4. Persona also isn't exactly a mainstream hit, I dn't know ANYONE irl who's played it. I guess I'd also have to say long introductions (KH2 comes to mind). It's one thing to teach someone the ropes. It's another to drag it out for sooo long. Persona 4 also offends in that regard, the first two hours have a total of like 20 minutes gameplay. The rest is just huge, huge chunks of admittedly good dialogue. Eventually you get tired of talking, you know?
  5. So Yamada now just felt so rushed. The seventh witch may as well have just been a macguffin, which is annoying because I kinda wanted to know more about her and why she's apparently so terrifying. Also, there's so many things just logically wrong with this episode. The president had to erase memories of witches to protect order... and then things get worse. First, if you intended on doing that anyway, WHY LET THEM LEARN IN THE FIRST PLACE?! and second, wouldn't he have foreseen that from behaviour beforehand? This series would have been so much better as a season rollover, give it 20+ eps instead of cramming it all into 12/13
  6. For the monster coin thing, I always imagined it as like trading things like pelts or monster meat but the game cuts out the middle man and just hands you the money and not the resource. Still there are times when you get both resources AND money but, well, there's gotta be a lot of resources on a monster. A lot of issues I have lie in simple story telling conventions. The one Mael mentioned, where the other people in the world are nigh useless, is a big one. One I hate is disposable characters or issues that show up once JUST to pad out the game. "You need a crystal to power the thing. Wait, now you need three. Oh, and you have to go to three places and fight thee things to get one key to get to one crystal." Looking at you Darksiders 2...
  7. Of course best wishes go with you Zeph. I think the proverb "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst" is applicable here and I'm going to hope harder than anything in my life. It's your job to prepare accordingly, capiche? Regardless, ain't no daughter of mine gonna get set back by something as petty as an Earthquake, We'll just levitate the whole damn country and say "Fuck you nature"
  8. Look at the widdle baby

    1. Arkhi


      Now look at da big baby!

  9. So, to explain some of what has happened so far, Our main character is not in the world of the living. Right now he is in a purgatory of sorts. Before he can move on he must follow the lives of four people, three men and one woman, and try to identify who he was to these people. If he can successfully identify who he is and tell the voice this from the podium, he will be able to see his own life. From there he will be able to move on.
  10. I continue to look into the endless white reflected in the mirror. Why can't I see myself? This one question breaks a dam within my mind, a flood of questions overwhelm me, drowning me as I am unable to answer any of them. I cannot remember anything about myself. My mind struggles to produce memories, memories that could provide answers. I can feel them, they are a presence in my mind that I cannot touch, no matter how hard I can try. Now I feel something new yet familiar, just like my senses. I feel frustrated. The emotion courses through my body and I struggle to resist the urge to yell. Then it occurs to me that there is no reason to resist. I scream, raw and painful in my anger and confusion. I stop screaming as my throat starts to burn with the effort, my voice unable to sustain the raw emotion I am trying to express. What was the point when there was no one to listen? Where am I? Who am I? How did I get here? What is this place? The questions continue to crush me and the inability to answer them makes the frustration feel sharper. It is a dagger sinking into my side. I want relief from this pain but nothing responds to my fervent wish. I did not have any sense of time in the white room. I do not know how long it was until something happened. It felt like a short eternity. Eventually the voice spoke, deep and reassuring. "You seek answers" I do not reply. The voice needed none. " Look into the mirrors. Follow the four who felt you. Through others eyes we are seen clearest. Find yourself." The voice stopped speaking and as it did, three more mirrors appeared on the three other walls, all of them faced the centre of the room where a podium stood, as white as the room around it. I step onto the podium but nothing happens, there is no response. I dismiss it as not important for the moment. My frustration is replaced with hopeful curiosity. I look into the first mirror that appeared once more. Looking back at me is a small child, sitting in a white room much like mine. The child locks eyes with me, they are bright blue, like a summer sky I remember faintly. Now that I can do something, I am urged to act. I waste no time. I touch the mirror. The surface ripples and I find myself somewhere new, looking down at the child. I am in a hospital, standing beside a nurse. She is preparing food for the baby, murmuring gently to it as it lay in a crib, a pillow supporting it's head gently. "Who's a good girl? Drink your milk whilst your mama gets better." The child squeaks and gurgles as it is picked up, eager for the food and oblivious to the words of the nurse. Who is this child?
  11. Forum Name: Dobby or some variation of Server Name: DobbyTheElfI Opinion of your own skills (1-10): CONFIDENCE Timezone: GMT+1 Hours best for you: 5pm-11pm Hours worst for you: 6am-3pm Anticipated time away July 13th- July 20th
  12. Well she'll be a character I'll personally be playing in Strats new shindig, I meant it as in just generally setting her up to be in Graterras with backstory and abilities and whatnot. Still, It's the weekend and I'm feeling up to writing so I'll probably get her touched up and ready to go tomorrow. Character creation and thinking of the concepts for who they are is one of my favourite parts of RPing and writing in general after all ^^
  13. Site shop mess with others items, like change pic or Status, should have a fixed time limit before the person who it was used on can update.

    1. Felicity


      If any f you dare to fuck with my profile to coerce me into the lotad monarchy somebody will bleed

    2. Reignited'Light
  15. I mean, it's hard to keep an RP going without an over arching goal. Why go on with no motivation? On the other hand, very few have accomplished their over arching goal to begin with.
  16. Urgh, we had a few lessons in Ruby a year or so ago in It. It was rather confusing.
  17. It's interesting sure but I imagine there would be the issue of sorting mechanics out, setting power levels, maybe some issues with combat etc.
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