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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. I have instantly fallen in love with this song
  2. I am immediately regretting this name change, it's so annoying to flick back to my profile with the smaller space to click

  3. Each ranger uses their own colour... >.>
  4. Fuck it all, we're getting the damn Power rangers for the E4 and Champion battles. Monocolour!
  5. Well that was a disgusting ending to that episode of Fate/

    1. Peepeepoopoo


      Disgusting end to a disgusting character. I'd say it was fitting.

  6. A very similar topic was started a while ago. I know this is one cuz I specifically remember Ark making it. My reasoning is in my profile thinger, though it does need updating. That shiz is pretty old now.
  7. Axels face just made me so happy
  8. Ozzy was just about to let loose with a gout of fire when Krys ran forward to strike at the beast. "Gah, what do you think you're doing?" He yelled. "Do you want to be burned to a crisp?!" He yelled as he aimed the fire upwards rather than at the beast and now Krys.
  9. last I knew Comm and I were together, it used to be Huk and Murdoc, Sev and Strat (Wander and Sevonic) So yeah that leave just enough people for pairings so long as one person goes with Lilith and then two PCs join up
  10. Don't even know, thought it was Yamada from the new seasons Yamada-kun no 7 magi something something japanese Still, 8/10 Scratch this, I've swapped my Avi like 3/4 times after posting here.
  11. You have to find that line between gently pushing your character in the right direction and directing them to go to a specific place against all logic that the character themselves has. Former is what we want, not the latter
  12. If there's one thing I'll take away from Reborn, it is that I will always strive to listen to and understand anyone who wants to confide in me. This place has been a godsend and I dread who I may have become without it.
  13. 4600 posts is a strange number to notice

    1. Felicity


      I blame sleep deprivation

    2. Meruem
  14. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh This is a remixed version but xion honey oh god wai the feels the feels.....
  15. IF THAT IS YAMADA 10/10 if not 7/10
  16. Everyone goes through funks like these. Updating YGO was lke that for the past week or so for me but I'm getting back into the swing of things
  17. Karrin sighed, lounging back into her seat. She didn't feel ready to go to sleep yet, she was still to pumped up... but of course what was there for her to do? Her partner, Nina, seemed nice enough but Karrin really didn't know what to say. "Making friends sucks" Karrin whined to herself, sighing in her restless boredom with furrowed eyebrows and a frown creeping over her face as she flicked her hair back out of her eyes every 5 seconds, like clockwork.
  18. YOU PLAY EMBERLY WITH FIERY PASSION HUK! but yeah, no real idea what to do with Karrin so imma just chuck her into the room
  19. Seeing as every single video in this thread is linked from YT, there is no actual difference. Until I do this He took his skin off for me. A small project that is simultaneously horrifying, disgusting and yet irrefutably high in quality.
  20. "Your new skill is the ability to overcome any difficult-" FUCK OFF

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Felicity


      I think the typical name is Dunmacchi but yeah, this was just meh for me. Any self-respecting author should know that even with this freaking unoriginal setting that that is just flying in the face of the audience. SAO got shit for Kirito being OP, this is just...

      Fun fact, Bell has the same VA as Kirito

    3. Felicity


      and going off the opening they still have two more characters to intro soooo rushed ending or suspected season 2. The pandering may just be enough for another season

    4. zimvader42


      To be honest, after watching the first episode I figured it was going to be a "mad powerhouse" kind of thing. And I was right lol. I watch it for the fun-factor rather than the story.

      Still, I think his new ability isn't really as OP as it sounds: I interpreted Heastia's words as "you'll have a lucky punch", meaning he'll have a super powerful move to use if in danger, but it doesn't guarantee an instant kill. Dunno I hope is something like that.

  21. I swear to god we actually have had a thread like this. I distinctly remember one existing. And then dying http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12378&hl=%2Bfavourite+%2Bvideo
  22. To that end I've personally avoided reading peoples character sheets. Easiest way to not meta game is to not know how. I'm sure they're all very interesting but I really don't trust myself.
  23. I haven't forgotten before when Hayato told us the initial of the girl he likes... Fucker. (I knew what he was gonna say beforehand anyway cuz obvious but come on) honestly this feels like the kind that won't ever give romantic resolution. And oddly I'm kinda fine with that. Also, whilst it may not appeal to the people who despise Fairy tail (And is several weeks late), news has reached my ears that filler is over and it's safe to return to Fairy tail now that they're apparently starting a very relevant Arc. A lot about that show is off but when they actually do relevant things in the world my interest gets piqued. It was one of my entry shows so it'll always have a special place in my heart for that. HOLY FUCK THEY TOOK OP CHARACTERS TO A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL "Your new skill is the ability to overcome any difficulty" HE IS LITERALLY UNBEATABLE NO MATTER WHAT BY THAT LOGIC. THIS MC COULD FUCK OVER SUPERMAN AND GOKU TOGETHER WITH THIS SKILL APPARENTLY
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