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Everything posted by Felicity


    1. zimvader42


      Who stole your identity? and why?

    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Azery on the server lol

  2. ok, so how about moves that affect stats? Are we using the same route of whimsical logic Ymora implied. I'm afraid I didn't read SS so I'm unsure as to how the battles worked there. Further, I'm assuming we start with one low level mon? This leads me on to questions like maximum captured mons. Further, will the actual OOC include details about the actual culture of the populace?
  3. Uh, I'm in but I have a couple of questions just a little niggle, what genre would you actually place this as outside of sci-fi? If we're going to continue with the anime terminology, is this a more mature shounen (aimed at young boys) or is it a seinen, straight up meant for older audiences? I ask out of formality. Knowing you it will be the latter rather than the former but I dunno, maybe you wanted to keep a small ember of the innocent fire that continues to fuel pokemon today. Also, how long do you think this plot will take?. I'm slowly learning that having a rough time scale for an RP is a very good idea
  5. What do you consider to be your best and worst traits? - [6/9/2015] Being Stubborn and being Persistent.
  6. "It gives me a happy" <3 Xander, best buffy character

  7. 9/10, cool art and a nice character design from what I can see
  8. These are for anyone who wants 'em really but the last one makes me think of Clara.
  9. Pretty avi again. Pretty avis make me feel better

  10. Pretty avi again. Preety avis make me feel better

    1. Arkhi


      Hoodies are awesome.

  11. Pretty avi again. Prety avis make me feel better

  12. LITTLE GREEN DOGGIE THE LITTLE GREEN DOGGIE I LOVE IT SO MUCH <3<3<3<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3 <3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33 <3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33 <3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<3
  13. Name: Adam Animal: Alpaca Boys Name: Alfonse Girls Name: Anita Occupation: Author (Oh look, it's my dream job huh) Colour: Alabaster white Something you wear: A... hat? Jk, I won't cheat. Assless chaps Drink: Aspirin-laced water Food: Apple Something you find in the bathroom: Aspirin Place: Antarctica (No, not america, ya stupid yanks) Reason to be late: Accidental explosion Something you shout out: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SAVENYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  14. One thing: If the trailers music is any indication then we get awesome music. The PMD soundtrack is actually the most consistently good feature throughout all 3 games imo.
  15. I know that exams are a factor for some people and I'm conscious of that. Even so, it still feels ike interest is dwindling and that worries me
  16. No, it's actually prompting me to ask something myself. Is there an issue with my writing? Is there just not enough interest in this RP anymore? I didn't expect us to get off to a great start after the rocky transition between hosts but the drop in interest in this from what it was has been so severe that it's been worrying me for some time. Is it worth carrying on right now? If not I can explain what my plan was for the first few number holders. I won't divulge the over arching story though in case tomas wants to reboot this when he has time, it was his project after all.
  17. If the hosts drive doesn't exist then there's not much point to continue, post quality will suffer. I'd rather you didn't go, you know your way around an RP, but ultimately it's your choice.
  18. Man, I'm touched. You know the same goes for you. I'm afraid I'm not going to list out 20+ people like Bibs because I know for a fact that I will miss people out and feel so fucking guilty for it so I'm going to say this. I'm afraid to think where I'd be without this community and am so thankful that I clicked that one Shofu video. God bless that salty, salty man.
  19. how about an actual robot, like, without a pokemon theme?
  20. this kinda sounds like sarcasm. Wassup?
  21. I don't know wtf the girl is doing at the start but IT'S THE TITLE THAT MATTERS
  22. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I dunno. I'm slowly thinking that I swing either way, leaning more towards hetero for sexual attraction but who I like isn't based on sex. Thing is I never thought about it. All that mattered was whether I liked someones company and wanted to show affection and have that be reciprocated. That's still the case. If ever sex does appeal to me it's as a way to make a significant other happy. As for gender identity, I don't care what people see me as unless I want to be romantically involved because it's no one elses concern. If I wanna cry at something sad I'll cry, If I wanna yell and growl like a moron I will. If I wanna dress without regard for current fashion for men then fuck it, that's what I'll do. It has the same significance as picking my dinner for me.
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